Sentences with phrase «modern crisis»

She says the government agency gives practical advice on modern crises such as cyber - or terror attacks, pandemic or environmental threats, along with conventional warfare.
Philip Trower is the author of several books including Turmoil and Truth: The historical roots of the the modern crisis in the Catholic Church.
Which is perhaps the heart of the modern crisis.
The modern crisis of narrative is very different from the ancient one in that we are here dealing with artful stories, with «literature.»
The modern crisis of narrative vision has much in common with the apocalyptic crisis.
The modern crisis is thus a crisis both of the individual and of society at large.
It must be noted that this modern crisis affects the whole world of religion and not only the life of a particular historical faith, as was the case in the other crises of Christian history discussed above.
The modern crisis of religion is therefore caused by the conviction of many of our contemporaries that man can lead the good life without believing in God.
In the 1940s Eric Voegelin wrote that a solution to the modern crisis would require, among other things, a «new Christian philosophy of history» adequate to the full range of political and cultural developments of recent centuries.
A late chapter comparing Voegelin's work with the Catholic theology of Bernard Lonergan - whose ambitions in responding to the modern crisis matched Voegelin's and whose work, like his, takes its stand on a foundational account of consciousness - helps Morrissey to bring Voegelin's thought into what he calls a «theological community of discourse» and sharpens his final chapter's presentation of Voegelin's «reconstruction» of Christian theology.
But now at last he has considered the question of the modern crisis in language at length, and we can follow his thinking in ordered steps rather than in scattered, specialized bits.
As often in these pages our Cutting Edge and Letters columns highlight approaches to science and religion which we think are at the heart of the modern crisis given the fundamental role of human observation of the physical realm to human thought.
Worster argues, incidentally, that the causes of our modern crisis are not transcendental religion or dualism, but «secularism» with its peculiar definitions of and relation to «progress and reason.»
Brad firmly believes the information in Eat Stop Eat is the solution to our modern crisis of obesity and poor health.
My normal topic is based around the demise of the Knights Templar and a modern crisis management expert who uses his skills in managing chaos to understand past events from fragmentary evidence.
In a way, the relentless pressure to «buy more» has created a modern crisis.
I believe that the answer to modern crises is not simply more laws, more bureaucracy, or more money, but, first and foremost, more citizens who are risk literate.
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