Sentences with phrase «modern capitalism»

Modern capitalism refers to an economic system where businesses are privately owned, driven by profit, and operate in a competitive market. It emphasizes the individual's right to possess and exchange property freely. This system encourages innovation, entrepreneurship, and rewards individuals based on their investments and efforts. Full definition
These questions raise major issues for our understanding of modern capitalism and its relation to the state, as well as the likelihood of another crisis.
It is fair to ask whether the achievements have matched the confidence, especially in complex interdisciplinary areas and in the face of the overwhelming impact of late modern capitalism and its cultural industry.
Ideas have also emerged on the right as well as the left about the failings of modern capitalism and markets.
Dylan really believed that there was a military - industrial power elite linked to modern capitalism in the way his leftist mentors (Guthrie esp.)
Pesch called for a «solidarity - based work system» that would put modern capitalism on a «foundation of solidarity.»
In most human societies before the advent of modern capitalism rank was ascribed» that is, it was based on what an individual was, and not on what he did.
The BOD there is an example of the unique combination of greed and idiocy that has come to characterize modern capitalism.
«The e-book comes with an introduction that explains that the book is «particularly useful for understanding how modern capitalism spread to all of the United States» because it shows how the exploitation of black slaves was the economic foundation of the American colonies and describes the Civil War as «a struggle between the bourgeoisie of the north and the landowners of the south,»» states Peterson.
Using his «essential» criteria, he decided that modern capitalism runs on pipelines, banks and railroads.
Filmmaker Michael Moore's video Capitalism: A Love Story is another good look at the problems with modern capitalism.
That among the cultural concomitants of late modern capitalism are a morally corrosive materialism, a libertarian individualism inimical to Christian virtue, and a consumerist ethos of interminable acquisition and waste that is not only spiritually debilitating, but also — from any vantage informed by the teachings of Christ — morally execrable?
The exhibition explores the birth of the first multinational company and Modern Capitalism in the Dutch Golden Age as it stretches through history intersecting trade routes, culture and colonisation to the rise of China with Authoritarian Capitalism.
In «Evangelii Gaudium» (The Joy of the Gospel), officially known as an «apostolic exhortation,» Francis calls for church reforms, urges Catholics to be more bold and joyful, and castigates elements of modern capitalism.
Adam Smith, whose Wealth of Nations is a touchstone of modern capitalism, had a similar vision.
The persistent lack of anything approaching gender equity in the overwhelming majority of workplaces today is perhaps the most glaring failure of modern capitalism.
What is particularly interesting, though, is the connection drawn between astrology with authoritarianism, fascism and modern capitalism (remember that this was in the aftermath of WWII and the Holocaust).
Canada's Globe and Mail called it «one of the greatest achievements of modern capitalism
«Michael Hudson has consistently been an eloquent, erudite, accurate analyst of the strengths and failings of modern capitalism.
Modern Capitalism was only invented 1700 years later.
Limbaugh blasted the pontiff on Wednesday, a day after Francis released «Evangelii Gaudium» (The Joy of the Gospel), a 50,000 - word statement that calls for church reform and castigates elements of modern capitalism.
The crisis reaches its climax when the belief in the automatic harmony which sustained bourgeois society in its laissez - faire approach to economics is shown to be futile by the malfunctioning of modern capitalism.
That, after all, is the transcendental logic of late - modern capitalism: the fabrication of innumerable artificial appetites, not the refinement of the few that are natural to us.
Max Weber was wrong about many things, and he may even have been wrong about the strategic place he gave to the «Protestant ethic» in the development of modern capitalism.
Modern capitalism is very human which gave rise to Human Resources Departments as humans only are biggest assets & products of human labor ever multiplying universally.
Surviving the Twenty - First Century (Allen Lane # 25.00) he has written a series of essays about some of the themes which have dominated out lives, from terrorism to modern capitalism.
Modern capitalism was born and with it new social pressures.
And, more generally, modern capitalism is unlikely to suddenly stop generating economic growth, so today's young people can feel optimistic about that.
We are still a long way from a critique of modern capitalism.
There's even a controversial angle, as Dominik seems to have positioned the film specifically as a rebuttal of modern capitalism.
This yearning Northern fable examines childhood, poverty and the down - and - dirty face of modern capitalism.
My complaint with the film has always been that it gives us this potentially great character and puts virtually no obstacles in his way, no arc to explore, and thematically relies on such a naively explored relationship between the power struggle of modern capitalism and religion.
In fact, we rather felt sorry for them and felt it unfair that they should cope with sadistic aliens in addition to modern capitalism...
Made clear by Smith's second book Moral Sentiments the idea of the rational actor pursuing its own self - interest and thereby doing what's good for society as a whole is one of the most widespread misunderstandings of theories on modern capitalism.
«There's a big difference between being a niche, complex and sometimes misused product and being a threat to modern capitalism,» he writes.
Alessandro Orsini, founding partner of Architensions, a Brooklyn - based practice co-led with Nick Roseboro, will share a model of practice that refuses to separate architecture from urbanism proposing a paradigm antithetical to modern capitalism, giving back to architecture its autonomous form.
Following the success of his recent exhibition Unknown Knowns at Edel Assanti, the London - based artist discusses how and why he makes his artworks that explore myriad themes, including the mechanics of power, geopolitics, and the birth of modern capitalism.
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