Sentences with phrase «modes of being within»

They felt the need of rationalizing their threefold distinction of «hypostases» or modes of being within the Godhead.

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«We're committed to bringing together multiple modes of transportation within the Uber app,...
It also features 7 different modes of trading to ensure that every investor is presented with the possibility to identifying what fits best within his or her trading needs.
The emerging struggles produced within American Protestantism two basic parties: the fundamentalists, who were committed to the defense of the shape of classic Protestantism and feared that any accommodation to these new currents of thought meant the demise of Christianity; and the modernists, who felt that intellectual integrity required some form of adaptation and rethinking of classical modes of articulating Christian faith.
It may be that the two modes of presentation are incompatible within the structure of the narrative.
As actual, God includes creativity within himself and could be said to have it as his body or mode of being.
Within the broad horizon of world interpretations are individual congregational households, negotiating their own relation to the four modes.
In this late 20th Century, churches face a situation unprecedented since the Church's formation (comparable in magnitude to the era of the Christian apologists and the Reformation), in which most churches» thought and practice - and by implication God's revelation - are framed within and associated with communication and modes of thought of a past stage of cultural development.
Although the mode of thinking here is radically different from that of modern metaphysics, by following the lead of the new physics, it converges toward the latter in countering the positivism and the practically oriented modernism following from Darwinian evolution, with its stress upon «environmentalism» and «functionalism» as modes of adaptation within a secularized immediacy, an immediacy shorn of depth and ultimacy.
In the late 20th Century, churches face a situation unprecedented since the Church's formation (comparable in magnitude to the era of the Christian apologists and the Reformation), in which most churches» thought and practice — and by implication God's revelation — are framed within and associated with communication and modes of thought of a past stage of cultural development.
It also confirms more than any other evidence that the universe had a beginning and expanded at a rate faster than the speed of light within less than a trillion of a trillion of a trillion of a second — less than 10 ^ -35 of a second — of the Big Bang by detecting the miniscule «light polarizations» called B - Modes caused by the Gravitational Waves — which were theorized in 1916 by Albert Einstein in his Theory of General Relativity but never detected before — of the Inflation of the Big Bang which are embedded in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation — CMB or CMBR that was discovered by American scientists back in 1964.
It purports to be about things and persons within a distinctly moral mode of being.
Finally, canonical criticism, which often describes itself as a theological mode of interpretation, may also be considered as a form of cultural hermeneutics, since it also puts into the foreground the community context within which the text was created and from which it is to be read.
I thus conclude, within the oversimplification which is excusable for this kind of capsule argument, that apologetics or evangelism should not be thought of as constituting a distinctive mode of theological discourse for which we would need a specific definition of the place of the Bible.
Memory and anticipation are aspects of that field of feeling which is the self; and through these modes of perception the past and future are immanent within the self.
The further problem is to define within the parameters of Whitehead's metaphysics how it is that the completed actual occasion, through its own transitional creativity (Whitehead maintains that the appetition for the future is a mode of creativity), is united to God in such a way that it participates in God's feelings of its own transformation.
The distinctive character of the region is to be found in its sea, climate, terrain, and mode of production context, within which people worked hard, to meet their needs.160 At no stage of the process the farmer is able to manipulate the outcome.
From a vantage point within the faith, disestablishing the church can not be justified as an end in itself; it can only be a means, a strategy, a mode of transition to some better end.
Not only are the stages of preaxial development treated only formally and the axial cultures of China and Persia wholly omitted, but also developments in Greece and Palestine have been dealt with schematically in such a way as to ignore other modes of existence which took shape within them.
The sharp distinction of Homeric and Socratic structures within the great diversity of modes of existence in Greece is a gross, but hopefully helpful, simplification.
But they appear to think that just this range of modes of existence is that within which man as man has always operated.
The conviction that there is a diversity of structures of existence as well as a diversity of modes of existence within each structure is partly a function of reflection on human differences and partly a function of a priori considerations.
Perhaps I could say now in retrospect that my being drawn to the study and development of a process mode of thinking may also have been related to an unconscious awareness that it offered me not only a more viable theological and philosophical framework than any other, but also an opportunity to integrate my identity as a woman within a religious framework.
Those who conceptualize within the imagery of nonrelational or substantive modes of thought, and / or who find it difficult to transcend the traditional conception of power as unilateral, may also be uneasy with the conception of relational power.
Bearing this in mind, we can nevertheless see that being religious entails having intellectual commitments whose scope is universal; that the institutionally dominant modes under which interaction among serious religious persons now occurs, both within the academy and outside it, largely prevents the airing of intellectual differences, and so inevitably trivializes religious commitments; and that if this distressing situation is to be remedied, the rehabilitation of interreligious polemics is essential.
It was in the attempt to state these profound truths that thinkers within the Christian fellowship, building upon what has been called «the Palestinian experience of God,» came to develop the distinctively Christian conception of God: God as «triune,» God as the unity of three interpenetrating modes of activity.
However, this «new kind of reality,» who is Jesus, is an emergent manifestation of God in human life emanating from within creation: «a unique manifestation of apossibility always inherently there for human beings by virtue of their potential nature being created by God... a new mode of human existence emerged through Jesus» openness to God making him a God informed human being» (ibid).
The first is to show how the mode of presence of a contiguously related past actual occasion within a newly concrescing actual occasion applies to the relationship between God and man.
His task, therefore, is twofold: (1) to show how this mode of presence of a contiguously related past actual occasion within a presently concrescing occasion is applicable to the relation between God and man and (2) to show how on this basis one can proceed to explain the possibility of God's differing presence from person to person so as to account satisfactorily for his unique presence in Jesus (PPCT 385).
Practical theology, emerging out of life in a faith community, is a doxological mode of reflection that, by placing itself within the context of the church's service to God, attempts to facilitate the goal of a faithful life in the present on behalf of God's future.
The temptation to totalitarian modes of thinking and acting, of course, will always be present even within communities organized along such egalitarian lines.
From a Whiteheadian point of view, a position that can only be described and defended by the use of modes of reasoning that are not justified within that position is suspect.
There are at least three other modes of biblical religious discourse that can not be inscribed within this polarity of narration and prophecy.
Perception in the mode of presentational immediacy defines for a particular actual occasion one of the multiple durations associated with it, and this is its «presented» duration (PR 191f, 488 - 90).5 The actual occasions that might be said to actualize the presented duration are not perceived; however, the extensive relations within the presented duration are perceived (PR 95 - 97, 188).
There is also a chiasm between thought and its object: «Being is the «place» where the «modes of consciousness» are inscribed as structurations of Being (a way of thinking oneself within a society is implied in its social structure), and where the structurations of Being are modes of consciousness» (VIV 253).
Whitehead seems to mean by a systematic geometry that it is a geometry representing a structure of uniform curvature yet not a geometry identified as one of the particular uniform metric geometries.6 Further, this systematic geometry, exemplified within the presented duration, is taken to be a defining characteristic of the «geometrical» society, a basic member of a hierarchy of societies comprising the present cosmic epoch (PR 148 - 59K Thus Whitehead explains that the perceptive mode of presentational immediacy is of importance, for it exhibits a»... complex of systematic mathematical relations which participate in all the nexuses of our cosmic epoch, in the widest meaning of that term.»
In the finite mode we are perishable, but it is within the power of God to re-create our lives in an immortal and imperishable mode.
Flexible domestic measures will be taken within the ROK to facilitate this mode of operation (see Noh 1983).
This presence of the Spirit within each believer bringing with it mystical union with the Father and the Son empowers the believer beyond anything that was possible before: «Truly, truly, I say to you, any who believe in me [and this new mode of God's presence] will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will they do, because I go to the Father» (14:12).
Finally, there are those in varying degrees like Rowan Williams who inhabit mainstream orthodoxy, though without appealing to one dominant theological voice; they engage in intensive conversation and critical discourse and appreciate the «celebratory» mode; their main concern is not so much cognitive coherence or invulnerability as fulfillment of a range of complex responsibilities within academy, church and society.
The Roman Catholic Church condemns it because it holds that procreation is the only legitimate purpose of sexual intercourse, and continence within marriage the only legitimate mode of family limitation.11 Most Roman Catholics and some Protestants, though probably a decreasing number, hold that family limitation by an artificial means is «against nature,» and hence against the divine will.
Hugh is drawing on Pseudo-Dionyius» view that creation and the liturgy within the church are interlocking symbolic modes of discourse that put humans in touch with the divine.
One of the genuine alternatives in our time to the «dialectical» or «Continental» theology as a constructive advance upon liberalism is the mode of theological thinking which seeks to reinterpret the force and meaning of the Christian faith within the new intellectual framework that is being provided by modern metaphysics.
After the difficulty with the first perceptive mode, in which perception with respect to causal efficacy could not be experientially distinguished from perception in the mode of causal efficacity (because experiencing effected the causation within the percipient), Whitehead seems resolved not to use the distinction any more.
Theological education will be adequate to the irreducible pluralism of modes of experiences of God if it includes within the school itself a pluralism of modes of experience of God that are genuinely «other» by reason of different ethnic, sexual, racial, and social locations.
Efficacity is placed within concrescence: «the mode of efficacy belongs to the responsive phase» (PR 180/273).
Russell Hittinger has brought out further complexities of Thomistic developments in the wake of Aeterni Paths: «Thomists developed rather freewheeling accounts of the political, economic, legal and social order -LSB-... putting] Thomism in an offensive mode as far as social doctrine went -LSB-... whereas] in matters related to sacred doctrine [philosophical] Thomism would be put into a defensive role» such that scholasticism could not be publicly challenged within the Church.
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In both rear - facing and forward - facing mode, the position of the harness straps on your child's shoulders and the position of your child's head within the car seat are the key factors that determine when your child has outgrown a car seat.
Secondary outcomes included vaginal delivery within 24h, mode of delivery and maternal and fetal outcomes.Result: A total of 680 women were included: 483 (71 %) received vaginal dinoprostone and 197 (29 %) received oral misoprostol.
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