Sentences with phrase «monochromatic light»

They randomly divided the participants into three groups and exposed them to either bright light, blue monochromatic light or control light for an hour.
For example, adding monochromatic light blue pillows to a space immediately adds a sense of calm.
Almost 130 years ago, the French physicist Louis Georges Gouy (1854 - 1926) observed and described a phase shift that occurred during the focusing of monochromatic light when interference was introduced.
Acclimatising to relatively monochromatic light involves one of the three types of cone working hard while the other two rest.
But he points out that as most of the experiments were done under monochromatic light, it's difficult to predict what the full suite of photoreceptors do in natural daylight.
In Raman scattering, an optical method for probing atomic vibrations, a material scatters monochromatic light from a laser.
By directing monochromatic light towards the active sensing region and applying pressure, one can observe interference fringes as the diaphragm deflects.
Monochromatic light enters the eye, which stimulates photoreceptors in the retina.
«My imagery shifts between extremes of representation and abstraction: from landscaped fields composed of heightened contrasts to subtle and monochromatic light plays, translating the effects and varying tone of Rilke's existential poems while gesturing towards the natural landscape of Los Angeles.»
However, they display severely attenuated phase resetting in response to brief pulses of monochromatic light, highlighting the critical role of melanopsin in circadian photoentrainment in mammals.
[1] It relies on inelastic scattering, or Raman scattering, of monochromatic light, usually from a laser in the visible, near infrared, or near ultraviolet range.
The important characteristic of monochromatic light is that each color of the spectrum is composed of a single, unique wavelength to produce pure light, which can not be further separated into other colors.
Assume the incident, monochromatic light has a wavelength of 800 nanometers (each photon has an energy of 2.48 × 10 - 19 joules at this wavelength).
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