Sentences with phrase «modern conservative party»

Unfortunately HF the modern Conservative party has taken the right of deselection away from ordinary members.
But the past four decades have demonstrated that the modern Conservative Party can no longer be trusted in its role as the guardian of British institutions.
«At its heart, this plan is about the defining value of the modern Conservative Party: responsibility.
These views have no place in the modern Conservative party
«Over the five years I saw a Conservative party move from a party that was still in the after - glow of huskies and rose gardens; a party that flirted for a moment with being a modern Conservative party.
Many of Obama's policies would not be out of place in modern Conservative party policy document, and Cameron has made no secret of his admiration for the Senator from Illinois.
Put another way, the agreement he has signed with the Liberal Democrats could make Cameron the most transformational Tory figure since Robert Peel, the founder of the modern Conservative party.
He added: «If we do not seek to act on it, the idea of a modern Conservative party starts to fray at the edges, and I do not wish my party to gain a reputation for ignoring these key issues.»
He is (as far as we know) the first Chinese Parliamentary candidate selected by any of the major parties - showing the fact that the modern Conservative Party is truly an inclusive and meritocratic party.»
He told Channel 4 News: «It's very clear that the modern Conservative party is fully committed to equal opportunities to tolerance and anti-discrimination measures.
Leadership, character, judgment: that is what the country needs at a time like this and that is what the modern Conservative party offers.»
[125] Burke was affiliated with the Whig Party which eventually became the Liberal Party, but the modern Conservative Party is generally thought to derive from the Tory party and the MPs of the modern conservative party are still frequently referred to as Tories.
The Financial Times's values are closer to those of a modern Conservative party than to any other - that it is to say, a belief in the market economy, a limited role for the state, low taxation and maximum freedom of choice.
You have failed and it falls to us, the modern Conservative Party to fight for the poorest who you have let down.»
The book, to be published by Biteback in October, is the West Dorset MPs take on the central themes and ideas of the modern Conservative party from the time of his old boss Margaret Thatcher to Theresa May's tenure in Number 10.
We speak for the mainstream of the modern Conservative Party in Parliament and in our constituencies, and for the voting public, both in the UK and throughout Europe.
The curve of the modern Conservative Party is therefore a preparatory period of rise from 1847 to 1886, a period of massive supremacy from 1886 to 1964, and a new period of crisis after 1964.
This image would be an unfair portal of the modern Conservative Party, but politics — like life — isn't always fair.
Crucially, it would also provide her with the ability to talk about her own rise to power — not an easy rise for a woman in politics — and to talk about the changing face of the modern Conservative Party.
The latest row marks the second time in recent months Mr Redwood has been described as out of step with the modern Conservative party.

Not exact matches

The political revolution that brought conservatives to power began in its modern form in 1960, when Barry Goldwater failed is his attempt to gain the Republican Party's presidential nomination.
Lord Heseltine is a frightful old humbug who divided the Conservative party more than anybody else in our modern history and a period of silence on his part would be welcome.»
All parties are broad churches, but the modern Conservatives are especially so.
Many in the Conservative Party are convinced the public are obsessed about the unfairness of the modern economy — as if this was part of the explanation for Labour's rise.
That said, the real picture inside the Conservative parliamentary party is not very different to that in modern British society.
[323] Meanwhile, Michael Heseltine stated that Johnson had «ripped apart» the Conservative Party and that «He's created the greatest constitutional crisis of modern times.
From the dawn of the modern party system until most hereditary peers were evicted in 1999, the Conservatives dominated the House of Lords, meaning their governments got a relatively easy ride.
And last night the Tory Right was out in force for the sell - out summer reception of Conservative Way Forward, the organisation which seeks to, in its own words, «defend and build upon the achievements of the Conservative Party under Margaret Thatcher's leadership, and to adapt the principles of her era in government to modern concerns and challenges.»
The 86 - strong Conservative rebellion over the immigration amendment last week was only the latest in a series of revolts that make this Tory parliamentary party the least disciplined of modern times.
Its core support comes from a mix of financially insecure working - class men, who were traditionally loyal to Labour but who feel they have been «left behind» in modern Britain as mainstream parties chased the middle - class vote, and strategic Conservative sympathisers, who are keen to express hostility to the European Union but much less loyal to UKIP in general elections.
David Cameron is hoping to spice up his first party conference as leader, and has also introduced a new interactive element to prove he is truly a modern Conservative.
BD: Is gay marriage also an important symbol about how modern a Conservative government party is?
Conservative MP Heidi Allen recently said Rees Mogg was «not the modern face of the Tory party that we are desperate... to prove is out there» and declared that she would leave the party if Rees Mogg became leader.
David Cameron has called the presence of the homeless in modern British society «a disgrace» at the launch of the Conservative Party's Homelessness Foundation.
He praised Duncan Smith but also defended chancellor George Osborne and stressed that the Conservatives remained a «modern, compassionate, one nation» party under his leadership.
«We are a modern, progressive Conservative party,» he says, once again.
«We need to reach out to small «l' liberal voters who have a modern outlook on life, who want a party that is hard - headed on the economy — more credible on the economy than Labour — but more socially progressive and fairer than the Conservatives.
He was considered to be a «moderniser» and on the centre - left of the party, writing in The Daily Telegraph (24 June 2002), he said that the Conservative Party's electoral problems had been caused by its failure to «look and sound like modern Britain&raparty, writing in The Daily Telegraph (24 June 2002), he said that the Conservative Party's electoral problems had been caused by its failure to «look and sound like modern Britain&raParty's electoral problems had been caused by its failure to «look and sound like modern Britain».
Party chairman Eric Pickles has been pursuing the strategy of «love - bombing» the Lib Dems, seeking to persuade their supporters or potential supporters, that Cameron's modern Conservatives are just as green, socially concerned, community based, globally engaged and generally liberal in outlook.
One reason is that the modern political environment has become increasingly polarized, and conservative Republicans — propelled by Tea Party devotees, the fiscal crisis, and big gains in the 2010 election — have taken on the unions like never before.
Writing in Salon, David Denvir notes that instead of attacking cities as scary, crime - ridden places like the conservatives of yesteryear, the modern Republican party is mostly just pretending they don't exist.
David Cameron has stated the Conservative Party's desire for a «modern British Bill of Rights to define the core values which give us our identity as a free nation».
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