Sentences with phrase «moderate intensity cardio then»

Not exact matches

Cardio blast: Bike, run, or inline skate at an easy to moderate intensity for 5 minutes, then increase to a moderate pacefor 3 minutes.
When you do cardio at a low to moderate intensity, the body's preferred fuel is glycogen (carbohydrate) first, and then fats.
First do a 5 - minute warm - up, then alternate one minute of high - intensity cardio with two - minutes of moderate recovery.
For example, after a 3 - 5 minute warm - up of moderate cardio, you'd do 1 minute at a slightly harder than normal cardio pace and then bring the intensity down to a cool - down pace for 1 minute.
If you've got time on your hands, then the best approach might be to add in some moderate - intensity cardio — jogging, cycling, frisbee or dancing.
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