Sentences with phrase «modern eukaryotes»

Though no one has identified an actual cell yet, the new phylum appears to mingle genes similar to those in modern eukaryotes and genes from archaea, the sister group to bacteria.
At some point, Martin speculates, the bacterium gave the archaean a gene for membrane synthesis, leading to a bubbling up of membrane within the host cell, something like what happens when modern eukaryotes divide and then reform their nucleus from membrane pieces grown inside them.
The resemblance between archaea and eukaryote DNA wrapping means that the first organism that used this storage scheme was an ancestor of both modern eukaryotes and archaea, the researchers conclude.
If so, then modern eukaryote cells could be the product of geologically rare conditions.»
That celibate lifestyle is putting this modern eukaryote at risk of extinction.

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«In its 4.6 billion years circling the sun, the Earth has harbored an increasing diversity of life forms: for the last 3.6 billion years, simple cells (prokaryotes); for the last 3.4 billion years, cyanobacteria performing ph - otosynthesis; for the last 2 billion years, complex cells (eukaryotes); for the last 1 billion years, multicellular life; for the last 600 million years, simple animals; for the last 550 million years, bilaterians, animals with a front and a back; for the last 500 million years, fish and proto - amphibians; for the last 475 million years, land plants; for the last 400 million years, insects and seeds; for the last 360 million years, amphibians; for the last 300 million years, reptiles; for the last 200 million years, mammals; for the last 150 million years, birds; for the last 130 million years, flowers; for the last 60 million years, the primates, for the last 20 million years, the family H - ominidae (great apes); for the last 2.5 million years, the genus H - omo (human predecessors); for the last 200,000 years, anatomically modern humans.»
for the last 3.6 billion years, simple cells (prokaryotes); for the last 3.4 billion years, cyanobacteria performing photosynthesis; for the last 2 billion years, complex cells (eukaryotes); for the last 1 billion years, multicellular life; for the last 600 million years, simple animals; for the last 550 million years, bilaterians, animals with a front and a back; for the last 500 million years, fish and proto - amphibians; for the last 475 million years, land plants; for the last 400 million years, insects and seeds; for the last 360 million years, amphibians; for the last 300 million years, reptiles; for the last 200 million years, ma - mmals; for the last 150 million years, birds; for the last 130 million years, flowers; for the last 60 million years, the primates, for the last 20 million years, the family H - ominidae (great apes); for the last 2.5 million years, the genus H - omo (human predecessors); for the last 200,000 years, anatomically modern humans.
If some eukaryotes had developed by Year 1.9 billion, these would have been ancestors of modern, integrated multi-cellular lifeforms from seaweeds and worms to trees and humans (as discussed below).
These include: 1) finding and describing new fossils in Precambrian strata, 2) using analytical tools to examine those fossils in order to determine taxonomic affinity, taphonomy, functional morphology, and paleoecology, 3) using modern analogs to determine phylogenetic relationships and physiology of early eukaryotes and animals, and 4) combining multiple sources of data to create a timeline of biotic and abiotic events in the Precambrian.
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