Sentences with phrase «modern climate science»

The problem is, modern climate science assumes the weather pattern of the government record, 50 years at most, is a fixed climate.
We talk through some of the most pressing issues in modern climate science: our chances of staying below 1.5 °C of warming without climate engineering, climate engineering with land - based albedo modifications, and the kinds of societal transformations needed for radical mitigation.
Kaitlin Naughten from the University of New South Wales works on one of the most pressing issues facing modern climate science: interactions between the ocean and the vast ice shelves fringing Antarctica.
The Clexit founding statement — all 1200 words of it — is the epitome of modern climate science denial.
As scientists looked for ways to get around the problem, critics of modern climate science dismissed the tree ring data as unreliable and accused scientists of cooking up tricks to support the theory of global warming.
Can you not comprehend the most basic aspects of modern climate science Keith?
The cities» lawsuits allege — supported by modern climate science — that major oil and natural gas companies contribute substantially to global warming by extracting and using fossil fuels, which emit massive quantities of heat - trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, causing ocean waters to warm and ice sheets to melt, and thus, sea levels to rise, endangering coastal communities.
The attention on the sun serves as a reminder that modern climate science arose, in part, from efforts to address societal concerns over global cooling, setting the stage for advances in climate science over the past forty years.
If someone had a great idea that would overturn modern climate science — and it would have to be a Great Idea, given the vast amount of consilient observations and supporting physical theory — they would not want for financial backers.
The goal is a more explicit treatment of the processes that mediate low cloud - climate feedback, one of the largest uncertainties in modern climate science.
Kaitlin Naughten from the University of New South Wales works on one of the most pressing issues facing modern climate science: interactions between the ocean and the vast ice shelves fringing Antarctica.
But Darwin's theory of evolution, like modern climate science, made sense of a vast body of observations that had no alternative explanation: there was therefore a clash between disciplines.
In an article titled «The Psychology of Antivaccination» the prestigious medical journal commented on the passion of anti-vaccinators in terms that apply with eerie resonance to modern climate science denial.
Scott Pruitt should begin his new job by accepting the fundamental findings of modern climate science
«The Keeling Curve is an icon of modern climate science,» Thomas J. Barton, the most recent past president of the ACS, said in a statement.
«Wulf's often - vivid re-creation... a reminder of what a glorious writer Humboldt was... Among the many delights are the quotations taken directly from Humboldt's letters... Wulf properly seeks to reclaim him as the progenitor of modern climate science, as the first to realize the interconnectedness of nature.»
I think it goes a long way towards convincing the average person that modern climate science is robust.
I'm struggling with your first paragraph where you talk of Montford claiming «all of modern climate science, is a fraud perpetrated by a massive conspiracy of climate scientists and politicians, in order to guarantee an unending supply of research funding and political power.
If you don't know much about climate science, or about the details of the controversy over the «hockey stick,» then A. W. Montford's book The Hockey Stick Illusion: Climategate and the Corruption of Science might persuade you that not only the hockey stick, but all of modern climate science, is a fraud perpetrated by a massive conspiracy of climate scientists and politicians, in order to guarantee an unending supply of research funding and political power.
In similar manner, it would be astonishing to find a modern climate science paper referencing that CO2 is a major driver of climate, or that changes in CO2 concentration have a direct impact on global mean surface temperatures unless the paper was from an entirely different field (where assumption of such basic knowledge can not be made), or where the reference is not for the fact of influence, but for a specific estimate of the value of the impact.
On the contrary, better - educated Republicans were more skeptical of modern climate science than their less educated brethren.
In the case of modern climate science that paradigm is anthropogenic global warming (AGW).
Fear of reprisals is definitely at large in modern climate science.
Since arriving at Lamont - Doherty Earth Observatory in 1952, for a college summer internship, Wally Broecker has come up with some of the most important ideas in modern climate science.
Klein goes on to refer to James Hansen, «the godfather of modern climate science».
Last summer, James Hansen — the pioneer of modern climate science — pieced together a research - based revelation: a little - known feedback cycle between the oceans and massive ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland might have already jump - started an exponential surge of sea levels.
Would we, within the ethical standards of modern climate science, be entitled to speculate on the identity of the author of these pearls?
Claiming that zero Category 5 hurricanes happened in the period around 1851 — before the invention of modern photography, the lightbulb, the diesel engine, the state of Washington, the discovery of islands in the south Pacific, the creation of NOAA and modern climate science — is asinine.
Presently, Tyndall's work is widely accepted as the foundation of modern climate science, while Foote's remains in obscurity.
«Over time I have begun to suspect that there is something dubious about the tendency of modern climate science to shy away from absolute temperature as the dependent variable — or indeed other absolute parameters such as rainfall, sea level etc., and to treat most dependent variables, other than the assumed pCO2 «independent variable» in terms of arbitrarily defined «anomalies».
According to the book's description, a «cult of progressive environmentalism» has «swept the globe,» and modern climate science «has been seized by activists who put their political agenda ahead of scientific rigor and objectivity.»
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