Sentences with phrase «molester rapist»

Romney is a cult Bishop who worships a religion that a con man, molester rapist, murderer made up to help him with his polygamy beliefs.Mormons are not even close to being chiristian in any way.Mormons are responsible for many crimes against women and children.Any man who believes his underwear has magical powers is a sicko and belongs in a padded room...

Not exact matches

«You don't have to worry about traffic jams and murders, child molesters, rapists, and thieves,» Laird said.
You damn child molesters — serial rapist — murderers --- etc, or don't you????????
He has compared us to drunks, «child molesters — serial rapist — murderers,» prostitutes, etc....
The important question is: if Judas was created to betray Jesus, are killers, rapists, molesters, thieves, druglords etc created to inflict harm on innocent lives?
So, you'd like to be in a place where unrepentant rapists, murderers, child molesters, former Nazi killers and other hateful people live (hell)?
by «a few bad apples» do you mean child molesters and rapists who get media attention for their crimes?
The religion who claims the very foundation of their belief is love so much so that God sent his son to sacrafice his life so that the rapists, muderers, child molesters, theives and other sinners can be saved!
Per ratio, drug user's rapist, child molesters, and murders are committed 96 % to 4 % respectively.
Lot's of cult tendencies, and very disturbing that this CHILD MOLESTER / RAPIST actually rewards himself as a GOD.
What about the Mormons that believe in mormon magical underwear that protects them from evil.Or they revere Joesoph Smith as their messiah when he was a con artist, molester, rapist, theif.Or what about Mormons believe god lives on planet kolob lol.I am a conservative christian repub and can not vote for a cult bishop like Romney, Do nt sell your sould supporting a cult bishop who believes this garbage lol.
So were Warren Jeffs [Rapist / child molester], Jimmy Swaggert and Jim Baker [Adulterous johns], Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson [preach (ed) that god punished people through bad weather and speak like through them Jesus comes to bring water from a rock, but taking credit for themselves] and Billy Graham [preached that Jesus was dark skinned].
'' «Yeahright» What would say if a rapist, child molester, or person who sleeps with animals were found to be incapable of suppressing these urges?
1) that God is in control of EVERYTHING, even rapists and child molesters.
Once again, it is shown to the world that the Catholic Church, from the Pope on down, is run by a bunch of rapists and child molesters.
George Carlin did not at all reference anyone who is GLBT, but child molesters / rapists, druggies, violent crime offenders, etc..
Nor does He stop murderers, thieves, rapists, and child molesters.
Perhaps if those who are innocent (children, people who do good things, the elderly) will have good things happen to them and will die peacefully, while those who are criminals (murderers, rapists, molesters, thieves, etc) have really bad things happen to them and die tortuous deaths: would this make more sense to you?
intolerance, hatred, murders, rapists, extremists, molesters... shall I go on?
On the rear is stamped: «Murderers, rapists, kidnappers, child molesters, and other criminals on board.»
We deal with Murderers, Rapists, Child Molesters, Gang Members and Drug Dealers.
People should just disarm themselves and make the jobs of criminals, child molester, rapist easier?
On top of that looking at every average looking guy with suspicion (molester, rapist) is a problem.
Those books say that humans and dinosaurs co-existed, that slaves were treated well, and that gay men and lesbians have no more claims to special rights than child molesters or rapists.
These texts teach students Bible - based facts, including the following: dinosaurs and humans co-existed on Earth; slave - masters generally treated their slaves well; in some areas, the KKK fought the decline in morality by using the sign of the cross; and gay people have no more claims to special rights than child molesters or rapists.
, including the following: dinosaurs and humans co-existed on Earth; slave - masters generally treated their slaves well; in some areas, the KKK fought the decline in morality by using the sign of the cross; and gay people have no more claims to special rights than child molesters or rapists.
Your novels have touched on pretty heavy stuff, like the Vietnam War, immigrants, police corruption, local politics, right wing extremist groups, child molesters, rapists, cancer, death, divorce.
30 % of convicted child molesters and 48 % of convicted rapists admitted animal cruelty in their childhood.
If a species is in fact judged based on the small minority then we as humans have historically been bred as murderers, rapists and child molesters.
You want to send people to jail that own a pitbull when you have rapist and child molesters living right next door to you... are you really that stupid and ignorant!
«I won't suffer in my profession because I already defend murderers, rapists and child molesters — supporting legalization is the least of my professional «sins.»»
Juvenile rapists vary considerably from juvenile child molesters.
LOS ANGELES — Compact discs listing names and addresses of all convicted sex offenders in the state, including rapists, child molesters, and persons convicted of lewd acts, are being made available to the public by law enforcement agencies as a result of an amendment to the state sexual offender registration act.
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