Sentences with phrase «molecular weight on»

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PB Gelatins / PB Leiner's SOLUGEL ® collagen peptides are available with different molecular weight profiles and can be based on different raw materials, including halal and kosher products.
A report issued in 2016 by The Cornucopia Institute summarized research on carrageenan, exposing the industry's hidden data demonstrating that all food - grade carrageenan contains a carcinogenic contaminant — low molecular weight poligeenan.
Because of various interactions, however, a membrane can not be selected purely on the basis of its salt retention, molecular weight cut - off or nominal pore size.
Neela Yennawar, director of the Huck Institute's Macromolecular X-ray Facility at Penn State and a co-author on the paper in Small, said «Crystallographers are pushing the boundary of biological samples being studied and moving towards more difficult targets of higher molecular weight and complexity.
The «molecular» balance does not compare weights but rather two electric fields that act on the mobile electron of the molecular sensor: the first is the field of a nanostructure being measured, and the second is a field surrounding the tip of the microscope, which carries a voltage.
And after the microbes grew on the polyethylene for 60 days, the mass of the plastic films decreased by 10 %, and the molecular weights of the polymer chains dropped by 13 %.
Depending on the precise location of fusion, the molecular weight of this protein can range from 185 to 210 kDa.
The predicted molecular weight of serotonin transporter based on its nucleic acid sequence is 67,815.
«Deficient neuron - microglia signaling results in impaired functional brain connectivity and social behavior» Y. Zhan, R.C. Paolicelli, F. Sforazzini, L. Weinhard, G. Bolasco, F. Pagani, A. L. Vyssotski, A. Bifone, A. Gozzi, D. Ragozzino, C.T. Gross Nature Neuroscience 17 (3), 400-4006 (2014) «USPIO - loaded Red Blood Cells as a biomimetic MR contrast agent: a relaxometric study» A. Boni, D. Ceratti, A. Antonelli, C. Sfara, M. Magnani, E. Manuali, S. Salamida, A. Gozzi, and A. Bifone Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging 9, 229 - 236 (2014) «Distributed BOLD and CBV - weighted resting - state networks in the mouse brain» F. Sforazzini, A.J. Schwarz, A. Galbusera, A. Bifone, and A. Gozzi NeuroImage 87, 403 - 415 (2014) «Antimicrobial peptides design by evolutionary multiobject optimization» G. Maccari, M. Di Luca, R. Nifosì, F. Caldarelli, G. Signore, C. Boccardi, and A. Bifone PloS Computational Biology 9 (9): e1003212 (2013) «Differential effect of orexin - 1 and crf - 1 antagonism on stress circuits: a fMRI study in the rat with the pharmacological stressor yohimbine» A. Gozzi, S: Lepore, E: Merlo Pich, and A. Bifone Neuropsychopharmacology 38 (11): 2120 - 2130 (2013) «Water dispersal and functionalization of hydrophobic iron oxide nanoparticles with lipid - modified poly (amidoamine) dendrimers» A. Boni, L. Albertazzi, C. Innocenti, M. Gemmi, and A. Bifone.
Molecular weight markers (kD) are provided on the left of the WBs in the upper panels.
A protein standard was used on each Western blot to determine the correct molecular weight of proteins.
The minimum amounts strongly depend on the stoichiometry of the interaction, the affinity of the interaction as well as the molecular weights of the interaction partners.
Realising their full potential relies crucially on extracting high quality, high molecular weight (HMW) DNA from the organisms of interest.
Carmot's fragment collection has been custom - built for the technology over several years focusing on diversity, lead - likeness, and low molecular weight and lipophilicity.
In Ayurvedic medicine, triphala works to balances all three Doshas, is highly rejuvenating, and based on high molecular weight polyphenols (which many of these other ingredients also contain), helps to activate skin microbiome bacteria.
Superstarch is a high - molecular weight cornstarch that allows you to take on carbohydrate during exercise without having an insulin response and switching off fat burning, which is — it's obviously not Paleo but it works extremely well.
And yet, most have been heavily enculturated to focus entirely on the «how much» question, opting to identify the molecular weight (i.e. how many milligrams in a serving) of a particular compound as more important than the qualitative dimensions (e.g. is it organic?
They have not only excised the water cycle, and excised rain from the carbon cycle, but have excised the whole atmosphere which is the heavy voluminous fluid ocean of real gas Air weighting a ton on our shoulders and in its place have empty space with imaginary ideal gas molecules travelling under their own molecular momentum at great speeds through this empty space miles apart from each other bouncing off each other in elastic collisions, no attraction, and so «thoroughly mixing».
Rspecific is based on the universal gas constant at a given strength of gravitational field and it can vary according to the molecular weight of the particular mix of gases involved.
The volume of the atmosphere will therefore vary depending on the average molecular weight of the atmosphere but again that is all about mass.
To use your molecular weight example, the calculated mass of the hydrogen molecule, H2, depends on the accuracy of the measured mass of the hydrogen atom, but also on the accuracy of the hypothesis: «the mass of a molecule is the sum of the masses of its constituent atoms».
Yang Z, Wullschleger SD, Liang L, Graham DE, Gu B (2016) Effects of warming on the degradation and production of low - molecular - weight labile organic carbon in an Arctic tundra soil.
Among other things, the district court based its determination on its construction of the disputed term, relying on expert testimony presented by Teva that the term «molecular weight» was not ambiguous.
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