Sentences with phrase «modern humanity»

"Modern humanity" refers to the current state or condition of human beings in the present time. It represents the characteristics, behaviors, and values that define people in today's world, taking into account advancements in technology, social norms, and cultural changes. Full definition
1For a lengthier treatment of this topic, see my An Introduction to the Process Understanding of Science, Society, and the Self: A Philosophy for Modern Humanity (Lewiston / Queenston: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1988), 75 - 78.
Fidelity to this quest provides a context within which modern humanity can work out its own self - definition.
Modern humanity does not perceive the world as worth God's dying for.
We have to do the sociological work about how a medium or genre's overall popularity might be changing the mores and character of the entire society, or even of modern humanity simply.
Solzhenitsyn came to the equally startling conclusion that not only has modern humanity lost its moral center, but it has lost its awareness that it has lost its moral center.
The latter sought to formulate a response to the predicament of modern humanity based on a deeper investigation and transmission of patristic and medieval Christianity whereas the former saw the «authoritarian» structures of Christendom as part of the problem.
In any event, as I say, this is all only imagery — achingly nostalgic and suggestive imagery — meant only to depict a way of inhabiting the world that Heidegger believed was constitutive of our humanity but that late modern humanity has forgotten.
Put simply, though, we're really just tracing modern humanity to three sources: Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and the relatively recently discovered Denisovans.
What are the underlying, root causes behind the epidemic of chronic degenerative illness afflicting modern humanity?
James is expressing his criticism towards modern humanity.
His prolific output during the 1960s and 1970s was driven primarily by a desire to create, by means of painting, a universal system able to address all others — the entire range of social and political issues facing modern humanity.
Several exclusive pieces have been created, including a mural by Gijs Frieling which expresses modern humanity's desire to reconnect with nature.
Religions are not needed for modern humanity any more.
I guess what I see, as I watch Christianity whirl around me, is the religion molding to fit the mentality of modern humanity... just like a business.
The ethical and emotional crises that we experience today in relation to the thresholds of birth and death, the uncertainty as to where «personal» value may be located and anchored, and the resultant confusion in the realm of public policy and law are symptoms of the fundamental intellectual crisis of modern humanity.
Modern humanity has become expert in its knowledge of the scientific, exterior forces in the world — electricity, gravity or nuclear force — but we know little about the existential forces of the inner world — love, hate, hope, fear, doubt and faith.
The only religion worth a darn to modern humanity is Buddhism as it doesn't require worshiping some fantasy creature.
The most remarkable thing about the international embrace of technology is that modern humanity has agreed with Christianity that we have a right, indeed a duty, to change the world — a notion many cultures do not swallow easily.
The technological pessimists claim that modern humanity is as foolish as I was.
M. Weaver's diagnosis of modern humanity's malaise in Ideas Have Consequences might not be pertinent for both writers.
So far, modern humanity has not caught on and continues to add more technology.
As Martinón - Torres explains, for a long time the idea was held that this species was a direct ancestor of modern humanity, and «all the human fossils found in what we call the Far East and in the current islands of Indonesia have been attributed systematically to Homo erectus.
By tracking changes in ancient atoms, archeologists are establishing the astonishing antiquity of modern humanity.
Both groups develop differently, especially, if only few individuals survive in a population, proceed though a «genetic bottleneck,» similarly as it happened once to parts of modern humanity, which presents the offspring of relatively few ancestral individuals.
Metaman is modern humanity plus its crops and livestock, its power stations and machines, its hospitals and transport systems, and, most significant of all, its global media and electronic communications.
They might have spurred the evolution of modern humanity's direct ancestors as well as of many other mammal species, scientists suggest.
Those researchers are eager to answer questions about how the ancients lived — from their diets to their diseases — and how that might affect our understanding of modern humanity.
In 2004, a BBC Horizon documentary on Neanderthals claimed to do «something that no one has done before ``, to assemble «the first ever complete Neanderthal skeleton, from parts gathered from all over the world, to reveal the most anatomically accurate representation of modern humanity's closest relative.»
Realise also that the transition into this present «period» was sufficiently turbulent to bring forth a new species into dominance, that species being now seen as «modern Humanity».
Modern humanity's appetite for finite resources is so great that even one of the great wonders of the natural world is not off limits.
But if that hunger happens to be for the plastic used to make single - use bottles — something that doesn't generally degrade in nature and is basically the scourge of modern humanity — I'd say break out the champagne and cigars.
The PRESENT Primary Trough is only 2 to 3 MILLION years «old» (near the same age as «modern Humanity», and its precedants).
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