Sentences with phrase «money than the repair»

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More than just donating money, your company can be a platform for serving others who can benefit from your company's existence, whether it's the efforts and labor of your staff, the distribution of profits (check out Life is Good's Playmakers program), or just spreading important messages to your customers (for example, Patagonia, which has encouraged its customers to repair products, rather than replace them).
Renting can be less expensive than buying since you're not shelling out money for things like maintenance, repairs, property taxes or homeowner's insurance.
Rather than charging exorbitant fees, they offer to lend you the money without any interest and give you a lift to the repair shop.
But the Cuomo administration later solicited proposals from legislators for how they would like the money to be doled out, leading city officials to worry that the money would be spent on less necessary items than roof repair.
DeFrancisco said Mahoney's offer this week to pay for the repair of some city streets was praiseworthy, but he questioned why it was accompanied by public statements suggesting that Miner had no plan to repair infrastructure other than begging for more state and federal money.
The project is getting more than $ 200 million in city money for land acquisition and infrastructure repairs, plus tax exemptions and city - owned property at no cost.
Councilors did not appropriate money for Fire Station No. 7, which Miner plans to close as part of the consolidation, but they said they will urge the administration to sell bonds to repair the facility rather than close it.
Abele spokesperson Brandon Lorenz confirmed Abele opposed a steel facade replacing defective paneling because it would cost the county more money than simply repairing the cement on the structure.
Rather than requiring metal, wires, sharpening stones or other things that someone would assume would be needed to repair a weapon, it just takes... money.
She compared the dilemma to car - owners who fork over cash in smaller, piecemeal repairs rather than saving money in the long run on a new vehicle.
* no one can beat that, buy your next used car with confidence, have a peace of mind with 1 - year warranty for free to protect your investment, we would like to help keep your car in the best possible condition, which is allows you to drive longer and farther than ever before while saving you money on significant repair cost.
Nice product, but if anything goes wrong, say good bye to it, worst customer service I have deal with, repair it is more expensive than buying naother, mine just work for 7 months, one day it only never starts again... don't waist your money on this..
Take money out in smaller chunks, rather than a big pay out, and use it for anything like repairs, renovations, or college tuition.
For the most part, the money invested in alterations and improvements is always greater than the money spent on repairs and maintenance.
Rather than focusing my money towards rent, it goes to car payments, insurance and unexpected repairs.
Financial experts are advising consumers, especially now that the holidays are near, to research their own power at relieving debts and repairing their own credit status rather than giving money for services that do not work miracles.
According to recent government figures, the average mortgage payment for people older than 65 accounts for about 14 % of their annual pre-tax income.1 This figure doesn't include money spent on real estate taxes, homeowners» insurance, or ongoing home maintenance and repairs.
At the very least, you can consult with a non-profit credit counseling agency that can help you budget your money, pay off your debts, and repair your credit in a shorter period time than if you did it on your own.
If, on the other hand, you're a homeowner who needs extra money for home repairs, or to build home improvements, it is likely that a home improvement loan secured by your property will give you better loan terms than simply taking out a personal loan.
Consider whether you would be better off putting this money toward your balances rather than paying for credit repair services.
After all, it doesn't do much good to save money on interest rates if you're spending more than you save on the credit repair service that got you the savings.
However, we can not confirm that borrowing money and paying substantial interest and fees under these forms of credit repair programs will repair your credit score any faster than a less expensive credit card or other alternative.
This way, if I need to sell some stocks to raise cash for a purchase (think car repairs, for example), I'll be able to sell stocks that have appreciated in value, rather than selling a stock that has lost me money and turning this unrealized loss into a realized loss.
Renovation: You can make repairs or home improvements using this money so that you can sell it at a higher price than similar properties in the city.
With client - focused services like a free initial consultation that you can do remotely by telephone, Skype, or Facetime, Free 90 Day Credit Repair, and a 100 % Money Back Guarantee, we offer more than just bankruptcy: we offer full - service legal services and comprehensive debt solutions for all our Minnesota clients.
The biggest problem is that short sales are frequently sold quickly, and when the seller is in distress — they likely don't have the time, money or energy towards home repairs, so often short sale properties are in a less than ideal condition.
The second home we lived in 12 years and made a positive return, but despite the house more than doubling in price, we spent so much money on repairs and remodeling that the overall return was very modest.
Similarly, retrofitting salvaged mechs costs money, but repairing your fresh kill when you've ripped them to shreds can cost you more than the mission was worth.
As thousands wait for insurance money to make repairs in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, more than a half - dozen school districts, are still awaiting payment on nearly $ 60 million in claims from Hurricane Ike.
Basically, the campaign requests that restaurants stop buying bottled water for these reasons: - Tap water is no less safe than bottled water, especially if the tap is filtered - Restaurants will protect customers from the chemicals and pollutants found in various brands of bottled water - The city of San Francisco's water is tested more than 100,000 times each year, and it meets state and federal water quality standards that are stricter than bottled water standards - It's cheaper - It's better for the environment to end the manufacturing of plastic bottles - Focusing on using tap water will refocus monies towards the repair and maintenance of our water infrastructure
There is nothing more frustrating for consumers than to waste valuable time and money having to bring in products and vehicles for repeated repairs.
If the claim is for something other than money, such as the repair or replacement of defective goods, you can make a satisfactory arrangement with the other party.
We believe that your life is more than just a court date, and when they try to get out of paying for your medical fees, auto repairs, and even the money that should have paid your bills this month, we make sure that they are held accountable.
Many municipal and state governments have had to make tough choices in recent years as they've had more needs than money, but when roads and highways are improperly maintained, the results can be catastrophic — whether it's a large pothole causing a crash or a highway bridge collapsing because the concrete needed repair.
The small claims track provides a procedure for deciding disputed money claims up to a certain value, currently set at # 5,000, although personal injury claims and housing repair claims do not qualify if the claim is for more than # 1,000.
Harvey Lewis, a claims expert in Oklahoma City, says that means a policyholder who repairs his house receives more money than a homeowner who doesn't, even though both might be paying the same amount in insurance premiums.
Rather than paying something for nothing, consider a few alternatives to save money on home repair costs:
When you «total» a car, it means that it would take more money to repair the car than what it is actually worth.
First, a large percent of North Carolinians reside in rural areas; the more rural the area, the less likely a home will be damaged by other people (rural homes are also statistically cheaper to repair than urban homes, so when damage does occur, the insurance company doesn't have to pay out as much money).
Automobile or property damage sometimes requires more money to repair than the value of the vehicle or the property involved.
If you have more than enough money to pay for repairs out of your pocket, consider dropping this coverage.
However, with an expensive car such as convertibles, you should ensure that you have more than the minimum amount of protection so that you won't have to pay for repairs with out of pocket money if the vehicle is ever involved in an accident.
If you don't have one and need it, you may shell out a lot more money than you would have spent on the policy to replace or repair your stuff.
If you are facing a disaster and are without coverage, then all of a sudden your hard earned money will be spend replacing and repairing your items rather than putting a down payment down on a house.
Rather than having to worry about the money to replace or repair your furniture, clothing and toys in the event of an accident, your Council Bluffs provider will compensate you for your loss.
Users will likely shell out money to hackers rather than call technical support, deal with customer care, and arrange for someone to get the unit for «repairs
example: almost always repair cost will be more than reserve funds, in that case you will have to transfer the money.
What are the benefits of just pocketing the «extra» money left over from the monthly rents other than having a reserve account for vacancies, repairs, ect... Which by the way I already have an «emergency fund» for these situations.
I see a lot of people use hard or private money and than refinance once it is repaired and has a tenant.
Michael Stapleton («Stapleton») allegedly approached Trent Decatur («Decatur») with the following proposal: Stapleton would locate «under - valued» homes, arrange to borrow more money than the homes were worth, and the additional remaining loan amounts would be used to repair and improve the property.
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