Sentences with phrase «monk who»

The monk who proposed the yearbotched the date - as according to the gospel of Matthew it was inthe reign of Herod who died in 4 BC.
He is not some kind of monk who after work goes into his house and stays there and doesn't associate with anybody.»
Giordano Bruno, the wandering monk who influenced Spinoza and Liebniz, was burned in 1600 as a heretic, for (among other things) speculating about life on other planets, much like scientists do today.
Here you are, the monk who opened the door, just to see what Luther posted, and when you started nodding to some of his points as you read them, the priests LOCKED YOU OUT of the church (of consensus).
The genesis of the work is Soth's fascination with the life of Thomas Merton, the Trappist monk who, prior to his death in 1968, lived for almost three decades at the remote Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky.
I hammer thousands of pins into panels like a monk who, facing the wall, loses himself in deep concentration.
The 150 - foot - long C - print turns a digitally stretched image of a Buddhist monk who has publicly immolated himself into a river of flame that flows off the wall and ripples across the gallery floor.
This, as the name suggests, is a monk who is on display in his mummified state inside a glass enclosure.
Gaze at stunning frescoed walls, and climb the bell tower as you learn about the solitary monk who founded this small hermitage hundreds of years ago.
The Angora rabbit was first created in England in the 12th century, reportedly by a monk who enjoyed breeding domesticated rabbits.
«It was probably being used as a bookmark,» says Father David Barry, a monk who has lived at New Norcia, north of Perth, for 60 years.
Jessie loves Hugh, but on Egret Island — amid the gorgeous marshlands and tidal creeks — she becomes drawn to Brother Thomas, a monk who is mere months from taking his final vows.
As part of this rite of passage he must tell his life's story to an ancient monk who listens impassively throughout.
Matteo Bandello, a young monk who later became a famous writer of novellas, observed Leonardo «go early in the morning to work on the platform before The Last Supper; and there he would stay from sunrise till darkness, never laying down the brush, but continuing to paint without eating or drinking.
Last week, I had a conversation with a Catholic monk who teaches at an all - boys Catholic school.
The rest of the crew consists of Rebel Alliance Captain, Cassian Andor played by Diego Luna; K - 2SO (Kay - Tuesso), Andor's reprogrammed Imperial robot co-pilot voiced by Alan Tudyk; Riz Ahmed as Bodhi Rook, an Imperial cargo pilot who defected; Donnie Yen as Chirrut Îmwe, a blind warrior monk who believes in the Force; and Wen Jiang as Baze Malbus, Chirrut's companion who carries heavy weaponry that gets them both out of trouble.
Jack, in the castle market, encounters a monk who is trying to escape the castle and get back to the monastery.
The monk who offers the most open arms, Brother Daniel (Mandy Patinkin, The Princess Bride), becomes a mentor and friend to Squanto.
Movie: A few clues lead the Wolfpack to a police station, where they pick up a silent monk who definitely isn't Teddy.
It stars Eddie Redmayne as a monk who leads Ulric (Sean Bean) and his band of warriors to a remote village rumored to have renounced God and house a necromancer, someone with the ability to raise the dead.
Three of the men in particular seem to have caught Gröning's eye: an African novice, an older monk who is seen performing a variety of jobs and a blind brother who talks about his experience of God in simple but deeply moving words.
And it related to our BIOHM community because this woman was a monk who understood calmfulness and mindfulness, so that's a cure for stress, but she was also in Korea making tons of different fermented foods.
Buddhist monks have used the control they have over their minds to tolerate pain for thousands of years and if you have ever read about Thich Quang Duc the Buddhist monk who burnt him self alive in protest of the treatment of Buddhists in Vietnam you will know what I am talking about.
Pedram Shojai is former Taoist monk who is an accomplished physician of Chinese medicine and has lectured on wellness around the world.
Pranakriya Yoga is an approach to Hatha Yoga based on the Tantric teachings of Swami Kripalu, an ascetic monk who practiced yoga ten hours each day for over 30 years.
Thich Nhat Hanh is one such Zen Buddhist monk who has done a lot of work in bringing in the concepts of mindful eating to the layperson.
It was there that he met Bede Griffiths, an English Benedictine monk who lived in a Christian ashram, and to whom A New Science of Life is dedicated.
One came from a monk who studied pea plants in a Moravian monastery in the 1850s.
Even modern genetics started with a hobbyist: Gregor Mendel, the 19th - century Austrian monk who performed groundbreaking studies of crossbreeding in his spare time while tending the grounds of his monastery.
When compared to Alvarez, Ohio State president Gordon Gee looks like a monk who has taken a vow of silence.
AKB need to wake up and look at how Wenger has not moved with the times, when he first joined he revolutionised English football now managers like Gary monk who is paid a lot less can out smart him.
He was once a monk who entered upon the way of a Bodhisattva.
Have you ever heard the Zen story of the elder monk who carried the thankless woman across the mud puddle.
This is the same religion that says a child raping murderer who truly repents will go to heaven, while a Buddhist monk who has spent his life in meditation and serving others will go to hell.
I am sure that it would not befit their social position and prestige to be invited to such an unimportant and humble affair, or to be bothered by the wishes of a monk who is now dead to the world.
Fa Xian, a Chinese Buddhist monk who traveled throughout India c. 400 CE, recorded in his diary that the heads of merchant castes established houses for dispensing charity and medicine.
Luther, the former monk who exposed the accommodations and pride behind asceticism, suits our cultural hedonism just fine.
It is like the story of a monk who was reading Scripture, when all of a sudden, he slammed the book shut, walked briskly out of the monastery with the Bible under his arm and took it to the nearest bookseller, where he sold it.
The plot thickens through the violent machinations of an albino monk who works for Opus Dei, an actual Roman Catholic organization portrayed by Brown with lightly veiled contempt.
i wanted to be like some kind of cool monk who could get his face bashed in and then rise from the floor to give a calm and witty monoluge that that would slay the anger of my oponent and touch him with the love of god.
Then, the story runs, riding abroad in his chariot, he was challenged by four sights: «a decrepit old man, broken - toothed, grayhaired»; «a diseased man,» repulsive with running sores; a dead man; and a holy monk who had renounced the world.
This long - held popular attitude was elevated to the status of law a few years ago when the Supreme Court of Israel refused to grant Israeli citizenship to a Roman Catholic monk who claimed that he was eligible for it under a law authorizing
Zuccotti, it should be noted, falsely contrasts the alleged inaction of Pius XII with the work of Father Marie Benoît, the French Capuchin monk who coordinated the provision of food, shelter, and new identities for thousands of French and Italian Jews.
Mary and the Art of Prayer: The Hours of the Virgin in Medieval Christian Life and Thoughtby rachel fulton browncolumbia, 656 pages, $ 75 In thirteenth - century France there lived a monk who served as confessor for many townspeople, including a beautiful married woman.
What makes you think that a monk who wrote the bible 1000 years ago (when most people were illiterate) knows anything more about a man named Jesus who lived 2000 years than we do today, when we all can't even agree on where President Obama came from today?
Fra Angelico, the sensual Florentine monk who used to crawl out his window to visit the girls, painted her watching joyfully as on Easter morning Jesus dances in ecstasy at his resurrection.
In fact, as Luther insisted, Dionysius was a fifth century monk who hailed from Syria, the world capital of docetism and monophysitism.
Both were about the same age when they began their public ministry: «When he [Buddha] went again to the garden he saw a monk who was calm, tranquil, self — possessed, serene, and dignified.
Brother John is a young monk who joined the monastery during his years at Trinity University in San Antonio.
It was Anskar, a monk who had already been one of a ground - breaking group in the land of the recently converted Saxons, who became the head of the perilous Frankish enterprise for winning the piratical Scandinavians.
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