Sentences with phrase «moderately high carbohydrate»

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Moderately low carbohydrate diet improves «metabolic fitness»: Dr. Ronald Krauss, a long - standing Harvard - trained medical doctor and researcher, presents the physical processes behind the consequences of a high carbohydrate, low - fat diet on blood triglyceride levels vs a moderate to high fat diet.
All involve a low carbohydrate Mediterranean style eating plan, with a moderately higher fat intake.
Sticking to complex carbohydrates, lots of vegetables, moderately - high protein and healthy fats will keep you satiated throughout the day by providing bulk and slower - digesting calories.
Also, their previous studies have found that a moderately low - carbohydrate diet that includes healthy sources of fat and protein — such as olive oil, nuts, poultry, fish, whole grains and legumes — can better lower the risk of premature death from cardiovascular disease than low - fat, high - carb diets.
For maximum performance and an optimal lean mass gain to body fat mass gain ratio, meals must have more than just lots of calories; they must have optimal macros, which for the typical hardgainer is going to be high carbohydrate, moderately - high protein, and moderately - high fat.
Regarding carbohydrate source, a diet with a low versus high glycemic index can be used to reduce HbA1c moderately (by ∼ 0.5 %).13 Case series and pilot studies reveal more substantial improvements in HbA1c and other benefits (less hypoglycemia and reduced glycemic variability) with a very low — carbohydrate diet (VLCD).14 — 21 Although varying to some degree among studies, a VLCD is typically defined as ≤ 20 to 50 g per day of carbohydrates or ≤ 5 % to 10 % carbohydrates as a proportion of calories.22 — 24 In T1DM, small sample sizes and methodological issues limit the significance of VLCD benefits, and little is known about prevalence, practice, and sustainability.
Acana's Light & Fit dog food features high protein, fairly low fat, high fiber, and moderately low carbohydrates.
Acana Light & Fit dog food has high protein, fairly low fat, high fiber, and moderately low carbohydrates.
The food includes an estimated carbohydrate value of 48 % which is a moderately high amount.
Diabetic dogs just need a diet that is meat based - high protein that is moderately fat and carbohydrate restricted.
Beneful Healthy Smile Dog Food has moderately high protein and low fat, and a very high carbohydrate content.
We recommend feeding your Springer Spaniel a diet consisting of high protein, moderately high fats and a limited amount of carbohydrates.
The food contains 45 % carbohydrates which is a moderately high percentage for most foods.
The best diet for diabetic dogs and cats include high - protein, moderately fat, and low / no carbohydrate food.
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