Sentences with phrase «modern film»

It's high time all you «big - shot reviewers» learned that personal opinions have no place in modern film criticism.
However, it's becoming quite obvious that more and more modern films outside of that genre have the same issue.
From cinematography to motion capture performances to impeccable direction, this is what modern films should strive to be.
Its not a stunning film visually but less is more, a winning formula modern films fail on so many times.
You'll be very surprised at how modern the film is.
One of the greatest achievements I've ever seen in modern film.
How can painting compete with the powerful drama of modern film?
Blood Simple by Andrew Lewicky The Coen Brothers first masterpiece is one of the very best examples of modern film noir.
These bite - sized excuses for modern film criticism are created by people who presume they're being insightful, which is far from the truth.
But the most remarkable aspect of The War Room is that it does something few modern films ever do: it convincingly and movingly shows ordinary people falling in love with the power of prayer, and believing in the promises Our Lord made about its effectiveness.
Yes, it's as jingoistic and flag - wavey as modern films like «Olympus Has Fallen.»
The soundtrack isn't as alive as modern films, naturally, but it is mostly a dialogue - driven film and the dialogue is all clear and intelligible.
Alexandre Desplat has emerged in recent times as an original and exciting voice in modern film music; but so far, he has stuck resolutely to art house fare.
A subplot involves the torture of one such POW («Pigeon of War,» Valiant's brain - dead punsters will hasten to prod us — they have a future in modern film criticism should they never get another screenwriting gig), Mercury (John Cleese), who at one point loses his mind and comes dangerously close to resuscitating Monty Python's «Dead Parrot» sketch.
The other modern films on Johnson's list?
Modern film audiences seem to always try to find the cracks in the facade, instead of simply enjoying the ride.
We blend in other topics as well, ranging from the state of modern film festival - ing, nannys, and other such fun stuff.
Of course this isn't Buckley's first foray into horror films, the fate of her character in Carrie remains among the most iconic in modern film history, and while her film appearances have been sporadic, she makes an unforgettable impression whenever she's onscreen.
But the mission came to be to try to recreate that look using different lenses on modern film stock, playing with the way we timed it, the way we printed it.
Also, while the pages devoted to dissection of classic modern films such as Performance, Alien and Full Metal Jacket make compelling reading, they defeat the utter disposability so crucial to the modern: what can't be instantly forgotten becomes an impediment to what can next be accessed and experienced.
Director Michael Mann does a retread and modern film version of his highly successful 1980's television series and despite the calibre of Mann, this turns out to be just like all the other poor makeovers of hit t.v shows.
Many modern film adaptations of popular novels are slavish to their source material.
Formalist technics can be worked seamlessly into modern films, like the comic book qualities of Edgar Wright's Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, or they can be sloppy, like every time a current Top 40 hit makes its way into the soundtrack of a period piece.
It would be difficult to name a more dependable modern film director than Brad Bird, the animator turned writer / director responsible for some of the most beloved animated films of recent decades,
From modern films like the Notebook and Gone with the Wind, romantic movies offer a broad range of genres.
His Romeo and Juliet and Moulin Rouge movies are practically required viewing for modern film students, but his flashy, excessive style strikes some as the wrong tone for what might be rightly considered the Great American Novel.
Brain scans can also aid modern film technologies: Carlsen and Hubbard scanned volunteers» brains while they watched scenes from the movie Avatar in either 2D or 3D.
Where plenty of more serious - minded modern films would try to build a relevant message into this plot about the dangers of unchecked corporate power, lax regulations, or genetic experiments, Rampage seems to consciously make the antagonists as shrill and unrealistic as possible, to avoid any unfortunate associations with reality.
I was not solely thinking about Ebert's essay (he hasn't written a review that I have seen so far), but also Tod Browning's FREAKS which even has a bit of a similar ending, Sam Fuller's Naked Kiss which has the female lead «realize» a horrific situation at the and several modern films.
Maybe someday Hollywood will be able to actually make a real modern film.
A better choice for Mann modern film I guess would be Collateral (2004) which I enjoyed.
Designed with sublime attention to detail by regular David Lynch and Terrence Malick collaborator Jack Fisk; scored with nervy yet sweeping themes by Jonny Greenwood; and photographed with exquisite tenderness by Mihai Malaimare Jr., The Master is the rare modern film that feels like the product of old studio craftsmanship.
The Academy treats modern films like red - headed stepchildren in the costume design category, but perhaps the resume of 83 - year - old two - time Oscar winner Albert Wolsky will change their minds.
Director Tsui Hark and fight director Sammo Hung provide some great wire - fu action sequences among the convoluted plot that is typical of these kinds of Chinese epic modern films.
Both are fairly flat and anemic when compared to modern film soundtracks, but can be labeled as serviceable in consideration of their age.
«We want to expand the Ghostbusters universe in ways that will include different films, TV shows, merchandise, all things that are part of modern filmed entertainment.
If you judge Project Almanac against not the classic time travel films of my opening paragraph but comparable modern films like Chronicle, Jumper, and Project X, you won't be so disappointed.
It seems that the great masterminds behind some of the old classics should lead an example for today's modern film makers.
Indie writer - director Victor Nunez («Ulee's Gold» / «Ruby in Paradise») completes his «Panhandle Trilogy» of Florida - based films with this disappointing low - key modern film noir.
«I think that in a few years, in ten, in twenty, or thirty years, we shall know whether Hiroshima mon amour was the most important film since the war, the first modern film of sound cinema.»
The majority of modern films now fail what is known as the «Bechdel test», which has three simple requirements:
With the help of a gentleman by the name of Juno Reactor, Davis has made the perfect modern film music - wonderful orchestral stylings mixing with electronic elements.
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