Sentences with phrase «modern than its age»

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It manages to turn a less - than - scintillating - sounding subject — our aging electricity grid — into compelling reading, he claims, writing that even those who have never spent a minute pondering how the lights come on will leave this one understanding «that the electrical grid is one of the greatest engineering wonders of the modern world» and «why modernizing the grid is so complex and so critical for building our clean - energy future.»
I am sometimes horrified by things people my age tend to say in social and business situations, especially when they express a disdain of modern technology or recall an earlier era as a golden age — usually everyone within hearing knows that the previous period was merely different, rather than glorious.
In this modern age, that can be taken quite literally — rather than lovers giving each other paper cards that say stuff like «I Choo - Choo - Choose You,» people today are more prone to express their love electronically through various means including e-mail, text messages and social media.
With the rise of entrepreneurs searching for funding that fits the modern age, new, technology - enabled lenders have emerged, offering greater flexibility and speed than many traditional funding methods.
Foolish, HC: The guess of an educated modern human is more valuable than the guess of a Bronze Age Palestinian.
The modern age has promoted the development of distinct personal qualities and encouraged us to see ourselves as individuals rather than roles, but has isolated us from the truths that supply us with energy and rivet the mind.
Personally I see more value in appealing to human decency and modern culture than to attempting to make the moral views of iron age civilizations entrenched in sexism, racial bigotry, and a host of other very morally questionable beliefs somehow fit our modern society.
The educated modern man needs no reminder how It has been of the best to «just go along» with the evangelical and his beliefs rather than suffer the wrath that might be so ordained against him by those who have carved out their virtuous beliefs from an age old written scripture.
I owe it to the fact that my teachers told me to read Science and the Modern World at an early age that I have found these conundrums less confusing than I might otherwise have done.
It is an alternative from which bad Christians and agnostics alike have begun to shrink in horror, for even if the Church had no more within her to give the modern age, even so would she be a better light to men than the black slavery of the spirit which has arisen out of the East, and stands upon the shores of the West.
The experience of every generation since his own age demonstrates that there is in Jesus an appeal stronger than that of any warrior, statesman, artist, or thinker, of antiquity or of modern times.
Whitehead's judgment that a new age, following the modern one, has already begun is nowhere more clearly expressed than in the passage from which the following quotation is taken.
The modern age has seen more than its share of horrors, but none so stupefying as the spectacle of Christ re-crucified in our divisions.
Religion is the practice of faith... and although the two are related they are not the same thing — in today's age there is far more religion in the secular world than in most modern faith centered worlds.
In The Bible After Babel: Historical Criticism in a Postmodern Age, the Old Testament scholar John Collins observes that the rules for historical study are academic rather than confessional, based on modern canons of historical analysis rather than classical principles of faith.
There remains still to be reckoned with, some remnant of expectation of miraculous action: it was inescapable in that age; however, as we may note once again, ancient miracles were much simpler than their modern protagonists would have them, and much closer to natural processes.
If the horrors of the modern age suggest that human evil is perhaps even more awful in its reach than he imagined, it is also the case that there is a broadly shared human revulsion against such evil.
As modern wellness gets a little self - serious and oversexed, there's a certain comfort in these things that are more New Age than new.
But as modern wellness gets a little self - serious and oversexed, there's a certain comfort in these things that are more New Age than new: the sprouts that taste like crunchy water, the dusty spices in the mock - tuna salad, the aliens, the old newspaper clippings.
Aging equipment is also costly to repair and typically uses greater energy than more modern equipment.
In this modern age where science rules and people are further than ever from their animal origins, it's no wonder that breastfeeding has become a taboo subject for many.
Similar research since has found what may be the genetic signatures of Norwegian Viking Age mice in modern populations on the Azores, an island chain more than 900 miles west of Portugal.
Modern European dogs still share heritage with Stone Age canines on the continent, hinting that all the pups came from a common source rather than separately domesticated Asian dogs replacing their European counterparts.
A1689B11 formed stars about 10 to 20 times faster than modern spiral galaxies but comparable to other similar galaxies of the same age.
According to a recent study led by Gábor Horváth, a biological physicist at Eötvös University in Hungary, cave painters understood — better than many artists of the modern age — the laws governing animal motion.
Anthropogenic climate change and resulting sea level rise are now happening much more rapidly than at the transition from the last ice age to the modern global climate.
Based on analyses of current IQ data, he speculates that we are not born with more mental potential than our ancestors; however, because our modern brain is expected to handle higher - level cognitive tasks from a very young age, our mental capabilities have changed.
By comparing it with that of modern humans, chimpanzees and bonobos, plus Neanderthals and Denisovans, Meyer estimated its age at 400,000 years, twice as old as our own species and far older than any hominin genome previously sequenced (Nature, DOI: 10.1038 / nature12788).
«This means that modern humans emerged earlier than previously thought,» says Mattias Jakobsson, population geneticist at Uppsala University who headed the project together with Stone Age archaeologist Marlize Lombard at the University of Johannesburg.
That is later than the earliest archaeological evidence for dogs in both places, which means modern dogs share an ancestor that may in fact be younger than the dogs that had already inhabited both Europe and the Far East during the earlier Stone Age period, the Paleolithic.
In the June issue of Geology, an international team reports that the reef has existed in its modern form for less than a million years — a fraction of the age of many coral reefs and atolls.
The findings suggest that people used to trade on a wider scale in the middle - modern ages around the 17th century AD than is currently thought, the team adds.
Researchers knew that Neanderthal brains reached full size between the ages of 6 and 8 years and that they were about 10 percent larger than the brains of modern humans.
IARC's focus on conducting hazard rather than risk assessments is because the agency refuses to «bring their scientific methods into the modern age,» Lucas said.
So even though male Neandertals and female modern humans probably hooked up more than once over the ages, they may have been unable to produce many healthy male babies (such as the reconstruction of this Neandertal boy from fossils from Gibraltar)-- and, thus, hastened the extinction of Neandertals.
But the aged drink had lost much of its fizz, containing much less carbon dioxide than modern champagne, likely because it had diffused out through the cork during its centuries under the sea.
It is hard to argue that a simpler life with more exercise, fewer processed foods, and closer contact with our children may well be good for us, but rather than renouncing modern living for the sake of our Stone Age genes, we need to understand how evolution has — and hasn't — suited us for the world we inhabit now.
Earlier genome - based estimates have suggested that the ancestors of modern - day dogs diverged from wolves no more than 16,000 years ago, after the last Ice Age.
We used the age of the HXH sample to set an upper bound for the yearly mutation rate μ, as the sample must be younger than the time in years since divergence of HXH and modern European dogs.
About 120,000 years ago, in the warm period that preceded our most recent ice age, modern type Homo sapiens was probably walking around Africa with dark skin — and sporting a brain that was three times larger than before the first ice age chatters 2.5 million years ago.
As most of the adult cranial capacity is reached by age 10 or 11, it is likely that the adult ECV of WT 15000 would be no more than about 1000 - 1050cc, which is still well within the modern human range of about 800 - 2000cc.19 On the same page Jue points out that a brain capacity of 1400cc applies to the Vertesszöllos erectus specimen which is dated at around 350kya (kiloyears ago = thousands of years).
Based on the age of well - preserved fossil teeth found in the newly excavated Fuyan Cave in Daoxian (southern China), modern humans were in southern China 30,000 — 70,000 years earlier than in the Levant and Europe.
I don't think anyone here disputes that modern temperatures are warmer than in the last 400 years (the Little Ice Age).
Iron Age and Anglo - Saxon samples mark the two extremes on this projection, while modern samples are spread between them, indicating mixed levels of Anglo - Saxon ancestry, which is on average higher in East England than in Wales and Scotland, with a large overlap.
Modern science and the understanding of how our bodies function down to the smallest strands of DNA are opening more doors to healthier aging options than ever before.
· Einkorn contains 4 - 5 times more riboflavin than modern wheats (Used by the body to create energy and is an antioxidant that slows aging)
EliteSingles Partner Psychologist Sam Owen believes that `' the finding that men aged 20 - 29 prefer older women rather than the suspected «younger model» is likely indicative of the change in gender roles in modern society towards more equality between the sexes.
Indeed, in 2015, an EliteSingles study of 450,000 members revealed the ideal age - gap for modern romance, and the results were startling - while older men prefer younger women, younger men actually prefered to date someone older than themselves.
Indeed, in 2015, an EliteSingles study of 450,000 members revealed the ideal age - gap for modern romance, and the results were startling - while older men prefer younger women, younger men actually preferred to date someone older than themselves.
For the study, surveyed more than 1,000 US LGBTQ singles aged 18 to 70 and above, asking them to share their feelings on areas such as modern dating habits, marriage and coming out.
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