Sentences with phrase «modern lifestyles do»

Even if you live below 38 degrees latitude, modern lifestyles don't always allow for the recommended hour of outside time.
Our current modern lifestyle did — he can't just walk outside and go, himself, so he resists you because he has a very strong desire to be self - sufficient... makes sense!
But our modern lifestyle doesn't lend itself to long hours in the sun, so we have to be extra mindful to get enough of this crucial vitamin in our diets.

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Do you understand the pathogenesis of modern illnesses of lifestyle?
AppleCheeks: Our goal is to be able to make cloth diapering attractive and accessible to the portion of the population that doesn't believe that cloth diapering and the modern lifestyle can co-exist.
It all started with Boston Mamas - a lifestyle portal for families in Boston and beyond - and so many wonderful and unexpected things have happened as a result of my blog... including publishing my first book - Minimalist Parenting: Enjoy Modern Family Life More By Doing Less - this year!
The authors conclude: «These people had a wide range of diets and lifestyles, and traditional modern risk factors do not thoroughly explain the presence and easy detection of this disease.
The authors state: «These people had a wide range of diets and lifestyles and traditional modern risk factors do not thoroughly explain the presence and easy detectability of this disease.
Although common in humans, domestic pets, and zoo animals, periodontal disease does not typically develop in wild animals, leading to speculation that it is an oral microbiome disease resulting from modern human lifestyles.
Although it is true that some aspects of modern life can increase cancer, as Andy Coghlan in New Scientist put it, «most of them are down to poor lifestyle choices that people can do something about, not, as implied, because they are drowning in a sea of carcinogens from which there is no escape.»
That means modern lifestyle may have something to do with the increase, but Tusié Luna warns that we are just starting to explore how both genetic and environmental components interact with each other when it comes to diabetes.
Amanda and Merrill don't expect you to buy all of your fruits and veggies from the farmers market (especially during the dead of winter) and their approach to locavorosity is less of a Portlandia episode and more in - tune with a modern, busy lifestyle.
But for men, while testosterone is not the whole story, it does play a leading role and the modern lifestyle may be your T's worst enemy.
Most of our spinal activity should happen in the thoracic spine region, though it rarely does — our modern lifestyle encourages lumbar motion (the lower back) over thoracic engagement, which can lead to lower back pain and weakness.
You probably also know that our modern diets and busy lifestyles make it almost impossible to give our body exactly what it needs to do this.
While we do need cortisol in our bodies and our lives — say, to help us hit the car brakes before slamming into a tree — our modern lifestyles prompt us to pump out way too much of this steroid hormone.
Don't worry most people will have this problem because of our modern lifestyle.
Most people in the modern world do either from diet or poor lifestyle choices or both.
It appears all we need do to get rid of serious diseases is adopt a natural, organic diet and avoid ingesting the toxic chemicals of our modern lifestyle.
Though I'm no Green, nor do I think moving to the woods to commune with the grubs is a viable (or desirable) solution to mitigating stress, the tremendous volume and scope of stressful stimuli present in the modern, fast - paced lifestyle may play a very critical role in the high rates of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, depression and anxiety we're seeing (among many health problems).
Today's lifestyle and environment mean that we need to do a little extra to cover the nutritional gaps caused by missed meals, fast food, soil depletion and modern harvesting methods.
This statement leads us to a simple conclusion that Hashimoto disease may have a lot to do with the vitamin D («sun vitamin») deficiency as well as the modern unhealthy lifestyle of North America or Europe.
The problem is that because modern lifestyles tend to be busy and filled with work and activities, people do not tend to prioritize sleep.Though taking time to rest is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle, many have the mindset that they can get by without it or load up on caffeine to keep getting through their jam - packed days.
Modern day lifestyles and choices do allow some sort of indulgence for special occasions.
If FODMAP sensitivity does have a genetic component then you will be partially limited forever but if it is mainly caused by our modern lifestyle, it may well be curable if you keep playing around with the strategies above.
Generally speaking, a healthytarian lifestyle minimizes the use of gluten even when it is not necessary to do so, and may entirely avoid wheat products due to the various modern modifications and hybridization techniques that wheat has undergone to make it a major world commodity food crop.
In most cases it does not take into account the unique genetic makeup of each individual or factors such as environmental exposures to toxins and the aspects of today's lifestyle that have a direct influence on the rise in chronic disease in modern Western society.
Can't we work full - time, live in urban apartments / houses, enjoy meals with our guests (even if we don't cook), and find ways to make our modern lifestyles work via creative means without feeling like social or economic failures?
I'm good looking for my age, I do have a modern outlook on life, live a cosmopolitan lifestyle, into cooking and do like to travel.
Whether it's the fact that successful people don't have as much time as they used to due to business commitments, or the modern day Kardashian culture that's led to more and more young people expecting a lavish lifestyle without the means to fund it, it seems that Sugar Babies and Sugar Daddies are here to stay.
Earlier in January, The Hollywood Reporter announced that Mira Sorvino would be doing a guest role on Modern Family, playing Nicole Rosemary Page, a woman who «runs a GOOP — esque lifestyles brand called NERP.»
I would like to see vets, dog professionals doing some research and owner education on the effect of early neutering and dried «formula» foods, lifestyle and any modern developments And some research on the physique and weight of dogs, after all there is no universal recipe for all dogs, breed needs differ, development
I think one of the challenges of our modern day lifestyles has to do with our «branding.»
Yes, though you are turning 30, modern lifestyle has given rise to newer diseases which do not consider age while attacking the individual.
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