Sentences with phrase «month temporary ban»

A quickie on a seriously shocking situation: As Mongabay and BBC News report, Nepal has announced a two month temporary ban on all logging in the

Not exact matches

Last month, he placed a temporary ban on restaurants that prevents them from accessing the program, and has been vowing that a new slate of rule changes was on the horizon.
White evangelicals were also the only religious group whose endorsement of a temporary ban on Muslims entered the US grew over the past nine months, according to a recent PRRI survey.
Under current law, new legal highs are subject to a temporary banning order for 12 months, which is usually made permanent after that period.
The increase in Cuomo's numbers — and the drop in support for Trump — come amid a series of stumbles for the new president during his first month in office and the Democratic governor's vocal opposition to a temporary ban on immigration from seven predominantly Muslim countries and refugees.
Despite an appeals court's temporary lift this month of the funding ban, the injunction «has placed a cloud of uncertainty over this entire field,» Harkin noted.
But last month, under orders from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Steel told his two staff members working with PR8 to put their experiments on hold and find other things to do while NIH decides whether the work falls under a temporary ban on risky virus experiments.
Florida's unusually long cold snap this month led to a record - high manatee count, an unprecedented rescue of 5,000 sea turtles and massive fish kills that prompted a few temporary fishing bans.
Already, there is speculation that the exchange «ban,» which took place suddenly this month, but was never formalized, may be temporary.
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