Sentences with phrase «monumental feat»

Director Ryan Coogler (Fruitvale Station & Creed) enters «the big leagues» with Marvel's Black Panther, a somewhat monumental feat for the studio that has mostly featured films that skew towards the white male demographic.
Past Accomplishments >> Your support has helped us accomplish monumental feats.
Cuomo has a knack for being able to hammer through monumental feats of legislation even when the odds are against him and even after switching stances.
A monumental feat.
While actualizing self - care may seem like a monumental feat in between caring for the baby and perhaps other children, balancing housework, your relationship with your partner, and possibly your career — you can do it!
KIA's Terminal 3, is a monumental feat of engineering.
«It is noteworthy and indeed admirable that the Police Administration persisted in its efforts and administered the limited resources to achieve those monumental feats in the past year.
Breathing was difficult for her; swallowing was a monumental feat.
This monumental feat of logistics might well have dwarfed the human element, and yet Linklater keeps the movie buoyant, loose and warm; never straining for profundity and letting the process shape his story.
It will already be a monumental feat for any state consortium to actually manage a four - year, $ 160 million research, development, and deployment process against an aggressive time line.
It was a monumental feat, and it brought together students from our primary, middle, and secondary schools as they worked to design, engineer, carve, build, and paint these creations.
She wants the ability to rid her school quickly of teachers who can't live by that ethos, and she has been frustrated with the rules that make that a monumental feat in traditional public schools.
If two out of the last three years didn't result in increased academic growth scores, principals can see their pay cut — obviously a huge disincentive for skilled leaders, like Tulbert, to take on the monumental feat of turning around a low - performing school.
A monumental feat of multi-sensory descriptive writing too, that actually made me feel cold while under a warm duvet in a modern heated house.
The fact is that Hyatt has a comparatively small footprint compared to most of the popular hotel chains so it's actually quite hard to stay loyal to the chain — hitting 55 or 60 nights a year can actually be quite a monumental feat... especially if you're based outside of the US.
To accomplish this monumental feat they needed this next console to be able to be used quickly and easily by all.
Life is Strange performed a monumental feat of creating a new way to explore an episodic adventure game that brings back light puzzle solving, compelling characters and the ability to try and find out what way is the best way to get through the trying times of high school and young adult drama.
A monumental feat of Soviet engineering, with a dark secondary purpose — to serve as a refuge in the event of an atomic attack.
While Kjartansson's work speaks to a «naturalness» of landscape, he suggests but never reveals the monumental feat of creating the video.
Having discovered that the metric system was put into it's modern metric use (Please see full attached document) at the advent of the French Revolution, Antunes was able to study the information on this historic and monumental feat and in some cases, archival documentation by the original scientists.
Getting the peers to acknowledge the multivariate coherence will be a monumental feat as it takes away their modeling freedom by wiping out the patently false assumption of randomness.
On those fronts, Apple has achieved a monumental feat.
The series has been ported to every platform imaginable since then and has sold millions, a monumental feat for what started as a passion project from an indie developer.
Admittedly, identifying the best empirical studies on relationships is a monumental feat.
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