Sentences with phrase «monetary support during»

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While base rates kept at or close to zero for almost seven years and three massive asset - buying programs by the Fed have undoubtedly helped stabilize the US (and world) economy during and after the recession that followed the global financial crisis, the continuation of expansionary monetary policies is now supporting a growing excess of global liquidity that has been distorting the market signals sent by stock and bond prices and thus contributing to the growing volatility seen in recent weeks.
My impression is that without a shift back to uniformly favorable market internals, the continued faith in monetary support may prove to be the same awful bet it was during the 2000 - 2002 and 2007 - 2009 collapses, both which were accompanied by aggressive monetary easing all the way down.
A lower neutral rate also makes it more likely that interest rates will be constrained by the effective lower bound, meaning monetary policy will have less scope to support income growth during periods of economic weakness.
This happened during the Great Recession when the Canadian Government took monetary action in order to support the housing market and boost demand.
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