Sentences with phrase «monumental feat in»

She wants the ability to rid her school quickly of teachers who can't live by that ethos, and she has been frustrated with the rules that make that a monumental feat in traditional public schools.
While actualizing self - care may seem like a monumental feat in between caring for the baby and perhaps other children, balancing housework, your relationship with your partner, and possibly your career — you can do it!
«It is noteworthy and indeed admirable that the Police Administration persisted in its efforts and administered the limited resources to achieve those monumental feats in the past year.

Not exact matches

A monumental feat of multi-sensory descriptive writing too, that actually made me feel cold while under a warm duvet in a modern heated house.
One of the standouts, the monumental pastel Spring Flowers (Peonies)(c. 1889; 45 x 45 in., Terra Foundation), rivals the size of Chase's full length portraits — a rare feat for such a delicate medium (fig. 1).
Jason's ambitious presentation with Digifabshop results from a conversation over a year in the making, and the finished product is three monumental structures that were an engineering feat for our team to realize.
Having discovered that the metric system was put into it's modern metric use (Please see full attached document) at the advent of the French Revolution, Antunes was able to study the information on this historic and monumental feat and in some cases, archival documentation by the original scientists.
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