Sentences with phrase «money people gave»

Prominent Tory MPs joined wealthy philanthropists to attack government plans which could reduce the amount of money people give to charity by capping tax relief at # 50,000.

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Tsipras hasn't helped his cause by treating his negotiations with the people he wants to give him money like a game of chicken.
About 20 people gave him money and continued on their way.
Successful people don't see money solely as a personal reward; they see money as a way to grow a business, reward and develop employees, give back to the community... in short, not just to make their own lives better but to improve the lives of other people, too.
Speckhard argues that Europe could, for far less money, loosen some of the terms of Greece's bailout and give the Greek people time to realize that Syrzia can't deliver on its populist promises and remain a member of the Euro currency.
Many nonprofits are created from a story of change, growth or pain and telling that story compels people to give their time and / or money to the cause.
Check out of your own business and you risk hurting your employees, customers, and people — including family and friends — who gave you money because they believed in you.
The study found «that people who were asked to think about the past were willing to pay more for products than those who were asked to think about new or future memories; another experiment showed an increased willingness to give more money to others after recalling a nostalgic event.»
Block grants would give states a set amount of money to cover people on the Medicaid program and provide flexibility in spending decisions.
«The companies that survive are the ones that work out what they uniquely can give to the world — not just growth or money but their excellence, their respect for others, or their ability to make people happy.»
These parts include the funding for Medicaid expansion given to states, subsidies for people who receive their health insurance through the ACA marketplaces, and money for outreach to get Americans to sign up through the exchanges.
However, they are giving back not with their own money but with other people's — retail investors» and taxpayers».
Everyone likes people who give money.
The rules are simple: One person is given a secret sum of money.
Some people speculated that Bennett's mysterious tweet meant that he had given SoundCloud some money, while others speculated that he might be buying the service.
What's most frustrating is that they're giving free things to the same people who are most likely to give them money in the first place.
You must remain cognizant of the fact that few people will work hard, go out of their way, or be inconvenienced just for the privilege of giving you their hard - earned money.
And Michael Seibel says there are these people called angels, and they'll give you money.
So bad that a clever businessperson somewhere has figured out a way to make money off giving people some temporary relief.
«We helped a lot of people and gave away a lot of money, but it took too much of my time and too much time to raise the money.
I think what I started the company for, which was to give people skills and help them make more money in their careers and live better lives.
Free your mind Don't be afraid to give your product away, Chris Anderson says, you'll figure out how to make money later The secret to success in the digital age is giving people what they want — literally, says Chris Anderson, the editor of Wired and author of the controversial new book Free: The Future of a Radical Price.
I'm not talking about the pitch you give potential money people — I mean your internal plan for taking your dreams all the way to the finish line.
This fall, the company — doubtlessly aware that young people distrust brands that don't give back and eager to signal its commitment to gender equality — launched what it calls the 50/50 Founders» Fund, donating a dollar from each sale to a pool of seed money evenly distributed between startups led by men and women.
Rather than just giving people money we should develop ways so that you can earn more money if you do certain things that are good for you and maybe good for society.
And when they do — when people are given the chance to share their ideas, wisdom, and aspirations, and to actively and authentically collaborate with others — they are willing to invest their time, money, and energy toward the collective good.
You may want to give it to the person who helped count the money afterwards, but you don't give immunity to the person who walked in and robbed the bank.
An added bonus: You get to work to work with other reasonably intelligent people while investors give you lots of money for the next great idea.
«Other super-rich people will feel no pressure to sign onto the Giving Pledge or donate their money to the traditional charity system.
Perhaps the sight of the flower increased people's willingness to stop for a moment to chat with the woman, which in turn increased the likelihood they would give her money.
If we have to give the university more money, I don't think I'm the right person for this.
«If this market were a person, we would be giving it twice - a-week sessions with a psychiatrist, along with some mood altering drugs to keep it a little more on even keel,» the «Mad Money» host said.
Light Gives Heat is fundamentally committed to the Ugandan communities it serves, reinvesting 100 % of profits back into projects that benefit the people of the community — setting up bank accounts for its workers, for instance, to help them save money for homes and education fees.
People who honestly intend to «give» you money when you are just getting started may be tempted later on to think they are entitled to a return on their «investment» when your hot new product hits the market and you are rolling in dough.
Of course, in a market setting, giving people money you don't owe them as a matter of contract is called «charity.»
«That's one of the reasons you raise money,» Mokhtarzada says, «because the people who give you the money will want you to be successful.»
One of his experiments — related to the concept of basic income, in which every resident regularly receives a sum of money with no conditions attached — is a program that gives 100 people in Oakland, California, $ 1,000 to $ 2,000 a month.
But in 2008, in the midst of the financial crisis, we started noticing that young people were doing some awfully significant things, whether in the financial world (Meredith Whitney had just made her bold call against Citigroup), in the tech world (Facebook was beginning to crank into high gear), or in other industries (Kevin Plank's apparel upstart Under Armour was giving Nike a real run for its money).
«People's needs — money, promotions, cool projects — will change,» he says, «but if you give them what they want, your staff won't.»
Recode's Edmund Lee perfectly summarized Spotify CEO Daniel Ek's reasoning in a recent article: «Why give all that money to brokers and big funds instead of to people who own Spotify, like his investors, his employees and Ek himself?»
«A lot of people work hard and put in long hours because they're given rewards — money, perks, status — so they are generally prepared to make the sacrifice,» he says.
A recent study published in the Journal of Consumer Research found that people who were asked to think about the past were willing to pay more for products than those who were asked to think about new or future memories; another experiment showed an increased willingness to give more money to others after recalling a nostalgic event.
Instead of attracting people who might be interested in your products or services and also highly influential, you can end up spending money to attract mobs of easily - influenced people who probably couldn't explain how they got to a given website if they were asked.
Millennials are already better at managing their money than many older people give them credit for being — and in some ways more responsible than many older people, period.
Critics acknowledge the program may get people on the Internet, but argue that it gives Facebook a money - making engine and harms competition.
This makes sense given that Apple products tend to be more expensive than alternatives, and people with more money tend to have higher credit.
For those who have the means but still have doubts, Kevin O'Leary, «Shark Tank» celebrity investor and founder of O'Leary Financial Group, known for his blunt opinions on television, provided a blunt assessment of why more people — celebrities or not — should give: «If you make money, you've got ta give some back, or you go to a bad place after you die.»
«When it comes to showing solidarity with the poorer countries in the Mediterranean, parts of the Middle East and in Africa, they succeed in persuading people that it's all taxpayer money being given to other people who don't deserve it.»
Not surprisingly, people are much more likely to give you honest feedback if you start talking about the actual money in their wallet at that moment.
Be a shining example by giving your money, time or energy to those people who are a part of your collective belief.
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