Sentences with phrase «modern communication»

Use our tools of modern communication to enrich your life with new experiences and friendships.
I don't think the story would have worked with modern communication technology.
When and how to handle this handy modern communication tool when dating.
Show how client relationships are improved with modern communications solutions.
The accompanying training question learning to use modern communication technologies connects to the access question.
It costs practically nothing and almost everyone has the skills — except most pastors who continue to be slow in adopting modern communication methods.
The artist embraces digital media as a vehicle for modern communication while experimenting with both video and sculptural objects that examine visual perception and temporal awareness.
The $ 8 billion second phase consists of long - term improvements, including better subway cars, a new signal system and more modern communications technology.
Learn how modern communications can help cultivate a loyal, engaged workforce.
It is best to have had contact in person at the beginning of services and where possible a mixture of in person and face to face treatment via modern communication technology.
When modern communication usually means a quick text, the art of sending a note is a wonderful way to communicate your care and intentions.
She is passionate about modern communication and loves helping people improve their relationships through flirty texting.
In their own way, the multiple modern communication tools available make this process simultaneously easier and more complicated.
He fully embraces modern communication methods and focuses on adding value to the service offered to our customers.
As the years progressed, the connectivity technology became a thing of the past, offering slow data speeds that make using some forms of modern communication impossible.
They also don't see modern communications advances as having a place at work just yet — email and office phones are predicted to continue their usefulness.
Where is god's use of modern communication, or presumably, better than that, if he is a god?
That is probably less important than letting people use modern communication technology to demonstrate genuine support, and thus to broaden public participation in a democratic process.
One of the problems with modern communication is that it is very fast.
Using modern communications technology, we can provide writing services to any country in the world.
Richard gave a talk on the mathematics of drag racing, Carlos gave a talk on the application of mathematical models to homeland security, and I gave a talk on how prime numbers are used in modern communication systems.
Every work of art, music, or literature of our time has suffered the loss of neat and isolated beauty because the shadows of once remote cruelties and injustices are brought by modern communication media to fall across every page and every easel.
While there is significant time spent gathering and synthesizing the details of your career and designing a wholly unique and customized résumé, the value of your professionally written résumé originates in the skill of the writer — talent developed through study of effective résumés, training in modern communication techniques, and thousands of hours of writing experience.
Or, to switch metaphors, in the global village wrought by modern communications technology, the question is not whether we shall adjudicate differences among peoples, but how — i.e., violently, convulsively, tragically, or peaceably, humanely, imaginatively.
Some were coordinated, such as the federal «e-rate» program intended to get schools online and thus make modern communications and IT tools functional within their walls.
The value of your professionally written resume originates in the skill of your writer — talent developed through study of effective resumes, training in modern communication techniques, and thousands of hours of writing experience.
The latest figures from India's Census reveal some striking disparities between the population's access to basic human needs, such as a toilet and running water, and their access to modern communication devices.
Whether it is talking about football, thrashing out work problems or simply flirting, many of the things that happen at work could cease to occur if we became more dependent on modern communications technology.
Wider use of videoconferencing and teleconferencing, e-mail, and other modern communication tools means that businesses have less need to cluster in downtowns for convenient access to each other's services.
Starting this year, JetBlue is overhauling its customer service operations to integrate more modern communication channels like email, SMS text messages, and even Twitter and Facebook.
To understand our technological present, Bill Gates would take us back to where the age of modern communications began.
«I think there is a lot of cautious optimism from small businesses and the entrepreneurs we are talking to about the ease of identifying potential investors and utilizing modern communications technology, email and social networking tools to start the conversation with potential investors.
Analysts at Morgan Stanley no longer hold a bullish stance on RingCentral Inc (NYSE: RNG), a software - as - a-service solutions provider for businesses to support modern communications, largely due to valuation concerns.
The thing the Church must think long and hard about is whether modern communication technology is making things too painless and too easy.
Modern communications help the networking of movements within countries and internationally for various causes: of capital, elites, TNCs, rich countries, of peoples movements for peace, human rights, women's rights, ecology etc..
A moderately gifted person who would have been a community treasure a thousand years ago has to give up, has to go into some other line of work, since modern communications put him or her into daily competition with nothing but world's champions....
With modern communication aids, users of electric powered wheelchairs can operate a PC and cellphone without human assistance.
A Japanese scientist will be honored for work underpinning modern communications systems, while an American gets the nod for pioneering work in epigenetics
Aztec Secret did it without modern communication methods or even a founder with a last name.
What's more, the instant nature of modern communication ensures that any reactions (such as missing the person) can be felt with immediate effect.
Use modern communication avenues such as e-mail, Twittter and Facebook to reach parents and students.
In addition to the emerging issues of sustainable design and wiring technology to accommodate modern communications (see Public Library: Emerging Issues), and digital media and the space required to accommodate it (see Academic Library: Emerging Issues), connecting classrooms to the library and to outlets for distance learning is an emerging issue in school media center design.

Phrases with «modern communication»

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