Sentences with phrase «modern study»

Most modern studies of bipolar disorder have concentrated on the brain's cortex, the largest part of the brain in humans, associated with higher - level thought and action.
They ignored more modern studies that have shown much greater benefit.
I am writing a book on colic, looking at how women in different parts of the world deal with colic, and also at modern studies that explore various causes and solutions.
Thus, where previous studies had linked margarine use to heart disease, it is questionable whether modern studies will still show this effect.
Now, due to modern study schedule in schools and colleges, it has put a great burden of studies on the shoulders of the students.
While acupuncture originated in ancient times, many modern studies have been performed that have helped us to understand some of the mechanisms through which acupuncture works.
However, in recent years, more modern studies have consistently shown that your resting metabolic rate does decrease with calorie restriction.
Modern studies in DNA may reveal how an apparently small change in regulatory genes can effect momentous changes in morphological and physiological aspects of the organisms involved.
The Binchester head is African in appearance, but Dr Petts, who is also Associate Director of Durham University's Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, said experts were unsure whether these features were deliberate or coincidental.
Since 1960, when modern studies on this group began, Sturnira has grown from eight species to 22.
This book is based on Schnarch's extensive clinical experience and is supported by modern studies of the human brain.
Volcanic activity was high during this period of history, and we know from modern studies of volcanism that eruptions can have strong cooling effects on the climate for several years after an eruption.
The survey about bitcoin was conducted in April by the Russian Centre for modern studies ProResearch and the National agency of financial studies (NAFI).
in the 1970's, 70 % of men and 40 % of women had affairs, but modern studies show men and women under 45 were equal.
What we have in Paul is a further, and very distinctive, development of the primitive Christology, partly on the basis of pre-Christian Jewish and even syncretistic — that is, partly pagan — speculations (Paul's contact with the pagan world of his time is recognized in most modern studies; indeed, it is sometimes exaggerated.
Coaster Modern Study Full Workstation is another study loft option.
One way to ensure that citizenship is treated more seriously in all schools in the UK would be to introduce modern studies to the curriculum.
Yet Arizona State University historian and author Monica Green says it's only been in the past decade that genome analysis has given the bacteria an evolutionary history of plague, allowing us to link modern studies to past experiences.
These pharmacological effects typically mirror those originally described for the herbs by the Chinese physicians of 2000 years ago, although modern studies have in some cases revealed new pharmacological benefits that were not previously recognized by TCM doctors.
This was in 1791, nearly two centuries before modern study identified an urgent need to restore the lake and bodies of water like it — a movement that has transformed Lake George into one of the world's «smartest» lakes as part of a project named for Jefferson.
In 1911, the first modern study about fastening was conducted in France.
Contrary to this belief, modern studies indicate that swimming is actually one of the biggest calorie - burners, which beats many other workouts because of the lack of stress applied to the joints.
(source) Several modern studies support this traditional perspective, and in fact it is not recommended to be consumed with immune - suppressing drugs due to it's potential to counteract them.
As modern beegans we have dug hard into the research, drawing on ancient practices and modern studies documenting the amazing effects bee products can have on your health!
The Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA) has said that the Nation 5 Modern Studies exam had to be printed because of a typographical error which led to a mistake in a diagram.
Besides, modern studies on mugwort have shown it has antiviral properties, and as ancient medicine was based solely on empirical data, making fun of Koreans for actually using it is totally not okay.
Modern studies in DNA may reveal how an apparently small change in regulatory genes can effect momentous changes in morphological and physiological aspects of the organismsinvolved.
The traditional Chinese medicine pharmacopeia recommends mushrooms — particularly shiitake, maitake and reishi varieties — for fighting respiratory ailments, and modern studies show that these versatile fungi can indeed stimulate the immune system and ward off viruses.
Modern study of the Pauline letters has shed important light on the specific circumstances of his teaching on the law, faith, and justification.
Much of the modern study of psychopathology centers on the problems caused by sexual repression.
Eissfeldt, «The Prophetic Literature,» The Old Testament and Modern Study, edited by H. H. Rowley (New York: Oxford University Press, 1951), pp. 125ff.
The modern study of economics was started by Adam Smith, a Scottish philosopher who emphasised the practical and gave almost no thought to men's higher purposes.
I am not sure of the significance of the word «modern» in Mr Hadas» contention that «the modern study of economics was started by Adam Smith».
In introducing this collection (a volume in the important series «Modern Studies in Philosophy» [Doubleday Anchor, 1969]-RRB- Professor Kenny makes these surely sensible comments:
Modern study of the Bible has brought the discovery that the Christian hope is not at all exclusively tied to an other - worldly form; indeed, as we have seen, that is just what it had started to lead men away from.
Some of our best knowledge of stages in the reconciling process has come through the modern study of small, face - to - face groups.
The modern study of history has brought to light earlier periods of sudden cultural change.
It supplied the impetus which set the modern study of history on its feet.
The modern study of the «forms» of literature, their origin and early development, has found an exceptionally rich field in the biblical literature, so varied as it is, and extending over so long a period of time.
Modern studies have helped us to realize more clearly than before, that, for the first thirty years of its existence, Christianity itself was one of the many sects or movements which existed within Judaism, and that when Christianity finally became divorced from the Jewish community, it too was already branching out into some diverse forms.
Modern study of the passage has made it clear that it was not personal resurrection beyond death that concerned Ezekiel here.
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