Sentences with phrase «monetary tools»

Rates have never been this low for this long, and the Fed will be forced to adopt a new set of monetary tools to wind down its bloated balance sheet.
The regulation seeks to harmonize state laws for businesses that utilize virtual currencies as monetary tools, and includes provisions for licensing requirements, reciprocity, consumer protection, cybersecurity, anti-money laundering, and licensee supervision.
The ability to use monetary tools to jawbone and support markets is diminishing.
Cash advance loans could be a useful monetary tool in a short term crisis in spite of expensive financing expenses and charges, but if overused customers can find themselves in a vicious loop where their several cash advance loans are deducting from their bank checking account each and every paycheck leaving nothing left for survival.
This indispensable and valuable monetary tool offers numerous benefits including the following: Ability to satisfy basic consumer needs Ease of use Opportunity... Read more»
Economics Bitcoin is a fascinating monetary tool that many believe will help fight the central banking system, corrupt economic planning, and help stop a small group of individuals from controlling the world's money supply.
Speaking in London, he said they were «not at the end of the road» in terms of monetary tools to raise inflation, suggesting the central bank was not confident in the current pickup in inflation, sending the Krona lower across the board.
There is a sense that one should try and use all the tools at one's disposal, and that means fiscal tools, monetary tools, tools for intervention in financial institutions, and that there is more risk of doing too little than there is of doing too much.
Here is why: there is not enough of it around, so even if world government were to adopt a fractional system (currency in circulation as a multiple of gold reserves), they will never go for it, because central banks and governments will never give up their monetary tools — inflation is a very addictive tool to fight growing monetary obligations.
Reserve central board will meet again next week; but their monetary tool box seems to be empty.
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