Sentences with phrase «monthly temperatures»

An annual value is available if there are 10 valid monthly temperature anomaly values.
The graph at right shows long - term average monthly temperatures and the average temperatures of recent months.
First, a series of monthly temperature differences is formed between numerous pairs of station series in a region.
He created a data base for each state which shows in what year that state's monthly temperature records were set.
A seasonal value is available if there are two valid monthly temperature anomaly values.
Each and every month the past monthly temperatures are revised.
Middle latitude monthly temperature variation is greater than in polar or tropical regions.
In practice monthly temperature estimates are not independent - hot months tend to follow hot months and cold months follow cold months.
An additional 15 states had monthly temperatures ranking among their ten warmest.
Monthly temperature anomalies (deviations from average) with the red line trend showing how we're getting hotter.
Each line shows how much the global monthly temperature was above or below the annual global mean from 1980 — 2015.
This is physically unrealistic in terms of the length - scale of monthly temperatures (see Question 12), with the 1961 — 1990 mean difference between these sites being just 0.3 °C.
March 2018 also had the highest monthly temperature departure from average since July 2017.
The extent to which two widely - used monthly temperature datasets are affected by urbanization bias was considered.
Linear regression on monthly temperature data, for instance, will give you a reliable trend, but the estimated * uncertainty * that most computer programs compute for the regression fit will be way off.
In July, several cities in the Southwest and Southeast broke monthly temperature records.
Comments On The New Paper «The United States Historical Climatology Network Monthly Temperature Data — Version 2 By Menne Et Al 2009
Wondering how that cold spell compares to recent times, atmospheric scientists Susan Solomon of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Aeronomy Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado, and Chuck Stearns of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, tracked the average monthly temperatures over the last 15 years at a series of four automated weather stations located, by coincidence, along Scott's return route.
This collection of charts depict NOAA's climate record frequency for maximum monthly temperatures across the contiguous U.S.
Instrumental, satellite and reanalysis temperatures since 1970... → Read More: Global monthly temperatures since 1970
The greatest departures were found across portions of Virginia, the Carolinas, northern Georgia, and northern Alabama, where monthly temperatures were 8 to 10 degrees F (4.4 to 5.6 degrees C) below average.
Here we show that, worldwide, the number of local record - breaking monthly temperature extremes is now on average five times larger than expected in a climate with no long - term warming.
To summarize, there is a severe annual cycle in the UAH LT data set that results in a noticeable divergence in both the global and tropical monthly temperature trends over the 1979 - 2008 period.
«We found that Hong Kong's urban mean air temperature has increased by 0.169 °C per 10 years over the past four decades using monthly temperature data, or 0.174 °C per 10 years using annual temperature data, and...
The simulated effects of changing monthly temperature and precipitation included a distinctive dieback of extant trees at most locations, with only partial recovery of biomass in areas of today's temperate deciduous forest.
Mean monthly temperatures also increased — from an average of about 30 degrees Fahrenheit during winter to about 64 degrees during summer, the researchers noted.
They say: «The algorithm starts by forming a large number of pairwise difference series between serial monthly temperature values from a region.
You can then easily read off how much monthly temperatures deviate from that average, which is called the temperature anomaly; if a month is colder than usual for that month in the data, that shows up as a negative anomaly.
A similar analysis performed on temperature found synoptically derived monthly temperatures differ by as much as 0.5 °C from CLIMAT temperatures (M. Halpert, personal communication, 1992).
Bohr then merged the survey data with state - specific monthly temperature averages collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Center for Environmental Information.
Daily records from Manhattan's Central Park show that average monthly temperatures already increased by 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit from 1901 to 2000 — substantially more than the global and U.S. trends.
Tracking monthly temperature rises and rainfall can help to predict when a cholera outbreak is likely to hit
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