Sentences with phrase «modern scholarship»

"Modern scholarship" refers to the current and updated way of conducting academic research and studying various subjects. It includes using advanced methodologies, technology, and evidence-based approaches to gain new knowledge and understanding in a particular field or discipline. Full definition
The main lines of the solution are fairly well agreed upon by modern scholarship, but it must be said that conservative scholarship differs at many significant points in its view of the matter.
He is also convinced that a prejudice against religious belief has distorted modern scholarship and continues to infect academic opinion.
This position has been countered in modern scholarship primarily with the argument that the term «Son of Man» is not a christological title used by the primitive Church, so could not have been attributed to Jesus unless he had used it of himself.»
The Century defended him, published his articles and boldly exploited his identification with modern scholarship.
However, modern scholarship does not always support the conviction of the early Church about the authorship of New Testament books.
Biblical interpretation naturally absorbs a lot of ink; but «modern biblical scholars» will be surprised to learn that many of them regard miracle stories as fictions «designed to influence the common folk of an ancient and more simple time»: a view closer to old - fashioned anticlericalism of Thomas Paine's vintage than modern scholarship even of a radical stripe.
Modern scholarship unveiled a Jesus who is a «stranger and enigma to our time» (Schweitzer's words) because his whole message and ministry were grounded in an expectation of the immediate coming of the end of the world.
That charge might more easily be made against those who contemptuously dismiss modern scholarship in the name of the a priori truth of the biblical text.»
Jesus had been rediscovered by modern scholarship as a prophet and teacher.
A major New Testament scholar explains what modern scholarship allows us to say with some confidence about the life and message of the historical Jesus.
As we have seen, generally speaking, modern scholarship no longer believes that they were all from the same hand, or that the disciple John wrote any of them himself.
He used modern scholarship and keen musicianship to bring new life to works by Handel and Bach, Mozart and Haydn.
The question of Jesus's literacy has been much discussed in modern scholarship; the Jesus Seminar and others feel references in the Gospels to Jesus reading and writing may well be fictions.
According to Kugel, modern scholarship has essentially demolished any affirmative evidence for the truth of Judaism's founding stories.
Modern scholarship, however, tells a different story.
It was received into the New Testament canon with hesitation, considered second - class Scripture by Luther, reluctantly accepted by Calvin, rejected by Erasmus, and now is repudiated as pseudonymous by modern scholarship.
Now this variety of usage in the biblical talk of God (and modern scholarship has shown that the biblical statements can not all be neatly fitted together into a systematic whole, in the way some earlier Christian thinkers assumed that to be possible) makes it clear that the Bible is not wedded to any particular form of words concerning God.
From the things that Sabio pulled up, I was most disturbed by a paragraph that said something like this: modern scholarship and archeology disprove the Bible, but this is only written up in scientific journals.
Then there are the small and culturally withdrawn colleges with a campus ethos strongly enough at variance with the dogmas and dictates of Modern Scholarship to disdain and resist it thus far; one thinks of Wheaton, Liberty, Oral Roberts, Calvin, Goshen.
The «modern scholarship» that Templeton had recently come to embrace was threatening the foundations of the young Graham's «old fashioned» faith.
Even the worst fundamentalist would be happy to give Luther the scholar an airing against the arrogance of modern scholarship.
Modern scholarship, many in the churches believe, has proven itself implacably hostile to faith.
(Despite some criticism in detail, Bousset's Die Religion des Judentums remains one of the great works of modern scholarship.
Modern scholarship has revealed not only how much our capacity to be human depends on language and culture but also the extent to which all language (and particularly religious language) is symbolic.
Modern scholarship has given us an advantage over the Reformers of the 16th century.
As the hours went by, tempers frayed as the African expressed his confidence in the clear words of scripture, while the American stressed the need to interpret the Bible in the light of modern scholarship and contemporary mores.
Today, modern scholarship is translating and writing commentaries on the great texts of the world's religions at an unparalleled pace.
Mordecai Kaplan finds the pragmatic and modernist spirit which he learned in America to be at the heart of Judaism as expressed in the Bible (found in a good translation, like the Jerusalem Bible, which reflects the best of higher criticism and modern scholarship).
^ a b c In a 2011 review of the state of modern scholarship, Bart Ehrman (now a secular agnostic who was formerly Evangelical) wrote: «He certainly existed, as virtually every competent scholar of antiquity, Christian or non-Christian, agrees» B. Ehrman, 2011 Forged: writing in the name of God ISBN 978 -0-06-207863-6.
In a 2011 review of the state of modern scholarship, Bart Ehrman (who is a secular agnostic) wrote: «He certainly existed, as virtually every competent scholar of antiquity, Christian or non-Christian, agrees» B. Ehrman, 2011 Forged: writing in the name of God ISBN 978 -0-06-207863-6.
Gordis» presentation, Jacobs declared, was a «brilliant» exercise in modern scholarship, but one that could have no meaning at all for traditional decisors — interpreters of Jewish law — who viewed the halakhah in «completely static terms.»
Modern scholarship has indeed uncovered the dynamics of the halakhah, but, by the same token of scholarly integrity, we are forced to acknowledge that the halakhic process, from the close of the Talmud down to the present day, is, paradoxically, one in which change takes place in a theoretically unchanging system.
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