Sentences with phrase «mom catch a break»

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And while we would like to encourage any parent who is letting their child view 32 hours of anything to cut it back, we also know that, as moms, many of us depend on those breaks so we can make dinner, send an email; catch our collective breath.
Although you don't have to be a working mom to use a breast pump, any mom looking to catch a much needed break from baby (rest is critical to a mother's milk supply) may want to consider the option of pumping so that baby can experience other caretakers, such as dad, family, and friends.
Still, Wilde can't seem to catch a break, even though she's a steady voice of reason for moms everywhere.
A mom in need should seek out the help of a good friend, family member, their spouse, or other to catch a break.
TV / Toys and a Baby gate: As much as we don't want to admit it, TV is a great way to keep your child's attention occupied if you need a break to catch your mom - breath.
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