Sentences with phrase «modest steps»

The city has taken modest steps over the last year to address the issue, including creating an admissions pilot program that allows some schools to set aside seats for low - income students.
In the near term, experts say, more modest steps could be taken to protect forests.
The government has taken only modest steps to prevent a repeat of that disaster.
So try to avoid thinking big, and take small, modest steps towards your real progress.
Congress may soon take a very modest step in that direction by outlawing bump stocks.
In fact, I would consider even a few very modest steps forward as major success in Durban.
NBC News has since issued a correction to say that prosecutors had actually taken the far more modest step of pulling Cohen's phone logs.
Politicians are already taking modest steps toward national standards without creating a firestorm.
However, as technology evolves, huge graphical leaps become more modest steps up, and neither the PlayStation 4 nor Xbox One present dramatic shifts in quality from their predecessors.
This special edition — with updates from more than half the 50 states over just three days — reports on the first, too - modest steps by policy makers across the U.S. to respond to the growing grassroots pressure for assessment reform.
President Donald Trump makes big promises to reduce prescription drug costs, but his administration is gravitating to relatively modest steps such as letting Medicare patients share in manufacturer rebates.
Apart from laying the groundwork for e-filing, the Supreme Court's new website is a fairly modest step forward.
Fostering creativity, Paradox Interactive has decided to take mods a step further in the world of Cities: Skyline.
Studies like this show that even modest steps in this direction can have big payoffs.
KYOTO (JAPAN) / BRUSSELS (BELGIUM), 14 February 2005 - Friends of the Earth International warned today that the United Nations Kyoto agreement on climate change that will enter into force on 16 February is only a first modest step towards more drastic greenhouse gas emission cuts needed to address climate change.
For now, Marshall Rafal, president of OLI Systems Inc., an aqueous and environmental software manufacturer in Morris Plains, N.J., is another small - business person who is taking modest steps into electronic banking.
In just one month since the Parkland shooting, the gun control movement has made some small gains: The Florida state legislature passed new firearm regulations, and the federal spending bill signed by President Trump on Friday contains modest steps toward tightening the nation's gun laws, including the Fix NICS Act, which strengthens the background - check system for gun purchases.
The Baltimore Sun Editorial: Without Governor Hogan's Desire To Strengthen Charter Schools, Reform Would Not Have Taken Place; Law Represents A «Modest Step Forward
After taking modest steps on efficiency and renewables at the start of the millennium, both states have retreated and are now betting the house on gas.
So are Moto Mods a step forward, or a huge step back?
In this context, the Court's ruling that the Commission should make a specific and individual examination of every document not contained in an infringement file is a positive, but only modest step in ensuring compliance with the EU environmental acquis.
At best, this deal is only a very modest step in that direction.
Right now, nobody is expecting these to be on anything like the scale of those deployed during the height of the recession, but it is hoped that relatively modest steps could correct the downward trend.
Admittedly, doubling a speed of three transactions per second is a fairly modest step, yet other breakthroughs outside of Bitcoin and Ethereum suggest that blockchains are likely to be considerably faster in the future.
Even the greatest ideas and inventions can flounder, whereas more modest steps forward sometimes change the world
But instead of substantial changes, Mr. Ponte, urged on by Mr. Seabrook, settled for a few more modest steps, such as the inspection of lunches, according to several high - ranking city officials.
But the Delaware house did recently pass a bill that would take modest steps to reduce the number of these suits.
These modest steps can make a profound difference in your business.
• Justin Trudeau's proposal to eliminate loopholes in the small business tax is a modest step in the direction of tax fairness and Finance Minister Bill Morneau is, in many ways, an ideal spear - carrier for reform.
-- Justin Trudeau's proposal to eliminate loopholes in the small business tax is a modest step in the direction of tax fairness and Finance Minister Bill Morneau is, in many ways, an ideal spear - carrier for reform.
Brazil took a modest step along this path by using tax policy rather than outright capital controls when it taxed foreign buyers of its bonds last week.
While the sexual - harassment provision in the bill was only a modest step in the right direction, it was packaged with important other measures that would combat human trafficking, expand protections for victims of domestic violence and prevent housing discrimination.
These are modest steps, but they were not in the Conservative manifesto.
China's steps in space The launch of Tiangong 1 is another modest step forward in China's slow - paced but forward - moving human space flight program.
It can embark on a series of modest steps, each building on the one before.
Over the past few months, the Ethics and Public Policy Center sought to take some modest steps in this direction by examining in some depth public views about bioethics, and particularly questions of embryo research: to better understand what Americans know and don't know, what they worry about, what moves them and what leaves them cold, and where their views might point if (or when) they were to become better informed about the facts.
Instead, similar to New York and North Carolina, the state took the modest step of reporting students» scores on their high - school transcripts.
Amy Baker, a LAUSD parent, criticized the state for making «no effort to improve our broken teacher evaluation system» and asked the committee to pass the bill because it was «a modest step in the right direction.»
California placed a year - long moratorium on the use of Common Core exams to make «accountability» decisions, a modest step that drew threats from Duncan to withhold hundreds of millions of dollars in federal education aid.
Perhaps, then, instead of calling for a massive transformation of our school system based on the idea that learning should be personalized, we should first take some modest steps to help teachers become a little more responsive to the kids in front of them.
The General Assembly gutted many of the important elements in the governor's legislation, but the final product represents at least a modest step forward and a basis from which Mr. Hogan can seek more reforms in the future.»
A modest step up to $ 63,570 gets the 3.6 AWD which undercuts similarly powered mid-size alternatives such as the Mercedes E300 ($ 65,500) or Audi A6 3.0 T ($ 70,200).
The Puerto Penasco multiple - effect design, three times as efficient as the Symi still, is a modest step in this direction.
The CPU is a modest step down compared to the current generation of Android devices (it's in the same ballpark as that of the original Motorola Droid), but the Nook Color's specs are otherwise comparable with the hardware in Samsung's Galaxy Tab and other mid-range tablets.
Hillsborough County (Florida) Animal Services» modest step in adopting TNR is met with fierce resistance by some in the veterinary community.
Honestly, it would be nice if the mods step in every now and then.
But if the U.S. Government is even remotely serious about fighting poverty and bringing energy to all, then these modest steps are really the very least we can do.
The IEA is initiating immediate, modest steps to support countries in strengthening the resilience of their energy systems.
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