Sentences with phrase «moment of calm»

Try using them when you feel panic, stress, anxiety or just want a few moments of calm in your day.
He provided moments of calm and wonder in an often hostile environment.
Find moments of calm with guided breathing sessions that are personalized based on your heart rate.
Thanks for the little moment of calm and beauty.
Teachers can create moments of calm in the midst of classroom bustle — and help students learn better.
At that precise moment of calm, give her the treat for being a «good girl».
After the unique moment of calm nature is time to hike back by the same trail.
Find moments of calm throughout your day with personalized breathing sessions based on your heart rate.
Effective, brief, yet authentic, mindful activities build lasting psychological strengths while offering moments of calm in the classroom and clinic, even when stress and strong emotions run high.
Then the team members put their hands together at the center of a circle, Gibbs slaps his on top with the sun catching his Super Bowl ring, and bows his head in a sudden moment of calm before the high - octane storm.
Fantasy rehearsal allows the child to build up habit strength for the adaptive handling of such situations, during moments of calm and control.»
Another dozen «guests» hid inside the Zabinskis» villa, emerging after dark for dinner, socializing, and, during rare moments of calm, piano concerts.
In honesty, some of the firefights can slog on just a little too long, and while the combat is varied, it is also very familiar to fans of the franchise, and there are precious few moments of calm in the campaign.
«Life is made of moments of calm serenity and turbulent change.
After a goalmouth scramble Matt Phillips provided a much - needed moment of calm, taking a soft touch to control the ball then bending a measured cross from the left wing.
This might mean that you get up extra early before the rest of the house wakes, so that you can have a few moments of calm first.
About our writer Contributing editor and yogini Hillari Dowdle lives, writes, and seeks daily moments of calm in Knoxville, Tennessee.
This vintage - style poster captures an enviable moment of calm and quiet at the top of a run.
There are pleasures to be found in the virtual block - busting, such as Saruman kicking butt — which Christopher Lee could only achieve with a bank of computers and a stunt double — but it's telling that the most rewarding resolution comes in a well - judged moment of calm, when Bilbo and Gandalf sit among the aftermath and simply say nothing.
She is successful using the clicker to mark moments of calm engagement and disengagement from triggers (Read Reducing Leash Reactivity: The Engage - Disengage Game to learn more about Alice's protocols.)
The controls are fluid and responsive, the graphics are gorgeous, the plot it visceral and exciting but also contains moments of calm reflection to give the action breathing space and the multiplayer — well, the multiplayer is a bit tacked on, but if you're here for the multiplayer you have fundamentally misunderstood this series.
This ordeal of a save mechanic was offset by some lovely acoustic melodies that offered some of the only moments of calm in an otherwise tense game.
If Fed Chair Janet Yellen wants to prove that policymakers are not being pulled along by investors who for years have second - guessed them, this week may offer a rare moment of calm to do so.
In honesty, some of the firefights can slog on just a little too long, and while the combat is varied, it is also very familiar to fans of the franchise, and there are precious few moments of calm in the campaign.
I like all of that as well, and they do a great job with it, but with each new game that comes out, I'm increasingly interested in seeing what they've created that doesn't fit into one of those categories, like the banter between Uncharted «s Nate and Sully, or the precious moments of calm in 2013's The Last of Us.
«It's my moment of calm,» she says.
Brands must bring the next generation of clean label to packaging design to provide a moment of calm and clarity for shoppers in an increasingly hectic retail environment.
Panicking, that is, between those moments of calm when I wonder, isn't there something I'm forgetting?
The real challenge lies in trying to find a moment of calm between floods, dry enough so the race can be rowed
After B - 12 injections, we noticed that my son could focus more, that he had moments of calm, and his behavior really changed kind of in a drastic way after B - 12 injections.
My little girls are as adorable as they are frustrating, so this moment of calm is a lovely capture of a special moment of little sister reading to a tired big sister.
You'll also find that your little one is fascinated with the Massage Ball, giving it a dual purpose that provides yet another way for you to enjoy a few moments of calm.
Though there is a moment of calm as the state pulls back from some of the more controversial parts of the Common Core standards, her testimony revealed potential trouble later in the school year if the test boycott movement continues.
Though there is a moment of calm as the state pulls back from some of the more controversial parts of the Common Core standards, her testimony revealed potential trouble later in the school year if the test boycotting movement continues.
Though there is currently a moment of calm as the state pulls back from some of the more controversial parts of the Common Core standards, her testimony revealed potential trouble later in the school year if the test boycott movement continues.
Routes set, their automation takes over and my mind eases, bringing a moment of calm.
On the other hand, a few moments of calm, ujjai inspired breathing can calm your brain waves and allow you to move through your perceived fears with a more confident, and serene, state.
This is an obvious contrast from the effortlessly smooth and rhythmic breath that we experience in moments of calm.
while I worked on them for a moment of calm before they took the stage.
Echoing what it must have been like to live during this time, you're always on edge, waiting for something violent to happen to break - up the moments of calm.
Cinematographer Jo Willems, who shot all but the first «Hunger Games» movie, once again creates vivid contrasts between the bunkers of District 13, the now - ruined grandeur of the Capitol and the rustic beauty of Katniss» home in District 12, and he unpacks an impressive 360 - cam that whirls around Katniss, dancing with her sister Prim (Willow Shields), in a rare moment of calm.
At the moment of calm, give them the treat.
Enjoy a moment of calm inside or out thanks to a terrace that can be adapted for all seasons
Beyond every setpiece moment, every engaging and unique combat experience is a moment of calm, some puzzle - platforming elements mixed...
There is so much to find in every level of DOOM and while hunting for secret passages (especially those that unlock playable classic DOOM maps) and difficult to reach air vents detracts from the action, these moments of calm are rewards for getting through particularly nasty encounters.
During the moments of calm you'll no doubt love exploring the few areas of the maps though to see as much of the games beautiful hand painted style as possible.
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