Sentences with phrase «modern texts»

It seems that old - school writing has to be planned out beforehand, and modern text editing makes us build our texts from the inside out.
Lesson includes: original and modern text with key questions to help students analyse the scene AQA exam style...
However, these texts are open to questions raised from the standpoint of psychological models, just as surely as are folk texts such as fairy tales, modern texts such as short stories, and personal «texts» such as dreams.
It's a striking illustration of gluttony and waste, and one that makes its way into modern texts.
Alisa Vitti's latest release, MyFlo App, was born from her book WomanCode, one of the first modern texts to educate women about their cycles — specifically the effects of hormonal changes during all four phases of it — in a way that was accessible and actionable.
I guess that they were fed up with the teachers union demanding resources to help students like modern technology, modern text books, special services for children who lag behind others, manageable class sizes, accountability from administrators, fair treatment of the students and faculty, certification requirements for teachers, and decent wages.
If you want a more modern text on financial statement analysis, take a look at Penman «Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation».
Apps like Telegram and Hangouts support the notification quick reply, as well as most modern text messaging clients, so give this a shot!
I read ancient and modern texts on yoga, explored yoga postures, fasted, did visualization, performed physical purifications, and much more.
I suspect that anyone who has studied the Bible's origins from the standpoint of historical criticism, who has made serious inquiries into how it accreted and changed through redaction, additions and deletions over many years, who has actually seen and read the earliest manuscripts and those thought most relevant to modern text, would be very unlikely to call the Bible infallible and the inerrant word of God.
Xi is a project to build a modern text editor with uncompromising performance.
Even paired with MMS, it doesn't offer any of the features you expect from a modern texting app.
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