Sentences with phrase «moderate your intake if»

Measure your portions and moderate your intake if you're trying to lose weight.

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Moderate indulgence is fine (and totally inevitable), but watch your intake of empty calories, especially if they start to replace important nutrients.
Also good if you are moderating your carb intake.
It can work effectively if you're disciplined enough to eat moderate amounts of healthy foods when you do have a meal and dedicated to reducing your overall calorie intake.
If you only consume a low or moderate amount of protein, it may help you boost muscle growth simply by increasing your protein intake (12).
If you're a moderate water drinker, detoxing your body may be as simple as upping your water intake.
moderate carb intake is best for fat loss and energy the word low is temporary and high carb is only for true athletes if not doctor crisis!
If you're an adult, it's ok to drink alcohol, as long as your alcohol intake is moderate and with meals.
You don't need to banish soy from the menu, if you're not able to, but stick to the moderate to low intake.
If you combine a healthy lifestyle and exercise with a sensible, balanced diet, you are much less likely to get cellulite, and to reduce it, you should moderate your intake of:
Sure enough, the 3,342 people over the age of 65 were far less likely to die from any cause if they were in the moderate or high protein intake group.
I don't think you need to cut your calories or go for anything more that the «moderate» deficit (KetoDiet Buddy - Easy Macro Calculator for the Ketogenic Diet) If you have a thyroid disease, low calorie intake would only make it worse.
If you decide to reinforce your selenium supplement with a strong food intake, rather than the moderate food intake you'll automatically achieve without thinking, here are the best healthy sources:
The sugar content of pineapple isn't as staggeringly high as some paleo diet followers believe and is completely harmless for acne if you slot the pineapple into a designated moderate - sugar fruit slot, while keeping your sugar intake low outside of fruits.
There is a free Superhuman Food Pyramid on my website that is categorized into Eat, Moderate, and Avoid categories, and for a proper anti-inflammatory food intake, especially if you're injured or trying to optimize recovery, you'd only want to choose foods in the «Eat» category.
If you exercise regularly and are looking to build muscle and gain strength, you'll actually benefit from a moderate to high carb intake, but rather than focusing on counting carbs, you should focus on selecting the right carbs.
While you can still lose fat with moderate levels of insulin present, you will not be able to mobilize as many fatty acids as if you were controlling your carbohydrate intake to what you need.
If you prefer a «moderate» carb intake then try to choose unrefined starch sources like potatoes, sweet potatoes, oats, rice and other non-gluten grains.
If you can learn to moderate your intake, pretty much every food can fit into your diet guilt free.
The benefits, if any, mostly come from moderate, regular intake over time.
Most animals may have some mild to moderate digestive problems if their fiber intake is inadequate, but rabbit digestion relies heavily on fibrous foods to function properly.
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