Sentences with phrase «moist convection»

Radiation plays a bit role especially in the tropics where most of the solar energy enters and most of the moist convection happens.
Yao, and J. Jonas, 2007: Will moist convection be stronger in a warmer climate?
Latent transport due to moist convection removes heat insensibly from the surface and releases it at whatever level in the atmosphere adiabatic cooling causes the vapor to reach the dewpoint.
Unfortunately, the treatment of moist convection affects cloud feedbacks.
Atmospheric Temperature Structure (8:38) Pressure in a Standing Fluid (10:58) Water Vapor and Latent Heat (8:30) Moist Convection (2:01)
Moist convection results in cloud formation: water vapour condenses and form cloud drops.
It reflects reductions in lapse rates, which in the tropics reflect reductions in the moist - adiabatic lapse rate to which moist convection tends to restore atmospheric temperature profiles.
The differences in the molecular weights of N2 and H2O matter but are generally not the crucial aspect that controls where moist convection occurs and how intense it is.
Field experiments show that the net flux is very small in comparison to the transport of LATENT heat by moist convection.
There is no simple connection between the thermodynamics of moist convection and the intensity of the Hadley circulation.
Scores of careful energy transfer eperiments around the globe have repeatedly shown that moist convection is the principal means by which the base of the atmosphere is directly heated.
We all know that moist convection is a critical knowledge gap in the GCMs.
We apply a globally uniform threshold to the AGCM, and model subgrid fluctuations in wind speed using information from the AGCM's parameterizations of the planetary boundary layer, along with dry and moist convection.
Take a look at Trenberth and Smith The basic idea is that increased moist convection lifts a lot of warm water vapor in the tropics (T&S) up into the troposphere at levels where the MSU are sensitive to it (Eli's ansatz).
Simulations of deep moist convection need to be run at grid resolutions finer than 2 kilometers to accurately predict the effects of climate change.
IMO our understanding of the dynamics of moist convection and its consequences is even less than that of the «ice - locker» effect.
Through horizontal averaging, variations of water vapor and temperature that are related to the horizontal transport by the large - scale circulation will be largely removed, and thus the water vapor and temperature relationship obtained is more indicative of the property of moist convection, and is thus more relevant to the issue of water vapor feedback in global warming.
My view is that Gaia's moist convection, the source of all life, is ever - healing.
GCM developmental research focuses on sensitivity to parameterizations of clouds and moist convection, ground hydrology, and ocean - atmosphere - ice interactions.
The lower troposphere is heated primarily by moist convection, not radiation.
Even the most eminent of them often show no capabilty of distinguishing between coherent signal transmission through a semitransparent atmosphere (a well - undersood problem) and diffusive transfer of thermal energy through all mechanisms, including moist convection (a poorly understood problem).
Miyamoto and his colleagues showed that an intermediate resolution can be used to drive deep moist convection, thus providing a clear target for future climate model development.
The objective was to improve understanding of moist convection and its implications for climate circulation and of convective parameterizations in GCMs.
Del Genio, A. D., M. S. Yao, and J. Jonas, 2007: Will moist convection be stronger in a warmer climate?
In most cases, we have a good understanding of wave dynamics when the atmosphere is dry and there's no condensation or evaporation, but we lack a solid understanding of how things change when moist convection gets involved (i.e. clouds).
Paradoxically, although dry atmospheres are known to hamper moist convection, drying the soil to its permanent wilting point generates circulations that are strong enough to overcome this inhibition.
«Perhaps you mean to say that moist convection enforces a shallower lapse rate than dry convection, because otherwise moist parcels become buoyant.»
If it appears in meteorologists» world it is because moist convection (almost always in the form of thunderstorms) occurred.
My offer of the clue you may be missing is this: if you see the lapse rate moving toward the moist adiabat, it is because there is moist convection, which typically means rain.
Perhaps you mean to say that moist convection enforces a shallower lapse rate than dry convection, because otherwise moist parcels become bouyant.
Air moves along slightly deformed but essentially horizontal surfaces except in unstable moist convection and small - scale turbulence.
Moist convection doesn't always mean rain.
«We are still seeking a fundamental theory for moist convection, or what we call convection with phase changes.
Daytime moist convection over the semi-arid Tropics: impact of parametrizations used in CMIP5 and other models, QJR Meteorol Soc doi: 10.1002 / qj.2517 link
«Perhaps the most important of these parameterization uncertainties is that due to moist convection.
Repeated experiments in situ consistently show that net radiative transfer is overwhelmed by the transfer via moist convection.
Moist convection is represented by a simplified Betts - Miller convection scheme that relaxes temperatures toward a moist adiabat and specific humidities toward a profile with a prescribed relative humidity.
Schneider, T., and P. A. O'Gorman, 2008: Moist convection and the thermal stratification of the extratropical troposphere.
We use similar dry and moist convection schemes as in the dry and moist models above, for Titan adapted to the thermodynamic properties of methane as the condensable species.
However, over land, where there is not very much moist convection, which is not dominated by the tropics and where one expects surface trends to be greater than for the oceans, there was no amplification at all!
Because precipitation removes water, sinking air is often dry, and lapse rates up to dry adiabatic can be sustained even though they would be unstable to moist convection; heat and humidity build up until conditions favor convection, until something triggers it, and then it can sustain itself until the energy is drained.
Over the oceans where most tropical moist convection occurs, the amplification in the model is greater — about a factor of 1.4.
To be sure, this isn't a demonstration that the tropical trends in the model simulations or the data are perfectly matched — there remain multiple issues with moist convection parameterisations, the Madden - Julian oscillation, ENSO, the «double ITCZ» problem, biases, drifts etc..
These models consist of connected sub-modules that deal with radiative transfer, the circulation of the atmosphere and oceans, the physics of moist convection and cloud formation, sea ice, soil moisture and the like.
On closer examination, however, this disagreement appears to be the recorded part of a sometimes heated dialogue between experts in a rapidly developing field as they try out a new way of parameterizing some part of the problem (such as the effects of moist convection), or as they parameterize a previously specified quantity (such as snow cover).

Not exact matches

Burgers are really moist and delicious in a convection oven.
I also have a convection oven which makes the outside crispy while the inside stays moist and chewy.
To explain this finding, the study also showed that while the amount of energy available for convection increases in a warmer and moister climate, the energy inhibiting convection also increases.
Bony, S., and K.A. Emanuel, 2005: On the role of moist processes in tropical intraseasonal variability: cloud - radiation and moisture - convection feedbacks.
Burgers are really moist and delicious in a convection oven.
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