Sentences with phrase «mommy days»

The next 79 days included visits from mommy every day and daddy almost every day since he works full time.
The rose - colored glasses came off as everyone realized that being with mommy all day wasn't just a special treat, but in fact their new every day routine.
I have to say that I often have bad mommy days, it goes with the territory I think.
She wants mommy all day and everything is NO!
If staying up with baby leaves you with puffy eyes in the morning, pop on an oversized pair of sunglasses and get on with your busy mommy day.
To take me back to my young mommy days / nights, to learning how to stay clean and survive a day without using to learning how to pray, not just for myself but others.
After too many incidents where the boys got yogurt / snot / spit / lord knows what else on cashmere sweaters, I almost exclusively wear stuff like this on the weekends or on long mommy days.
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