Sentences with phrase «modern counterpart»

The latest collection of boots includes traditional ankle - length boots as well as their more modern counterparts.
He went on to argue that, «environmentalism is a religion» and a «modern counterpart of communism» that seeks to change people's habits and economic systems.
You insist your god exists, yet we can prove he does not exist at all and is only a con - artist's story to bewilder and hypnotize you into following and giving away your wealth, life, etc. to these con - artists modern counterparts.
With the third installment in author Jacqueline Winspear's mystery series, Maisie Dobbs takes her place in the upper echelon of literary female detectives, right next to Kinsey Millhone and Kay Scarpetta — the main difference being that unlike her thoroughly modern counterparts, Maisie Dobbs lives in post-World War I London.
Founded during the dawn of the commercial airline business, United Airlines, Inc. embarked on a journey through a competitive and dynamic industry that developed into the gargantuan modern counterpart seen today.
Rather than politely disappearing as most of the early trend - setters predicted, turn - of - the - century varieties of conservatism have actually become more vigorous than their allegedly more modern counterparts.
In many ways the rise of the new state of Israel is the modern counterpart of the use of the idiom of resurrection to express in metaphorical form the hope of an historical renewal after the national life has been near to the point of extinction.
It may be said that in many ways the rise of the new state of Israel is the modern counterpart of that aspect of resurrection which we have been looking at in this chapter, the use of the idiom of resurrection to express in metaphorical form the hope of an historical renewal after the national life has been near to the point of extinction.
Here again there are modern counterparts and derivatives, for apart from foundations in a God of supreme power, righteousness and grace who is implicated in the suffering of his people, who condemns their sin yet offers release, prophetic preaching today escapes from soporific optimism only to fall into moral diatribe.
A wide array of modern minds have thought the same: Hegel lamented that philosophy is no longer «practiced as a private art, as it was by the Greeks,» Heidegger called for a return to the Greek grammar of being, and Kant claimed that «the ancient Greek philosophers remained more faithful to the Idea of the philosopher than their modern counterparts have done.»
Appearing hardier and more informal than their modern counterparts, skiers were loaded on logging trucks at the station and taken to various slopes in the area.
If you want a response to the above «rant»; you are so right, Wenger is not the passionate, motivating, directing, managing type of manager during games the way we see his modern counterparts (Pep, Klop, Conte, Mourinho).
His other problem seems to be that he can not be as ruthless as his modern counterparts.
Another thought is that part of the perceived toughness of these guys, especially compared to their modern counterparts, is that they didn't make much of these challenges.
True, you still shouldn't be using laundry detergents with additives, fabric softeners, or unsafe cloth diaper creams, but these diapers are far less fussy than their more modern counterparts.
«It is very surprising that despite being skeletally quite different from their modern counterparts, these primitive birds show striking similarities in their soft anatomy,» said Guillermo Navalón, a doctorate candidate at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom and lead author of the report.
In contrast, one of the extinct groups of kangaroos in the study — the sthenurines, which lived 100,000 years ago — lacked many of the locomotory features of their modern counterparts, including a flexible backbone, a sturdy tail, and forelimbs capable of supporting their body weight.
Here, six of the candidates for de-extinction, and the modern counterparts that could shepherd them into being.
«Each scan is a new discovery,» Tafforeau says, yet the ancient insects appear, overall, remarkably similar to their modern counterparts; they differ chiefly in detail.
The pre-Columbian structures are similar to fish weirs used by locals today, but the older structures were permanent and more extensive than their modern counterparts, which are rebuilt each season.
Last June, researchers reported in Science that the seed germinated after planting and developed much like its modern counterparts.
The answer is that ancient teosinte grew differently from its modern counterpart, according to a study published in Quaternary International.
Until these jumbo insects were identified, the oldest known fleas were 45 million years old and looked similar to their modern counterparts.
That's why doomsayers like Thomas Malthus and his modern counterpart, biologist Paul Ehrlich, have been proven wrong again and again.
They also matured up to 5 years earlier than their modern counterparts and grew to twice their current size of 100 kilograms.
During this time, there was a lot of «evolutionary experimentation», with many ancient communities dominated by alien - looking creatures unlike any of their modern counterparts.
Below, Geekosystem has put 15 video game companies» old - school logos side - by - side with their modern counterparts.
Superhero films, which are seen by many as the modern counterpart (which brings both naysayers and supporters) to Westerns, were some of the biggest money makers of the year.
It's a tall order, but like we said, it's inevitable that the game will be compared to its modern counterpart.
That's really all there was to it though, which doesn't leave much for a modern counterpart to build upon.
Clint and Jared (along with returning guest Craig) polish off Horror Octorbor with their final double feature of a Universal classic monster movie and its modern counterpart!
These resources focus on a range of ancient Greek and Roman women and their modern counterparts.
Its a sleeker, more curvaceous SUV and like most of its modern counterparts, the spare wheel has found shelter under the tailgate.
This single overhead camshaft engine, which dates back to the 1990s, was certainly not as efficient as its modern counterparts, but nevertheless rose to (almost) any challenge.
You'll be out of your seat and dancing with this acclaimed local group as they put bow to fiddle and lips to tin whistle to bring you traditional Irish jigs and their modern counterparts.
Modern counterpart: The Kindle, the Nook, Sony's Readers, and every other current gadget for reading digital tomes... even though they all cost a lot more than $ 2.
Along with her personal journey, she offers a quick trip through the history of swimming, with fascinating tidbits about swimmers of old and their modern counterparts.
The concept is pretty interesting and somewhat novel: the original X-Men as created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby — Iceman, Cyclops, Angel, Beast and Jean Grey as teenaged school children — travel forward in time and space (and hopefully Bendis remembers the «space» part, otherwise the X-Men will wake up gasping with their blood boiling somewhere off the shoulder of Orion) to the current Marvel Universe and meet their modern counterparts.
4) Calling John Henry and his modern counterparts: can traders be replaced by computer algorithms?
They look the same as in previous games, except in the Super Mario Bros. 3 game style, as they have changed colors to look like their modern counterparts.
As a general note, while I've never really been into pattern - based shooter hell games from the classic arcade and beyond, I am a huge fan of many classic arcade shooters and their modern counterparts.
Their modern counterparts being sport athletes and sport fields?
This latter event and a modern counterpart is discussed in some detail, along with other down sides to over dependence on technology in a book just issued «the dark side of technology» by peter townsend.
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