Sentences with phrase «modern farming methods»

He believed this was because the «healthy» foods we buy have been stripped of their nutrient content through modern farming methods.
That training combined with his background in soil science led him to discover a trace mineral lacking in most food, due to poor soil conditions from modern farming methods.
Ireland will be a «lifeboat for humanity» that might be able to sustain a population of about 10 million people with modern farming methods, but he warned that the country would be overwhelmed with immigrants if it operated an open - door policy.
The modern diet is also deficient in omega - 3 fatty acids compared to that of a generation ago because modern farming methods have the effect of increasing the amounts of omega - 6 and oleic acid in vegetables, fruits, fish, eggs, grains and legumes, while decreasing the amount of valuable triple unsaturated omega - 3.
ADDITIONAL STRENGTHS • Able to read and write and follow instructions accurately • Valid driver's license holder • Familiar with modern farming methods • Well versed in performing general tasks of cultivation as well as livestock farming
This is due to the fact that as the world's soils have become depleted through modern farming methods and increased population demands, the foods grown on these mineral depleted soils have less nutrient content.
The committee will report to Mr Wynne and Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford, who say «local planning schemes have not kept pace» with modern farming methods.
Due to modern farming methods that rely heavily on using chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides that are absorbed into the soil, our topsoil has been heavily depleted of its mineral content.
Farm animals in New Zealand are supplemented today with selenium and boron; this wasn't the case in the past, and as New Zealand soil is poor in these trace elements, this means the meat supplies more micronutrients than the meat our ancestors ate (the deficiency was because of New Zealand's volcanic soil, not our modern farming methods).
But modern farming methods and chemical fertilizers have stripped natural magnesium from the soil, and have thereby stripped it from produce.
Unfortunately, modern farming methods and chemical fertilizers have stripped natural magnesium from the soil.
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