Sentences with phrase «molecular studies remains»

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Further molecular study of the remains could identify details about the Spirit Cave individuals — from the foods they consumed to the diseases that afflicted them.
«The challenge that remains is if there are many proteins interacting with the huntingtin protein, we can not easily determine which are relevant for disease and which are not,» said Erich Wanker from Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine and corresponding author of the study.
Previous studies have suggested that signals from the fetus initiate the birth process, but the precise molecular mechanisms that lead to labor remained unclear.
These techniques study the vibrations that take place in the molecular links from two complementary points of view, allowing the identification of what the most important families of compounds are in the residue that remains after the extraction of phenols.
«It remains to be established that this bacterium uses arsenate as a replacement for phosphate in its DNA or in any other biomolecule found in «standard» terran biology,» says Steven Benner, who studies origin - of - life chemistry at the Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution in Gainesville, Florida.
The methods used to make this discovery, which involved studying the motion of gas inside molecular clouds, could, in the future, reveal stray black holes that may otherwise have remained hidden.
Studying the molecular mechanisms that enable the metastatic cells to remain in dormancy for so long and then wake up and generate these macrometastases will allow us to develop therapies to prevent relapse, or, if metastasis occurs, to make it chronic or even stop it from spreading.
However, results related to coffee consumption and the metabolic syndrome are heterogeneous among studies, and the mechanisms of its functions and corresponding molecular targets remain largely elusive.
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