Sentences with phrase «month tour»

Our international fashion month tour has come to a close.
With Korean men usually having to start their military service by the time they are 28, this Jakarta tournament, to be held in August, offers the last realistic opportunity for the player to win the gold medal that will him earn exemption from the 21 - month tour of duty.
March 2018 The end of my three - month tour in America.
He has spent many days in the last few months touring the Detroit office market with multiple groups of out - of - state investors.
The longtime legislator from the tony Finger Lakes city of Canandaigua has spent the last several months touring the state and said he's «jumping off the cliff» because most people he's met don't think the state government is working for them.
CARACAS (Reuters)- Chauffeured around in a sleek black pick - up, the head of Venezuela's oil industry, Major General Manuel Quevedo, last month toured a joint venture with U.S. major Chevron.
Kerrihard began painting full time in 1990 after a four month tour through Europe.
Next months tour will include a spring tablescape and the reveal of a $ 5K auction donation makeover.
«On top of basic pay, personnel deployed in Afghanistan for a six month tour receive a tax free operational allowance worth an additional # 2,380 and a longer separation allowance worth at least # 1,194.»
Goss completed a 6 - month tour at the beginning of the war as part of a Marine reserve unit out of Little Rock, then returned to his studies at Harding.
hear go, s i widower like watching rugby walking swimming have a touring caravan so like to get away when i can they say i do nt look my age my photo was taken this month
31 October: Cairo to Constantinople at The Queen's Gallery — This exhibition follows the journey taken by the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII) in 1862, as he undertook a four month tour around the Middle East.
He was a journalist for BBC Look East for several years and in 2009 he completed a three month tour of duty in Afghanistan.
Naveed Shah Realtor and Business Manager A longtime resident of Northern Virginia and a Veteran of the U.S. Army, Naveed completed 4 years on active duty in 2010, including a 12 month tour in Iraq.
«If shortlisted to be Labour's candidate, I will spend the next few months touring the region, listening to people across East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire to determine their needs and concerns,» he added.
In a 10 - month tour with a narcotics team, he made 200 arrests.
When Guy Laurence, the former CEO of Rogers Communications Inc. (which owns Canadian Business), took the reins of the telecom three years ago, he spent several months touring the country, talking to everyone from cable installers to call centre staffers to mid-level managers about their concerns.
Brought back memories of a 3 month tour through the south, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida Keys.
However irritating it might be that the bonus you gave in December funded your millennial's three month tour of the Southwest in February, support their exploration and share in their joy.
The aircraft was on a four - month tour to the Pacific to replace the B - 2 Spirit bombers which had been grounded following the loss of one of them on the same base in February 2008.
He's asked for more research to confirm women are able to physically able to cope with the demands of being on the front - line, and perform full six - month tours.
And when his 15 - month tour was over, Turner returned home to face all the problems he had counseled his soldiers about: anger, depression, stress and — most important for him — preserving relationships with loved ones.
Darryl Keitt, of Elizabeth, New Jersey, who spent about seven months touring the country in a caravan of RVs, sharing the doomsday warning, wrote in a text message.
«I personally spent about six months touring the country to develop those relationships, determining who were the most capable, highest - quality suppliers out there to support our needs,» Ahlgren says.
Rod Laver got one and Dick Stockton the other as the WCT started a four - month tour that will reach the world's capitals and crannies.
Stints with the national team, as well as his three - month tour in the IBA, caught the attention of the Rockets, who invited him to join their summer - league team after he went undrafted in 2001.
After a seven - month tour that nearly spanned the seasons and the globe, the NBA's road show ended with a dunk by big Bill Russell
He worked in intelligence and security during his 12 - year military career, took part in a five - month tour of duty with peace - monitoring forces in Bougainville, and also found time to complete Masters degrees in business administration and information technology by part - time study.
Military personnel on active service overseas will receive twice as much operational allowance, bringing it to an average of # 4,800 for a six - month tour of duty.
Troops in Iraq or Afghanistan will be the first to receive the # 140 rebate, paid for every six - month tour of duty.
The Minister of Youth and Sports, Isaac Asiamah has for the past couple of months toured every region in the country, taking the government's sports infrastructure plan to the people and assuring the youth of the government's belief in them.
Andy Burnham and Keir Starmer will today begin a three - month tour of the country «to listen to public concerns on immigration while the party rethinks its policy agenda».
The program includes awards for short - term (4 month) visits as well as 6 - 9 month tours.
Velocity wins, leaving each ISS astronaut who completes a six - month tour of duty 0.007 seconds younger than someone...
In April, two semiautonomous drones, developed by Saildrone, a marine tech startup based in Alameda, California, in close collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Washington, D.C., are set to return from an 8 - month tour of the Pacific Ocean.
Powered by solar panels, Phoenix is set to take a three - month tour of the plains near the north pole of Mars, enduring surface temperatures from — 100 to — 28 degrees Fahrenheit -LRB--- 73 to — 33 degrees Celsius).
Opportunity's mission was originally planned as a three - month tour of Mars.
China's partnership with IRRI began in 1974, when then Director General Nyle Brady provided China with seeds of IRRI - developed varieties during a one - month tour of the country.
A three month tour of India is on Scarlett Johansson's fantasy itinerary.
The 3D computer animated adventure comedy, produced by Illumination Entertainment and distributed by Universal Pictures, chose an amusing marketing campaign to promote the movie that will soon be in theatres: a blimp disguised as a Minion, named «Despicablimp,» has been touring the United States since March 2013 in its six - month tour to advertise the film's release.
Educator and political activist George Counts shipped a Ford sedan to Leningrad and set out on a three - month tour, extolling the role Soviet schools played in «the greatest social experiment in history.»
This isn't as misleading as it sounds: I am here with the Dreamtime Circus, a group of theatrical fire dancers from San Francisco whose mission is to spread environmental awareness and circus joy throughout India during a six - month tour of the country.
Hemon was on a one - month tour of the United States when his city was besieged, and the visit...
Alternating between the families at home and the soldiers in Iraq, this insightful program follows nine Arkansas National Guardsmen as they adjust to an 18 - month tour of duty and speak frankly about the physical danger, emotional toll, and damage to relationships.
He graduated from Fordham University in 1956, and joined the US Army Reserve, serving a six - month tour of duty in Korea (3 - years after the cease - fire).
He graduated from Fordham University in 1956, and joined the US Army Reserve, serving a six - month tour of duty in Korea (3 - years after the...
When Toler's crew is assigned to notorious merchant Jakob Calistari and his cargo for a four - month tour of the Amber Coast, their expertise - and their lives - will be put on the line.
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