Sentences with phrase «month entertainment budget»

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Though Mihalic had budgeted $ 850 a month for entertainment, he was commonly spending $ 1,300 monthly.
If you've never created a budget or if you need a refresher, the simplest way to get going is to write down every single expense in a given month, then break them down into two categories: fixed expenses (the things you must pay, like rent, bills and loan payments) and discretionary expenses (things you control, like food, entertainment, car - related expenses and clothes).
We sat down with our kids and looked closely at their day - to - day lives and then decided on what we would pay for such as clothing, cell phone plans and after - school activities and sports fees and then gave them a budget for the rest such as entertainment (the price of a movie ticket once a month), gifts (birthdays, holidays, church), their craving for school cafeteria food — which we capped at twice a week — plus a small stipend.
Free internet dating opportunities are hard to ignore when you are looking at your entertainment budget for the month.
You have some flexibility; for example, if you hit your monthly entertainment budget early in a month because you go to a concert, visit the library for the rest of the month to check out books and DVDs for free.
I try to keep my entertainment budget (one of my only expenses) to $ 100 - 200 a month, which usually only includes takeout foods / dining out, books, and video games.
I like to use the envelope system for budgeting, but I can't escape the convenience of debit cards, so a few months ago I set up 5 debit cards, one for my primary account, food, gasoline, household items and personal entertainment.
When these little rentals start to add up to big amounts every month, it's time to take a look at that entertainment budget and consider ways to cut.
You transfer an everyday spending budget into a second account that you use for your regular expenses throughout the month e.g. food shopping, travel, petrol, entertainment.
To see how much of your budget you are depleting on entertainment, eating out, coffee, clothing, and other excessive or unnecessary expenses take a look at your past few months» worths of spending.
Friends won't understand when you say no because you have already spent your entertainment budget for the month, but you will thank yourself later.
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