Sentences with phrase «modern industrial civilization»

Since all or nearly all members of society share in these responsibilities, universal education to a high level is essential for the security and progress of modern industrial civilization.
The experimental method and attitude of the sciences have been pervasive in modern industrial civilization.
[8] According to Ebell, «It is also theologically suspect, and large parts of it are leftist drivel, albeit couched in the vocabulary of Catholic social teaching» and a «'' diatribe against modern industrial civilization
The makers of modern industrial civilization have been preoccupied with the conquest of nature and with the advancement of knowledge and not with the patient and exacting inculcation of right habits in human relationships.
Given the rapidly changing character of modern industrial civilization, it is also necessary to shift the emphasis in manners away from the external forms (which may have to be modified as the conditions of life shift) to the democratic meanings that they express.
If we are to live on this planet for the long haul without transforming it into what seems like an entirely different planet, we will need to come to the understanding that we can no longer use the atmosphere as a dumping ground for the waste products of modern industrial civilization.
in the meantime, in the absence of reliable climate models or any certainty of «how much climate may change,» how many trillions should we spend and how far backward must modern industrial civilization be propelled by imposing draconian co2 emissions cuts?
Modern industrial civilization is not «sustainable»: this is a meaningless goal, due to the law of entropy.
«The simple connection between prosperity and a healthy environment has been obscured by the rantings of the international environmental establishment against the alleged evils of modern industrial civilization and corporate globalization,» Ebell said.»
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