Sentences with phrase «moderate symptoms»

More moderate symptoms include vomiting and / or diarrhea.
Stage 2: Stage two of heartworms in dogs is accompanied by moderate symptoms including intolerance for exercise and a more lingering cough.
Even moderate symptoms are usually the result of a deeper issue (rather than just naturally high testosterone or something that can be fixed easily).
A person suffering from moderate symptoms, taking medications, with no history of drug or alcohol abuse and no hospitalization due to ADHD, would receive a standard rate class.
Stage 2: Stage two of heartworms in dogs is accompanied by minimal to moderate symptoms including intolerance for exercise and a more lingering cough.
A recent Rutgers University study found that women with moderate symptoms of multiple sclerosis experienced improvements in balance, walking, coordination, and quality of life after eight weeks of practicing yoga.
If your allergies are severe If you're still feeling the pollen in a big way after trying Rx treatments for moderate symptoms, talk to your MD about immunotherapy (allergy shots).
Although most patients do not go into long remissions and may even decline over time, some 20 to 30 percent of this majority experience only moderate symptoms that interfere with — but do not devastate — their ability to perform in the workplace or maintain friendships.
For those for whom excision surgery is not available or who have persistent pain despite surgery and other medical therapies, other lifestyle changes may help moderate symptoms and give the woman a sense of control over her situation.
The idea that there is a spectrum of autism disorders highlights that children may have symptoms that range from being very severe with impacts in most areas of their lives, to more moderate symptoms that are less limiting.
However, in cases with moderate symptoms evaluation by a veterinarian (and radiographs) is recommended to ascertain that the gastropexy site has not broken down (very rare).
Four categories of mood severity were operationally defined: MSI scores less than 10 represent minimal symptoms, scores of 11 to 20 reflect mild symptoms, scores of 21 to 35 equate moderate symptoms, and scores higher than 35 indicate severe symptoms.
Narrative focus moderates symptom change trajectories in group treatment for traumatized and bereaved adolescents.
If they agreed, they were told what mental health issue they probably had, and were urged to seek help by speaking either to a unit welfare officer (for moderate symptoms), a medical officer (more severe symptoms), or told that no professional support was needed if no risk was identified.
Children with moderate symptoms of autism spectrum disorders are usually diagnosed with high functioning autism or Asperger's syndrome.
Placebos seem to help very depressed patients less than they help those with moderate symptoms.
On the other hand, those with mild to moderate symptoms may only need a comprehensive psychological approach such as that offered by Total Focus.
Medication is definitely needed in children with severe symptoms, but children with mild to moderate symptoms can often show significant improvement with a comprehensive psychological and behavioral program.
And although some mothers only present with mild to moderate symptoms, most mothers who experience it characterize it as much more than just any ordinary kind of itching.
... Based on our findings, it is probable that AD does not fully resolve in most children with mild to moderate symptoms.
Already in phase II trials in patients with mild - to - moderate symptoms, the drug is thought to work by binding to fragments of amyloid - beta — insoluble, neuron - damaging peptides that aggregate in the brains of those with Alzheimer's — both neutralizing it and making it easier for immune cells in the brain to eliminate it (see «Neural defenders»).
Scientists ruled that those who were scanned may have moderate symptoms.
Most had mild to moderate symptoms, the findings showed.
Generally, a dose between 250 - 500 mg (check caffeine amounts here) could produce some of the above mild to moderate symptoms, especially in those with no tolerance of high caffeine sensitivity.
A wide range of severity is associated with MLS, so some dogs may experience mild to moderate symptoms, while others may be severely impaired.
For mild to moderate symptoms of brachycephalic airway syndrome, vets may recommend medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications or corticosteroids.
Type 1 vWD is a quantitative reduction in the amount of circulating vWF and typically causes mild to moderate symptoms.
Interpretations of the scores for both subscales are based on the following cut - offs: 8 — 10, mild symptoms; 11 — 15, moderate symptoms; 16 or above, severe symptoms (Snaith and Zigmond 1994).
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