Sentences with phrase «moderate effect size»

A moderate effect size was found (partial eta squared = 0.082).
A meta - analysis of risk factors for victimization of women found a moderate effect size (r =.28) for the association between victimization and depression (Stith et al. 2004).
STAI - Trait, STAXI anger expression and TCI Novelty Seeking mean scores also achieved notable post-therapy changes with a moderate effect size (from 0.53 to 0.77), although the difference for STAXI anger expression was not significant.
A mean small to moderate effect size was found (r = 0.18).
We were pleased with the improved levels of parent satisfaction and perceived competence (at a moderate effect size) that occurred after the workshop, in only seven weeks.
ANOVA of IH score by the relative frequency of condom use with non-steady partners, with covariates, the number of non-steady partners that they had unprotected anal intercourse within the past year and perceived control over sexual risk - taking, demonstrated a small - to - moderate effect size (η2 = 0.03).
A priori power analyses determined that a total of 234 participants would offer 80 % power to detect a small - to - moderate effect size.
A byproduct was a significant gain but moderate effect size in PCK.
Significant moderate effect sizes were found for all levels of SSTP for reducing child problems, the primary outcome of interest.
Small to moderate effect sizes were found for school achievement (ES = 0.28) and for school grades (ES = 0.34).
Although research has demonstrated that traditional cognitive - behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective tool in relation to childhood anxiety (e.g., Barrett et al., 2001; Hirshfeld - Becker et al., 2008), meta - analytical investigations have shown only moderate effect sizes for the efficacy of CBT with children and called for the improvement of traditional CBT treatment (Reynolds et al., 2012).

Not exact matches

Researchers found statistically significant improvements in knowledge, more positive attitudes towards fathers and heightened intention to engage with fathers in practice after the training, with moderate to strong effect sizes.
While «most studies (90 %) demonstrated significant improvements on at least one outcome indicator,» with effect sizes «moderate to large,» several limitations of the studies are also discussed.
Overall, at 12 weeks, the mean fatigue score in the GES group was 4 points lower than in the control group, consistent with a moderate size effect.
, Effect of a Moderate Fat Diet With and Without Avocados on Lipoprotein Particle Number, Size and Subclasses in Overweight and Obese Adults: A Randomized, Controlled Trial.
This is the first study to show adverse effects of low to moderate consumption of fructose - glucose -, and sucrose - containing beverages over a period of only 3 wk on LDL size and other parameters of lipid and glucose metabolism as well as on inflammatory response in healthy young men.
This meta - analysis reviews the research on formative assessment, re-examining Black and Wiliam's (1998) claim that it has an effect size of 0.4 - 0.7 (moderate) on student learning.
While Black and Wiliam (1998) found an effect size of 0.4 to 0.7 (moderate), Kingston and Nash (2011) found an effect size of 0.2 (small) in their own meta - analysis.
For example, we know that Teach For America and UTeach both produce above - average teachers, although their effects are moderate in size and limited to math and science.
The moderating effects of organizational characteristics are to be expected, since district size and school size almost always «make a difference,» no matter what the focus of the research is.180 Elementary schools are typically more sensitive than secondary schools to leadership influence, although previous leader - efficacy research has reported mostly non-significant effects.181 And the rapid turnover of principals has been widely decried as anathema to school improvement efforts.182 Now we have some evidence that the positive effects of leader efficacy are also moderated by school and district size (the larger the organization, the less sense of efficacy among principals).
I could list the effects on my school, where we made hard choices to reduce after - school programs and time for teacher collaboration in an effort to maintain moderate class sizes and services to students with disabilities.
These did have more moderate (but positive) effect sizes because, presumably, the cardio challenges were absent.
The conclusion reached by this team of researchers was that in all grade levels that were related to computers in the classrooms, there were small -LRB--.09) to moderate -LRB--.35) effect sizes for reductions in conduct violations and disciplinary actions and improved attendance.
As was the case with the 36 - month follow - up, effect sizes were in the range of small to moderate.
Effect sizes of 0.2 - 0.5 are considered small, those between 0.51 - 0.81 are considered moderate, and those over 0.8 are considered large.
Most people in the experiments still felt a moderate amount of jealousy, but the folks in the secure condition scored almost a full point lower (on the 1 - 7 scale we used); this is considered a «moderately» large effect size.
Effect sizes were defined as small, moderate and large based on Cohen's guidelines (0.2, 0.5 and 0.8 thresholds, respectively).
For example, as expected, the scales for optimism, self - concept, and satisfaction with life correlated strongly positively with each other, and negatively with sadness and worries, whereas the scales of empathy and prosocial behavior exhibited correlations of small effect size with sadness and worries, and small to moderate ones with optimism, self - concept, and satisfaction with life.
An effect size of 0.2 is small; 0.5, moderate; and 0.8, large.44
The size of the CfC impacts on most outcomes was small, but can be considered positive relative to what was observed in the early phase of the UK Sure Start evaluation.3 The current results are also comparable in size to those found in the later impact evaluation of the Sure Start programme, in which 3 - year - old children were exposed to mature SSLP throughout their entire lives.4 Reviews of the effectiveness of early childhood interventions have found that most studies reported effect sizes on parenting and child outcomes that were small to moderate.14 15 When comparing CfC and SSLP with other interventions, it is important to remember that the evaluations of these interventions measured effects on an entire population, rather than on programme participants, as is the case in the evaluation of many other interventions.
Effect sizes were interpreted as providing «no evidence of effectiveness» if SMD < 0.20, «small» if 0.20 < SMD < 0.40, «moderate» if 0.40 < SMD < 0.75, «large» if > 0.75.
Results indicate that children who participated in 14 sessions of CCPT showed a moderate decrease in aggressive behaviors over children in the control group, according to effect sizes as reported by parents.
Effect sizes were generally in the moderate to high range.
Effect size calculations revealed that CCPT demonstrated a large treatment effect on externalizing behavior problems and a moderate treatment effect on internalizing behavior proEffect size calculations revealed that CCPT demonstrated a large treatment effect on externalizing behavior problems and a moderate treatment effect on internalizing behavior proeffect on externalizing behavior problems and a moderate treatment effect on internalizing behavior proeffect on internalizing behavior problems.
Power calculations also showed that the trial had adequate power to detect effect sizes in the small to moderate range.
This suggests that the study had adequate power to detect effect sizes in the small / moderate range.
Effect sizes (Cohen's «d») were found to be in the small to moderate range, with d ranging from.03 to.31 (median:.22).
As we note, effect sizes were in the small to moderate range.
Notice also that the number of items in the delinquency questionnaire moderated the link between psychological control and delinquency in our meta - analysis: the more items, the stronger the effect size.
The magnitude of the effect sizes ranged from small to moderate.
Written emotional expression: Effect sizes, outcome types, and moderating variables.
A consistent pattern was seen on the total score of this measure (sum of the five subscale scores), with parents (d = 0.43 [effect size of change pre-post treatment], t [17] = 1.80, p =.090) and team members (d = 0.31; t [27] = 2.57, p =.016) suggesting mild to moderate improvements.
The larger average effect was produced by between 20 and 25 % of the programs that had effect sizes larger than.5 (which is considered to represent a moderate - to - large effect).
Consistent with the intersectionality framework, gender and particular racial / ethnic categories involved in a youth» s biracial self - identification moderated poor social adjustment but the effect sizes were relatively small.
For curative interventions, a moderating effect was found for type of outcome (smaller effect sizes were found for studies using self - report data obtained from parents compared to studies using official reports).
Effect sizes were moderate to large and did not vary with a depression rating scale uncontaminated by ADHD - related items.
Results showed that parent smoking status had a moderate - sized effect on adolescent smoking.
First, the amount of explained variance in this study was small to moderate, with standardized beta coefficients for significant parenting effects ranging in size from.13 to.24.
Third, our sample size was small to moderate, and therefore, the power to uncover small effect sizes may have been limited.
The SDQ is one of the most widely used validated measure of mental health in children and is sensitive to change; in intervention studies, effect sizes have been shown to be moderate to large.27 — 29
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