Sentences with phrase «modern liberal democracy»

In my view, no thinker better highlights the necessity or dignity of intermediary associations (a conservative theme par excellence) nor provides a deeper account of the dependence of modern liberal democracy upon the «moral capital» of premodern times.
Perhaps Mr. Anderson should consider drawing upon the moral and political wellsprings of modern liberal democracy itself.
The judge could find no support for the position of Ms Ladele in a «modern liberal democracy».
In a modern liberal democracy gender may not serve as a basis for policy distinctions in the absence of a functional rationale (just as such criteria as skills, talent or education must be supported by such a rationale).
He added: «I am confident the powers we need, whether it is on communications data or the content of communications, I am very comfortable they are absolutely right for a modern liberal democracy
It works and we all know it works, but people don't admire it... It is the soul of modern liberal democracy and it remains unsung in praise».
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