Sentences with phrase «monitors nearby stars»

While the HARPS team monitors nearby stars for telltale wobbles caused by orbiting planets, Kepler scientists search a wide field of faraway stars, watching for planets that become silhouetted against their suns.

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Unlike most supernovae surveys, which look for bright bursts of light, Kochanek would monitor about 30 nearby galaxies for curious patches of darkness where a star had suddenly disappeared.
The researchers observed FRB 150807 while monitoring a nearby pulsar — a rotating neutron star that emits a beam of radio waves and other electromagnetic radiation — in our galaxy using the Parkes radio telescope in Australia.
That won't be a problem for PLATO, which will use 34 separate small telescopes to observe a wide field of view in order to monitor large numbers of bright, relatively nearby stars.
Collectively, the three telescopes will monitor a million stars in the Milky Way, its star - packed galactic plane, along with a hundred nearby galaxies.
By monitoring a small, nearby star for 11 years with one of the 10 - meter Keck telescopes in Hawaii and combining the data with 4.3 years of similar observations published by another team, Vogt and his co-authors found two orbiting planets, with respective masses of at least 3.1 times and seven times the mass of Earth.
TESS is expected to launch in 2017 with its primary mission to monitor the 500,000 brightest and nearby stars for the signs of planets on orbits less than 30 days.
For comparison purposes, an identical home, built to the Energy Star Quality Standard in Heathwood's nearby Forestbrook community, will be monitored during the same time period to provide further cost benefit analysis.
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