Sentences with phrase «moderating variable»

A moderating variable is a factor that influences or changes the relationship between two other variables. It alters the strength or direction of the relationship between the two main variables. Full definition
When peer rejection has been analyzed as moderating variables significant associations emerged between low math and verbal self - concepts, respectively, and high risk of behavioral problems.
Potential moderating variables included age and gender, generalized stress response and illness — related coping strategies, beliefs of control, perceived social support, personality factors, expressed emotion and life stressors.
1:42 P.M. Capt. Smith, Titanic: Have had moderate variable winds and clear fine weather since leaving.
In one case, the effect was only reproduced after excluding participants who were unaware of stereotypes about the mathematical abilities of Asians or women, [33] while the other replication failed to reproduce the original results even considering several moderating variables.
Besides examining main treatment effects for each dependent variable, analysis also explored possible moderating variables.
In addition to this work, investigations of potential moderating variables will also elucidate the mechanisms by which parental behaviors shape early academic abilities.
However, an analysis of data - use effects reported in Section 2.5, which did not use principal efficacy as a moderating variable, also reported significant data use effects on students, but only in elementary schools.
Activity of inflammation, on the other hand, may be a moderating variable.
A Study on the Relationship between Well - Being and Turnover Intentions among Rural School Teachers: School Organizational Climate as a Moderating Variable
A comprehensive meta - analysis of triple P - positive parenting program using hierarchical linear modeling: Effectiveness and moderating variables.
The relationship between childhood maltreatment, moderating variables, and adult psychological difficulties in women: An overview.
For the moderating variables, we focused on peer rejection among their classmates.
Written emotional expression: Effect sizes, outcome types, and moderating variables.
Gagné, Lavoie, and Hébert (2005), in a survey of data with 917 female adolescents, they reported that violence experienced outside the family was established as a stronger risk variable for re-victimization in romantic relationships than family violence, insofar as it presented itself as a moderating variable between experiences of violence in the family of origin and the affective - sexual relationships of adolescents.
For estimating the overall effect for all included child maltreatment interventions, only preventive interventions, and only curative interventions, as well as for examining potential moderating variables, a three - level meta - analysis technique was used.
Potential moderating variables (i.e., study design characteristics, contextual factors, structural elements, and specific intervention practices) were examined by testing them in a three - level meta - analytic model as covariates.
Limited support was obtained for gender as a moderating variable.
In addition, a correlation matrix was run computing Pearson's correlation coefficients for all control variables and the dependent, independent and moderating variables, in order to highlight the fact that there is no statistically significant correlation between the dependent variable and any of the control variables.
Contemporary approaches and classic advice for analyzing mediating and moderating variables
For the analyses of the moderating variable child age, the aggregated age groups within studies were divided back into the ages for which stress was reported separately within studies.
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