Sentences with phrase «monetary intervention»

Massive monetary interventions have not done much for the economy, but have proved capable of provoking speculation for several months at a time.
As I've noted recently, there may be latitude to take a more constructive stance between the point that any new monetary intervention produces an improvement in our measures of market internals, and the point where we re-establish an overvalued, overbought, overbullish syndrome.
As I've noted recently, there may be latitude to take a more constructive stance between the point that any new monetary intervention produces an improvement in our measures of market internals, and the point where we re-establish an overvalued, overbought, overbullish syndrome.
Historical Treasury market corrections were never preceded by the type of monetary intervention we have been treated to in the current cycle.
That's why Keynesian economists will not link the US industrial production slowdown with the Fed's increasingly aggressive monetary interventions.
The chart also shows that the ramping - up of the Fed's monetary interventions in 2008 - 2009 has been followed by the weakest post-recession recovery in at least 70 years.
Even if we look over the past two years - and despite some early signals where market weakness was postponed by extraordinary monetary interventions - we still have not observed these conditions without resulting market declines of more than 15 % (one in 2010 and another in 2011) that wiped out all of the gains since the earliest signal occurred, and then some.
He used his speech to the Lord Mayor's banquet at Mansion House in the City to argue that the Bank's statutory responsibility can not be met through monetary interventions alone.
Put simply, we have already implemented the responses that I insisted on due to stress - testing concerns and monetary interventions since 2009 (see Notes on an Extraordinary Market Cycle for details).
My impression is that Richard's comment about the «second half» of the primary bear market reflects the view that - unlike most bear markets and economic downturns - the downturn that began in 2007 was never really resolved, but was instead just pushed off and deferred by massive monetary interventions, accounting changes, and the like.
There is no question that objective, careful, historically - informed analysis has had enormous challenges in the context of monetary interventions and fiscal deficits that have suppressed yields, temporarily boosted profit margins, and encouraged speculative leverage.
So barring some monetary intervention, shorts may not be particularly inclined to cover much here.
My impression is that Richard's comment about the «second half» of the primary bear market reflects the view that - unlike most bear markets and economic downturns - the downturn that began in 2007 was never really resolved, but was instead just pushed off and deferred by massive monetary interventions, accounting changes, and the like.
Massive monetary interventions have not done much for the economy, but have proved capable of provoking speculation for several months at a time.
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