Sentences with phrase «molecules behave like»

In this hot ice, the oxygen ions of the water molecules behave like a solid, staying in place to form a lattice, while the hydrogen ions flow through it like a fluid.
These organic molecules behave like mounting brackets to which the selective detector molecules can be attached in the next step.
MRIs work by tapping into an astonishing phenomenon: When placed in a powerful magnetic field, the hydrogen atoms in water molecules behave like small bar magnets.
When they watched these giant molecules pass through slits in a barrier, the molecules behaved like little bullets and went through one slit or another; but if they did not watch, the molecules behaved in wavelike fashion, and went through more than one slit at the same time.

Not exact matches

These experiments suggest that real interstellar ice might behave like a liquid, enhancing the formation of organic compounds, including prebiotic molecules.
Messenger molecules that convey instructions from DNA to protein factories for protein synthesis behave somewhat like kites.
When newly hatched majors were injected with molecules that increased the number of small chemical groups attached to their DNA's protein scaffolding, they behaved like minors.
But in rare cases molecules with an even number of electrons can behave like radicals, because the arrangement of their atoms prevents all the electrons from finding partners with which to pair up.
We will see these human - sized objects behave like atoms behave and molecules behave, which has never, ever been done before.
Its molecules began to separate into single atoms, while the atoms» electrons began to behave like those of a metal.
Even molecules like nitric oxide behave like magnetic impurities: when located between metal electrodes they give rise to a Kondo effect.
They behave like a cadre of easily provoked and well - armed molecular terrorists, rapidly oxidising other molecules they run into.
He has manufactured intricate molecular rings containing carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen; fatty - acid - like molecules that look and behave like the membranes protecting living cells; and nucleic acids or nucleotides, the primary components of RNA and DNA.
Kerner suggests that heavy traffic behaves like supercooled steam, in which it only takes a molecular «seed» to trigger millions of molecules to condense into water.
BUCKYBALLS — molecules made up of 60 carbon atoms — can behave like waves, blurring the boundary between the everyday world and the realm of quantum mechanics.
Maybe it's in solving math problems, or understanding how molecules behave in different states of matter, or something more nebulous like empathizing with characters from literature.
«Molecules in a liquid have attractive forces that hold them together, so the surface layer behaves like a thin elastic skin,» Vitamvas observes.
For instance, the notion that diatomic molecules like H2 or N2 do not behave like greenhouse gases is not at all the case in general, despite being true enough for Earth.
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