Sentences with phrase «moderate exercise program»

However, this weight gain can be prevented in consultation with a veterinarian who will prescribe a program reducing the pets caloric intake and creating a tailor - made moderate exercise program.
These weight gains can be prevented or minimized by consulting with your veterinarian who can design a program that safely reduces the pet's caloric intake and also create a tailor - made moderate exercise program.
You can safely begin a light to moderate exercise program that can include walking or swimming.
«We found that after 12 weeks of being on a moderate exercise program, study participants improved their neural efficiency — basically they were using fewer neural resources to perform the same memory task,» says Dr. Smith.
These are some weight loss changes that you're likely to see and a sample timeline of when you're likely to see them if you stick to a healthy reduced - calorie eating plan and a moderate exercise program.
It is also important that you also eat a low fat diet and have a moderate exercise program.
Two years into a plant based / moderate exercise program she looks great.
In some cases, Dr. Kalan will delay treatments for a month so that a patient can start a moderate exercise program before they begin fertility treatments.
For the study, researchers had a group of 508 healthy pregnant women who were nine to 11 weeks pregnant either take part in a moderate exercise program (they exercised three times per week) or simply learn more about the importance of proper nutrition and regular exercise while pregnant.
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