Sentences with phrase «monetary discipline»

In part, the market's increasing propensity toward speculation reflects the increasing lack of fiscal and monetary discipline from our leaders.
I laugh and sometime sneer at those who think new Fed Head Jerome Powell will impose monetary discipline by raising interest rates at least up to the real rate of inflation and reduce the Fed's balance sheet according the schedule as laid out by Yellen.
gov, anywhere in the world, will give up their god given right to counterfeit their fiat currency to enrich themselves and their insider friends, for the sake of any monetary discipline?
They insisted more on the priority of the monetary discipline and fiscal reforms and less on the drastic cuts of social expenses.
The macroeconomic fundamentals have seen improvements through improved fiscal and monetary discipline.
The macroeconomic fundamentals have seen improvements through improved fiscal and monetary discipline,» the President said.
According to him, there had not been a case of mismanagement of state resources by his administration so far due to the fiscal and monetary discipline being enforced by the government.
He said the gains were recorded due to prudent budgetary management by the Government, with tight fiscal control and monetary discipline.
The NPP manifesto hopes transform the economy on three solid pillars if elected into power; fiscal discipline, monetary discipline and financial stability.
However, now that Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner is beginning a new term, we may finally see some improvement in the government's fiscal and monetary discipline.
However, with Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner beginning a new term, we may finally see some improvement in the government's fiscal and monetary discipline.
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