Sentences with phrase «month policy administration charge»

In the initials of each month Policy Administration Charge is deducted.

Not exact matches

A Policy Administration Charge is deducted from the unit account at the beginning of each month.
Policy Administration Charge is deducted at the start of each month and is subject to a maximum of Rs. 6000 p.a.
During the settlement period, i.e. if, after maturity of the policies, settlement option is selected, policy administration charge of Rs. 40 per month will be deducted.
Administration Charges — A fee charged for administration of policAdministration Charges — A fee charged for administration of policadministration of policy every month.
Policy Administration Charge: For Single pay the charge is 0.05 % per month compounding @ 3 % p.a from 2nd policy year onwards subject to a maximum of Rs 200 per Policy Administration Charge: For Single pay the charge is 0.05 % per month compounding @ 3 % p.a from 2nd policy year onwards subject to a maximum of Rs 200 per Charge: For Single pay the charge is 0.05 % per month compounding @ 3 % p.a from 2nd policy year onwards subject to a maximum of Rs 200 per charge is 0.05 % per month compounding @ 3 % p.a from 2nd policy year onwards subject to a maximum of Rs 200 per policy year onwards subject to a maximum of Rs 200 per month.
Policy Administration Charge: For Limited / Regular Premium pay policies, the policy administration charge is 2.5 % p.a of the regular premium, subject to a maximum of Rs 400 per month is levied on the first business day of each policy Policy Administration Charge: For Limited / Regular Premium pay policies, the policy administration charge is 2.5 % p.a of the regular premium, subject to a maximum of Rs 400 per month is levied on the first business day of eachAdministration Charge: For Limited / Regular Premium pay policies, the policy administration charge is 2.5 % p.a of the regular premium, subject to a maximum of Rs 400 per month is levied on the first business day of each policy Charge: For Limited / Regular Premium pay policies, the policy administration charge is 2.5 % p.a of the regular premium, subject to a maximum of Rs 400 per month is levied on the first business day of each policy policy administration charge is 2.5 % p.a of the regular premium, subject to a maximum of Rs 400 per month is levied on the first business day of eachadministration charge is 2.5 % p.a of the regular premium, subject to a maximum of Rs 400 per month is levied on the first business day of each policy charge is 2.5 % p.a of the regular premium, subject to a maximum of Rs 400 per month is levied on the first business day of each policy policy month.
Policy Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is Rs 20 per month during 1st to 5th policyPolicy Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is Rs 20 per month during 1st to 5tAdministration Charge: Policy administration charge is Rs 20 per month during 1st to 5th policyCharge: Policy administration charge is Rs 20 per month during 1st to 5th policyPolicy administration charge is Rs 20 per month during 1st to 5tadministration charge is Rs 20 per month during 1st to 5th policycharge is Rs 20 per month during 1st to 5th policypolicy year.
Policy Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is 0.06 % per month, subject to a maximum of Rs Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is 0.06 % per month, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per Charge: Policy administration charge is 0.06 % per month, subject to a maximum of Rs administration charge is 0.06 % per month, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per charge is 0.06 % per month, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per month.
Policy Administration Charge: The policy administration charge is 0.42 % / 0.83 % / 0.83 % per month of the annual premium is deducted monthly for 1st to 5th policy year / 6th to 10th policy year / 16th policy year onwards, respectPolicy Administration Charge: The policy administration charge is 0.42 % / 0.83 % / 0.83 % per month of the annual premium is deducted monthly for 1st to 5th policy year / 6th to 10th policy year / 16th policy year onwards,Administration Charge: The policy administration charge is 0.42 % / 0.83 % / 0.83 % per month of the annual premium is deducted monthly for 1st to 5th policy year / 6th to 10th policy year / 16th policy year onwards, respectCharge: The policy administration charge is 0.42 % / 0.83 % / 0.83 % per month of the annual premium is deducted monthly for 1st to 5th policy year / 6th to 10th policy year / 16th policy year onwards, respectpolicy administration charge is 0.42 % / 0.83 % / 0.83 % per month of the annual premium is deducted monthly for 1st to 5th policy year / 6th to 10th policy year / 16th policy year onwards,administration charge is 0.42 % / 0.83 % / 0.83 % per month of the annual premium is deducted monthly for 1st to 5th policy year / 6th to 10th policy year / 16th policy year onwards, respectcharge is 0.42 % / 0.83 % / 0.83 % per month of the annual premium is deducted monthly for 1st to 5th policy year / 6th to 10th policy year / 16th policy year onwards, respectpolicy year / 6th to 10th policy year / 16th policy year onwards, respectpolicy year / 16th policy year onwards, respectpolicy year onwards, respectively.
Policy Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is Rs 10 per month increases @ 5 % per annuAdministration Charge: Policy administration charge is Rs 10 per month increases @ 5 % per annum every Charge: Policy administration charge is Rs 10 per month increases @ 5 % per annuadministration charge is Rs 10 per month increases @ 5 % per annum every charge is Rs 10 per month increases @ 5 % per annum every month.
Policy Administration Charge: A Policy Administration Charge of 0.25 % per month of the original annual premium will be deducted monthly and will increase by 5 % per annum on every policy anniversary, subject to a maximum charge of 0.4 % of the annual premium or Rs 500, per month, whichever is Policy Administration Charge: A Policy Administration Charge of 0.25 % per month of the original annual premium will be deducted monthly and will increase by 5 % per annum on every policy anniversary, subject to a maximum charge of 0.4 % of the annual premium or Rs 500, per month, whichever is Charge: A Policy Administration Charge of 0.25 % per month of the original annual premium will be deducted monthly and will increase by 5 % per annum on every policy anniversary, subject to a maximum charge of 0.4 % of the annual premium or Rs 500, per month, whichever is Policy Administration Charge of 0.25 % per month of the original annual premium will be deducted monthly and will increase by 5 % per annum on every policy anniversary, subject to a maximum charge of 0.4 % of the annual premium or Rs 500, per month, whichever is Charge of 0.25 % per month of the original annual premium will be deducted monthly and will increase by 5 % per annum on every policy anniversary, subject to a maximum charge of 0.4 % of the annual premium or Rs 500, per month, whichever is policy anniversary, subject to a maximum charge of 0.4 % of the annual premium or Rs 500, per month, whichever is charge of 0.4 % of the annual premium or Rs 500, per month, whichever is lower.
Policy Administration Charge: The Policy administration charge is Rs 100 per month levied at the beginning of every policy monthly anniversary and it is deducted by cancelling appropriate Policy Administration Charge: The Policy administration charge is Rs 100 per month levied at the beginning of every policy monthly anniversary and it is deducted by cancelling apprAdministration Charge: The Policy administration charge is Rs 100 per month levied at the beginning of every policy monthly anniversary and it is deducted by cancelling appropriate Charge: The Policy administration charge is Rs 100 per month levied at the beginning of every policy monthly anniversary and it is deducted by cancelling appropriate Policy administration charge is Rs 100 per month levied at the beginning of every policy monthly anniversary and it is deducted by cancelling appradministration charge is Rs 100 per month levied at the beginning of every policy monthly anniversary and it is deducted by cancelling appropriate charge is Rs 100 per month levied at the beginning of every policy monthly anniversary and it is deducted by cancelling appropriate policy monthly anniversary and it is deducted by cancelling appropriate units.
Policy Administration Charge — A monthly charge of Rs. 100 is deducted from the fund value at the start of each Charge — A monthly charge of Rs. 100 is deducted from the fund value at the start of each charge of Rs. 100 is deducted from the fund value at the start of each month.
Policy Administration Charge: The charge is 0.40 % per month inflating from 6th policy year at 5.50 % p.a subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per month or 0.5 f premium per month whichever is Policy Administration Charge: The charge is 0.40 % per month inflating from 6th policy year at 5.50 % p.a subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per month or 0.5 f premium per month whichever is Charge: The charge is 0.40 % per month inflating from 6th policy year at 5.50 % p.a subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per month or 0.5 f premium per month whichever is charge is 0.40 % per month inflating from 6th policy year at 5.50 % p.a subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per month or 0.5 f premium per month whichever is policy year at 5.50 % p.a subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per month or 0.5 f premium per month whichever is lower.
Policy Administration Charge: The Policy administration charge is 0.25 % / 0.18 % / 0.15 % per month levied for annualized premium of less than Rs 36,000 / Rs 36,000 to less than Rs 50,000 / Rs 50,000 and above,Administration Charge: The Policy administration charge is 0.25 % / 0.18 % / 0.15 % per month levied for annualized premium of less than Rs 36,000 / Rs 36,000 to less than Rs 50,000 / Rs 50,000 and above, respectCharge: The Policy administration charge is 0.25 % / 0.18 % / 0.15 % per month levied for annualized premium of less than Rs 36,000 / Rs 36,000 to less than Rs 50,000 / Rs 50,000 and above,administration charge is 0.25 % / 0.18 % / 0.15 % per month levied for annualized premium of less than Rs 36,000 / Rs 36,000 to less than Rs 50,000 / Rs 50,000 and above, respectcharge is 0.25 % / 0.18 % / 0.15 % per month levied for annualized premium of less than Rs 36,000 / Rs 36,000 to less than Rs 50,000 / Rs 50,000 and above, respectively.
The policy administration charge of Rs 40 per month is levied through the entire policy term.
Policy Administration Charge: The policy administration charge is 0.46 % per month of the annual premium is deducted monthly from 1st to 5th policyPolicy Administration Charge: The policy administration charge is 0.46 % per month of the annual premium is deducted monthly from 1st to 5tAdministration Charge: The policy administration charge is 0.46 % per month of the annual premium is deducted monthly from 1st to 5th policyCharge: The policy administration charge is 0.46 % per month of the annual premium is deducted monthly from 1st to 5th policypolicy administration charge is 0.46 % per month of the annual premium is deducted monthly from 1st to 5tadministration charge is 0.46 % per month of the annual premium is deducted monthly from 1st to 5th policycharge is 0.46 % per month of the annual premium is deducted monthly from 1st to 5th policypolicy year.
The Policy Administration Charge of Rs 33.33 per month is deducted.
Policy Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is 50 per month, increasing @ 5 % per annum on each policy annivePolicy Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is 50 per month, increasing @ 5 % per annum on each policAdministration Charge: Policy administration charge is 50 per month, increasing @ 5 % per annum on each policy anniveCharge: Policy administration charge is 50 per month, increasing @ 5 % per annum on each policy annivePolicy administration charge is 50 per month, increasing @ 5 % per annum on each policadministration charge is 50 per month, increasing @ 5 % per annum on each policy annivecharge is 50 per month, increasing @ 5 % per annum on each policy annivepolicy anniversary.
Policy Administration Charge: For five pay & regular pay, Policy administration charge is Rs 400 per month (Rs 4800 per annum) for the first five policy Policy Administration Charge: For five pay & regular pay, Policy administration charge is Rs 400 per month (Rs 4800 per annum) for the first fiveAdministration Charge: For five pay & regular pay, Policy administration charge is Rs 400 per month (Rs 4800 per annum) for the first five policy Charge: For five pay & regular pay, Policy administration charge is Rs 400 per month (Rs 4800 per annum) for the first five policy Policy administration charge is Rs 400 per month (Rs 4800 per annum) for the first fiveadministration charge is Rs 400 per month (Rs 4800 per annum) for the first five policy charge is Rs 400 per month (Rs 4800 per annum) for the first five policy policy years.
Policy Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is 0.05 % per month on the annualized premium during 1st to 5th policy Policy Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is 0.05 % per month on the annualized premium during 1st to 5thAdministration Charge: Policy administration charge is 0.05 % per month on the annualized premium during 1st to 5th policy Charge: Policy administration charge is 0.05 % per month on the annualized premium during 1st to 5th policy Policy administration charge is 0.05 % per month on the annualized premium during 1st to 5thadministration charge is 0.05 % per month on the annualized premium during 1st to 5th policy charge is 0.05 % per month on the annualized premium during 1st to 5th policy policy years.
Policy Administration Charge: For the 1st policy year, the Policy administration charge is 0.13 % per month of the total premiums paid.The charge will be deducted monthly, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per Policy Administration Charge: For the 1st policy year, the Policy administration charge is 0.13 % per month of the total premiums paid.The charge will be deducted monthly, subject to a maximum of Rs Administration Charge: For the 1st policy year, the Policy administration charge is 0.13 % per month of the total premiums paid.The charge will be deducted monthly, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per Charge: For the 1st policy year, the Policy administration charge is 0.13 % per month of the total premiums paid.The charge will be deducted monthly, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per policy year, the Policy administration charge is 0.13 % per month of the total premiums paid.The charge will be deducted monthly, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per Policy administration charge is 0.13 % per month of the total premiums paid.The charge will be deducted monthly, subject to a maximum of Rs administration charge is 0.13 % per month of the total premiums paid.The charge will be deducted monthly, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per charge is 0.13 % per month of the total premiums paid.The charge will be deducted monthly, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per charge will be deducted monthly, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per month.
Policy Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is 0.05 % per month on the annual premium during 1st to 5th policy Policy Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is 0.05 % per month on the annual premium during 1st to 5thAdministration Charge: Policy administration charge is 0.05 % per month on the annual premium during 1st to 5th policy Charge: Policy administration charge is 0.05 % per month on the annual premium during 1st to 5th policy Policy administration charge is 0.05 % per month on the annual premium during 1st to 5thadministration charge is 0.05 % per month on the annual premium during 1st to 5th policy charge is 0.05 % per month on the annual premium during 1st to 5th policy policy years.
Policy Administration Charge: For Single Pay, the policy administration charge is 0.12 % of Single Premium per month for 1st to 5th policyPolicy Administration Charge: For Single Pay, the policy administration charge is 0.12 % of Single Premium per month for 1st to 5tAdministration Charge: For Single Pay, the policy administration charge is 0.12 % of Single Premium per month for 1st to 5th policyCharge: For Single Pay, the policy administration charge is 0.12 % of Single Premium per month for 1st to 5th policypolicy administration charge is 0.12 % of Single Premium per month for 1st to 5tadministration charge is 0.12 % of Single Premium per month for 1st to 5th policycharge is 0.12 % of Single Premium per month for 1st to 5th policypolicy year.
For Limited / Regular Pay, the policy administration charge is 0.39 % per month of the annualized premium increasing @ 5 % per annum on each Policy Anniversary from 6th policy year onpolicy administration charge is 0.39 % per month of the annualized premium increasing @ 5 % per annum on each Policy Anniversary from 6th policy year onPolicy Anniversary from 6th policy year onpolicy year onwards.
Policy Administration Charge: For five pay, Policy administration charge is 0.21 % per month (2.52 % per annum) from 1st policy year to Premium PaymentPolicy Administration Charge: For five pay, Policy administration charge is 0.21 % per month (2.52 % per annum) from 1st policy year to PremiumAdministration Charge: For five pay, Policy administration charge is 0.21 % per month (2.52 % per annum) from 1st policy year to Premium PaymentCharge: For five pay, Policy administration charge is 0.21 % per month (2.52 % per annum) from 1st policy year to Premium PaymentPolicy administration charge is 0.21 % per month (2.52 % per annum) from 1st policy year to Premiumadministration charge is 0.21 % per month (2.52 % per annum) from 1st policy year to Premium Paymentcharge is 0.21 % per month (2.52 % per annum) from 1st policy year to Premium Paymentpolicy year to Premium Payment term.
Policy Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is 0.05 % per month of the annualized premium during 1st to 5th policy Policy Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is 0.05 % per month of the annualized premium during 1st to 5thAdministration Charge: Policy administration charge is 0.05 % per month of the annualized premium during 1st to 5th policy Charge: Policy administration charge is 0.05 % per month of the annualized premium during 1st to 5th policy Policy administration charge is 0.05 % per month of the annualized premium during 1st to 5thadministration charge is 0.05 % per month of the annualized premium during 1st to 5th policy charge is 0.05 % per month of the annualized premium during 1st to 5th policy policy years.
Policy Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is 1.6 % per annum of the single premium, subject to a maximum of Rs Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is 1.6 % per annum of the single premium, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per Charge: Policy administration charge is 1.6 % per annum of the single premium, subject to a maximum of Rs administration charge is 1.6 % per annum of the single premium, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per charge is 1.6 % per annum of the single premium, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per month.
The Policy administration charge is subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per month.
Policy Administration Charge: The monthly Policy Administration Charge will be deducted by cancelling units at the beginning of each month.
Policy Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is Rs 30 per month, increases by 5 % p.a compounding annually on every policy annivePolicy Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is Rs 30 per month, increases by 5 % p.a compounding annually on every policAdministration Charge: Policy administration charge is Rs 30 per month, increases by 5 % p.a compounding annually on every policy anniveCharge: Policy administration charge is Rs 30 per month, increases by 5 % p.a compounding annually on every policy annivePolicy administration charge is Rs 30 per month, increases by 5 % p.a compounding annually on every policadministration charge is Rs 30 per month, increases by 5 % p.a compounding annually on every policy annivecharge is Rs 30 per month, increases by 5 % p.a compounding annually on every policy annivepolicy anniversary.
Policy Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is 0.25 % / 0.30 % of annualized premium per month for 1st to 5th policy year / 6th policy year onwards, respectively subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per Policy Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is 0.25 % / 0.30 % of annualized premium per month for 1st to 5th policy year / 6th policy year onwards, respectively subject to a maximum of Rs Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is 0.25 % / 0.30 % of annualized premium per month for 1st to 5th policy year / 6th policy year onwards, respectively subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per Charge: Policy administration charge is 0.25 % / 0.30 % of annualized premium per month for 1st to 5th policy year / 6th policy year onwards, respectively subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per Policy administration charge is 0.25 % / 0.30 % of annualized premium per month for 1st to 5th policy year / 6th policy year onwards, respectively subject to a maximum of Rs administration charge is 0.25 % / 0.30 % of annualized premium per month for 1st to 5th policy year / 6th policy year onwards, respectively subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per charge is 0.25 % / 0.30 % of annualized premium per month for 1st to 5th policy year / 6th policy year onwards, respectively subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per policy year / 6th policy year onwards, respectively subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per policy year onwards, respectively subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per annum.
Policy Administration Charge: This policy administration charge is a percentage of the annual premium and it is levied every month for the first 10 policy Policy Administration Charge: This policy administration charge is a percentage of the annual premium and it is levied every month for the first 10Administration Charge: This policy administration charge is a percentage of the annual premium and it is levied every month for the first 10 policy Charge: This policy administration charge is a percentage of the annual premium and it is levied every month for the first 10 policy policy administration charge is a percentage of the annual premium and it is levied every month for the first 10administration charge is a percentage of the annual premium and it is levied every month for the first 10 policy charge is a percentage of the annual premium and it is levied every month for the first 10 policy policy years.
Policy Administration Charge: The Policy administration charge is 0.10 % / 0.05 % per month during 1st to 5th policy year / 6th policy year onwards, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per Policy Administration Charge: The Policy administration charge is 0.10 % / 0.05 % per month during 1st to 5th policy year / 6th policy year onwards, subject to a maximum of Rs Administration Charge: The Policy administration charge is 0.10 % / 0.05 % per month during 1st to 5th policy year / 6th policy year onwards, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per Charge: The Policy administration charge is 0.10 % / 0.05 % per month during 1st to 5th policy year / 6th policy year onwards, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per Policy administration charge is 0.10 % / 0.05 % per month during 1st to 5th policy year / 6th policy year onwards, subject to a maximum of Rs administration charge is 0.10 % / 0.05 % per month during 1st to 5th policy year / 6th policy year onwards, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per charge is 0.10 % / 0.05 % per month during 1st to 5th policy year / 6th policy year onwards, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per policy year / 6th policy year onwards, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per policy year onwards, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per month.
Policy Administration Charge: The policy administration charge as 0.31 % per month of the annual premium is deducted moPolicy Administration Charge: The policy administration charge as 0.31 % per month of the annual premium is dedAdministration Charge: The policy administration charge as 0.31 % per month of the annual premium is deducted moCharge: The policy administration charge as 0.31 % per month of the annual premium is deducted mopolicy administration charge as 0.31 % per month of the annual premium is dedadministration charge as 0.31 % per month of the annual premium is deducted mocharge as 0.31 % per month of the annual premium is deducted monthly.
The policy administration charge is Rs 20 per month for the first five policy years.
Policy Administration Charge: This policy administration charge is levied at the start of every policy month by cancelling appropriate units from the investment Policy Administration Charge: This policy administration charge is levied at the start of every policy month by cancelling appropriate units from the invAdministration Charge: This policy administration charge is levied at the start of every policy month by cancelling appropriate units from the investment Charge: This policy administration charge is levied at the start of every policy month by cancelling appropriate units from the investment policy administration charge is levied at the start of every policy month by cancelling appropriate units from the invadministration charge is levied at the start of every policy month by cancelling appropriate units from the investment charge is levied at the start of every policy month by cancelling appropriate units from the investment policy month by cancelling appropriate units from the investment funds.
Total Policy Administration Charge may be increased up to a maximum of 1.50 % of annual premium per month.
Policy Administration Charge: The policy administration charge is different for different premium bands, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per month (Rs 6,000 per aPolicy Administration Charge: The policy administration charge is different for different premium bands, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per month (Rs 6,0Administration Charge: The policy administration charge is different for different premium bands, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per month (Rs 6,000 per aCharge: The policy administration charge is different for different premium bands, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per month (Rs 6,000 per apolicy administration charge is different for different premium bands, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per month (Rs 6,0administration charge is different for different premium bands, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per month (Rs 6,000 per acharge is different for different premium bands, subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per month (Rs 6,000 per annum).
For annual mode, the policy administration charge is 0.25 % / 0.10 % / 0.05 % per month for year 1 to year 5 when annual premium is less than Rs 5,00,000 / Rs 5,00,000 to Rs 9,99,999 / equal to or more than Rs 10,00,000, respectively.
Policy Administration Charge: The Policy administration charge is 0.50 % / 0.25 % per month during 1st to 5th policy year / 6th policy year onPolicy Administration Charge: The Policy administration charge is 0.50 % / 0.25 % per month during 1st to 5th policy year / 6th policyAdministration Charge: The Policy administration charge is 0.50 % / 0.25 % per month during 1st to 5th policy year / 6th policy year onCharge: The Policy administration charge is 0.50 % / 0.25 % per month during 1st to 5th policy year / 6th policy year onPolicy administration charge is 0.50 % / 0.25 % per month during 1st to 5th policy year / 6th policyadministration charge is 0.50 % / 0.25 % per month during 1st to 5th policy year / 6th policy year oncharge is 0.50 % / 0.25 % per month during 1st to 5th policy year / 6th policy year onpolicy year / 6th policy year onpolicy year onwards.
Policy Administration Charge: For regular / limited pay, Policy administration charge is Rs 6000 per annum (Rs 500 per month) through the entire policyPolicy Administration Charge: For regular / limited pay, Policy administration charge is Rs 6000 per annum (Rs 500 per month) through the entirAdministration Charge: For regular / limited pay, Policy administration charge is Rs 6000 per annum (Rs 500 per month) through the entire policyCharge: For regular / limited pay, Policy administration charge is Rs 6000 per annum (Rs 500 per month) through the entire policyPolicy administration charge is Rs 6000 per annum (Rs 500 per month) through the entiradministration charge is Rs 6000 per annum (Rs 500 per month) through the entire policycharge is Rs 6000 per annum (Rs 500 per month) through the entire policypolicy term.
For semi-annual & monthly mode, the policy administration charge is 0.25 % / 0.10 % / 0.05 % per month for year 1 to year 10 when annual premium is less than Rs 5,00,000 / Rs 5,00,000 to Rs 9,99,999 / equal to or more than Rs 10,00,000, respectively.
If settlement option is selected, policy administration charge of Rs 40 per month will be deducted.
Policy Administration Charge: 0.13 % per month of the total premiums paid will be charged.
Policy Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is Rs 300 / Rs 200 for regular & limited pay / single pay, respectively subject to a maximum of Rs Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is Rs 300 / Rs 200 for regular & limited pay / single pay, respectively subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per Charge: Policy administration charge is Rs 300 / Rs 200 for regular & limited pay / single pay, respectively subject to a maximum of Rs administration charge is Rs 300 / Rs 200 for regular & limited pay / single pay, respectively subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per charge is Rs 300 / Rs 200 for regular & limited pay / single pay, respectively subject to a maximum of Rs 500 per month.
Policy Administration Charge: The Policy administration charge is Rs 60 per month and it is deducted at the beginning of every policy monthly anniversary by cancelling appropriate Policy Administration Charge: The Policy administration charge is Rs 60 per month and it is deducted at the beginning of every policy monthly anniversary by cancelling apprAdministration Charge: The Policy administration charge is Rs 60 per month and it is deducted at the beginning of every policy monthly anniversary by cancelling appropriate Charge: The Policy administration charge is Rs 60 per month and it is deducted at the beginning of every policy monthly anniversary by cancelling appropriate Policy administration charge is Rs 60 per month and it is deducted at the beginning of every policy monthly anniversary by cancelling appradministration charge is Rs 60 per month and it is deducted at the beginning of every policy monthly anniversary by cancelling appropriate charge is Rs 60 per month and it is deducted at the beginning of every policy monthly anniversary by cancelling appropriate policy monthly anniversary by cancelling appropriate units.
Policy Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is Rs 30 per month during the first 3 policy year and further, it is increased by 6 % per annum from 4th policy year onPolicy Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is Rs 30 per month during the first 3 policy year and further, it is increased by 6 % per annum from 4th policyAdministration Charge: Policy administration charge is Rs 30 per month during the first 3 policy year and further, it is increased by 6 % per annum from 4th policy year onCharge: Policy administration charge is Rs 30 per month during the first 3 policy year and further, it is increased by 6 % per annum from 4th policy year onPolicy administration charge is Rs 30 per month during the first 3 policy year and further, it is increased by 6 % per annum from 4th policyadministration charge is Rs 30 per month during the first 3 policy year and further, it is increased by 6 % per annum from 4th policy year oncharge is Rs 30 per month during the first 3 policy year and further, it is increased by 6 % per annum from 4th policy year onpolicy year and further, it is increased by 6 % per annum from 4th policy year onpolicy year onwards.
Policy Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is Rs 10 per month from 1st to 5th policy year, Rs 20 per month during 6th year and inflation of 4 % from 7th policy year onPolicy Administration Charge: Policy administration charge is Rs 10 per month from 1st to 5th policy year, Rs 20 per month during 6th year and inflation of 4 % from 7th policyAdministration Charge: Policy administration charge is Rs 10 per month from 1st to 5th policy year, Rs 20 per month during 6th year and inflation of 4 % from 7th policy year onCharge: Policy administration charge is Rs 10 per month from 1st to 5th policy year, Rs 20 per month during 6th year and inflation of 4 % from 7th policy year onPolicy administration charge is Rs 10 per month from 1st to 5th policy year, Rs 20 per month during 6th year and inflation of 4 % from 7th policyadministration charge is Rs 10 per month from 1st to 5th policy year, Rs 20 per month during 6th year and inflation of 4 % from 7th policy year oncharge is Rs 10 per month from 1st to 5th policy year, Rs 20 per month during 6th year and inflation of 4 % from 7th policy year onpolicy year, Rs 20 per month during 6th year and inflation of 4 % from 7th policy year onpolicy year onwards.
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